The official Pokemon Center stores are famous in Japan for selling high quality Pokemon merchandise to patrons. While official Pokemon Center stores popped up in London, New York, and Paris, the physical stores for those locations have since closed down.
Thankfully, the Pokemon Center website acts as an official way to buy high-quality Pokemon merchandise online. Now, the Pokemon Center website has announced its official line of merchandise and apparel for Halloween 2020.
The official Pokemon Center sells merchandise for all sorts of seasonal and holiday events. In fact, back in May the Pokemon Center sold plenty of Summer merchandise in the form of Pokemon-themed tank tops, hoodies, and even inflatable beach with various Pokeball designs. Usually, the Pokemon Center’s seasonal and holiday events include merchandise like clothing or plush toys themed around certain events. Halloween 2020 is no exception, with an official collection being unveiled on the official Pokemon Center US website.
While Pokemon has often collaborated with clothing brands in the past to create awesome Pokemon-themed apparel like the Adidas and Pokemon sneakers, the Pokemon Center’s merchandise is all handled by The Pokemon Company itself. The Halloween 2020 collection features a variety of Halloween-themed apparel and merchandise, like keychains and plushies. However, only a handful of items are available to order now, with many other items labeled as ‘coming soon.’ The available items include T-Shirts with various Halloween-themed Pokemon designs featuring Pokemon like Gengar, Pikachu, Espeon, and Umbreon.

Of course, these items are official Pokemon merchandise, so they do run with a premium cost attached to them. Still, they’re far less expensive than other Pokemon collaboration items like the surprisingly expensive Pikachu hat from CA4LA in Japan.
The items listed as ‘coming soon’ include Pokemon plushes, reversible hats, keychains, figures, and posters featuring a wide variety of Pokemon in Halloween costumes. Generation 8 Pokemon like Yamper, Morpeko, Grookey, Sobble, and Scorbunny will feature prominently in the collection along with other spooky Pokemon like Litwick, Gengar, Mimikyu, and Cofagrigus.
All of these items can be ordered on the US Pokemon Center website and shipped anywhere within the country. While it’s unfortunate that the US doesn’t have official in-person Pokemon Center stores of its own, it seems shopping online is probably the best option of most people around the world right now anyway. In fact, one popular Japanese Pokemon Center store recently closed after employees tested positive for COVID-19. Thankfully, fans can shop from the comfort of there own homes and celebrate Pokemon this Halloween season.
Source: Pokemon Center
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