When Marvel’s Avengers launches on Sept. 4 many gamers will be wondering if the problems they noticed during the beta period will be addressed in the official release. The game looks incredible, but every game has a few flaws and Marvel’s Avengers is no exception.
Some of the more well-known problems exposed during the beta period, like the online registration issues, were addressed quickly by Square Enix — and have not reoccurred. That should give players hope that other fixes will be resolved before the game launches, or shortly thereafter. Most of these issues will certainly be alleviated through DLC expansions.
10 Picking Up Items

Item retrieval in Marvel’s Avengers is handled much like it is in similar games. The item appears on the ground and the player needs to move over it in order to pick it up. In most games similar to this one, simply moving over the item immediately retrieves it, but in Marvel’s Avengers it is handled slightly differently — the player needs to stop for a moment while the item is “picked up.”.This is cumbersome to say the least, and needs to be fixed. Having items retrieved without the pause would immensely help the flow of the game.
9 Campaign Length

This is something that will certainly be expanded on in the future, but for now the single-player campaign mode is more than a little underwhelming. It doesn’t take too long to finish — about 12 hours for the average gamer. This will equate to maybe three days for most players, which is simply not a long-enough campaign mode. At 12 hours it feels more like an afterthought by the developers. It almost gives the impression that it’s only included to lure those gamers who prefer single-player campaign-type games versus multiplayer experiences.
8 PS4 Spider-Man Exclusive

Console exclusive content for a Marvel game is not exactly new. The Marvel Ultimate Alliance series was famous for making some characters exclusive to a particular console. The problem with Marvel’s Avengers is that only the PS4 is getting exclusive content — namely Spider-Man.
This is really more on Microsoft to fix. Microsoft could have gone to Crystal Dynamics and/or Square Enix while the game was still being developed and sought an exclusive character for the Xbox One or PC. Don’t be surprised if there is an Xbox One exclusive character offered via DLC a few months after launch, as Microsoft has the resources to make this happen — and likely hates losing market share to Sony.
7 Not Enough Replay Value

So the campaign mode in Marvel’s Avengers is too short. Then the multiplayer aspect of Marvel’s Avengers must be where this game will shine. Right? Maybe not.
A lot of players have complained that there isn’t much “there” in the multiplayer mode. Now the game has the problem of a lackluster campaign mode and not much of a multiplayer mode to keep players coming back. This issue could be compounded if the game adopts more of a pay-to-win model after its release. Players have praised the diversity of playstyle offered by playing as a different Avenger, but the small roster of characters to choose from doesn’t help the replay value at all.
6 Play Stoppage

In pretty much any game that plays similarly to Marvel’s Avengers, the player can continue (at least for a little while) to explore an area after completing a mission. In this game, things work a bit differently. As soon as the player completes the objectives of a mission a cutscene begins, and after this cutscene finishes the player is almost always controlling a different character in a different area. In multi-play, the mission ends the instant the objective(s) are completed. The problem here is that any items left behind are gone forever. A small amount of time should be given for item retrieval after a successful mission.
5 Better Information For Bonuses

One really cool game mechanic found in Marvel’s Avengers is the ability to upgrade a character’s gear, which gives that character certain bonuses. This mechanic is hardly innovative, but is always a welcome addition to any game.
The problem with Marvel’s Avengers is that it’s not always clear what bonus will be acquired. Players should be shown exactly what will be gained for upgrading a piece of a character’s gear. It’s not like the upgrade information can’t be found online anyway, so why force players to waste time looking up this information? Just put it in the game.
4 Better Team Member A.I.

A lot of games have computer-controlled teammates to help the player on missions. Unfortunately, many games with this feature have much better A.I. for these bots than Marvel’s Avengers. The A.I. isn’t bad (at all), but it could certainly be better. All players can hope for with these A.I. teammates is help with combat. Any other strategies involving them should be forgotten; all they do is run around the map looking for enemies to attack. Being able to issue simple commands like guarding a set area would greatly help with this issue.
3 Forced Registration

Marvel’s Avengers may have a campaign mode, but it is primarily an online experience. Forced registration with the publisher in order to access multiplayer game modes is something that gamers have had to deal with for many years now.
The problem is that during the beta period players were having trouble connecting to Square Enix due to the heavy amount of traffic. When the game officially launches, Square Enix will hopefully have their servers ready for the demand. It’s never fun to buy a new game and not be able to play it because the publisher’s servers are overloaded.
2 Repetitiveness

Crystal Dynamics did an excellent job at giving each Avenger a playstyle that felt unique. Hulk smashes, Iron Man has his repulsor beams, Captain America and Black Widow play much like Batman in the Arkham series, and Thor plays with a brawling style similar to the Hulk, but with Mjolnir.
The problem here is one suffered by even universally beloved games like God of War, Elder Scrolls, and the Dark Souls series: repetitiveness. After a while the gameplay can become mindless button-mashing with little reward. This problem is easily solved by introducing new characters periodically.
1 Lack Of Action In The Campaign Mode

The campaign mode is short, but there are also large chunks of it that don’t have any action whatsoever. There is far too much time spent running through very linear levels without many — or any — enemies or serious obstacles to overcome. Its shortness and lack of action make the campaign mode feel more like a poorly disguised tutorial for the online section of the game.
Again, this is a problem that can easily be fixed via DLC expansions. It would be worth paying to have these expansions bring more gameplay options, such as a more open-world style, to the campaign mode.

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