Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered – How to Get the Ring of Blizzard

Magicite rings can prove incredibly useful in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered, as they allow the player to bypass the need for Magicite entirely. This means the player can start any dungeon with a spell equipped so long as they have the proper ring, and can make spell fusion a lot easier when playing online with friends.

Of all the different Magicite rings in Crystal Chronicles Remastered, the Ring of Blizzard is arguably one of the easiest to get. This is because players can manipulate their score to guarantee that it drops if they play through the level in a specific way.

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In a similar way to how players can get the Ring of Cure in Crystal Chronicles Remastered, there are two ways the player can get the Ring of Blizzard. First, there are two specific enemies which have a chance, albeit a very low one, to drop it, and second is from defeating the boss of Veo Lu Sluice.


Veo Lu Sluice is accessible as early as Year 2, and players can actually get the Ring of Blizzard during Cycle 1 if they have a solid understanding of Crystal Chronicles Remastered‘s bonus point system. While traversing the level, players should be sure to kill Griffins, as the two in the sourtheastern edge of the map after draining the water have a chance to drop the Ring of Blizzard. It’s not a big problem if they don’t, though, as players are guaranteed to get a Ring of Blizzard in the rewards if they score less than 91 bonus points in single player (98 in 2P, 111 in 3P, 122 in 4P), but that strategy only works on Cycle 1.

Players that have already moved on past Cycle 1 of Veo Lu Sluice can still get the Ring of Blizzard a couple of ways. On every cycle those two griffins have a chance to drop the ring, and it still shows up as a reward in later cycles as well. It will be more difficult to obtain it in the later cycles, though, as it is largely random whether it will show up. In order to guarantee that the ring has a chance of being a reward, players will need to score 92 or more points in single player (99 in 2P, 112 in 3P, 123 in 4P). Try not to get too many points over this as that will decrease the chance of getting the ring. Because of the tight bonus point ranges, playing Veo Lu Sluice with friends can actually make it more difficult to get the ring.

Finally, another option would be for players to simply join up with others that still have access to Cycle 1 Veo Lu Sluice and try and get as few bonus points as possible. It should be said though that this will be tricky, as if the player gets less bonus points than their online companions, they are likely to snag the ring first. Still, having Blizzard available all the time can make Spell Fusion easier.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered is available now on Mobile, PS4, and Switch.

MORE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered’s Darkest Dungeon is Intense


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