Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 – When Would It Take Place?

It’s coming up to a year since Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was released, and in that time, no sequel has been officially confirmed. But, there have been enough significant rumors to suggest that a new Jedi Fallen Order game is inevitable at this point. Disney was reportedly very happy with the release of Jedi Fallen Order and wants to create more single player Star Wars games, not to mention EA has confirmed that Jedi Fallen Order is the first in a new Star Wars game franchise.

Considering how Jedi Fallen Order ended, what or when this sequel will cover is anyone’s guess. The game concluded with the main hero, Cal Kestis, choosing to destroy the holocron he’d spent the entire game searching for in order to leave the fate of force-sensitive children in the hands of the Force. Where Cal and the crew of the Mantis go after this is an unanswered question, and with so many years of potential Star Wars history, there are a number of time periods the next game could explore.

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Jedi: Fallen Order jumps between time periods, but there are enough clues in the story to establish where the game fits on the Star Wars timeline. Cal’s flashbacks take him back to his time as a Padawan and unfold to show the exact moments that lead up to Order 66 taking place, which uproots his life. In the present narrative timeline, it’s been around five years since Order 66, also known as 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, and Darth Vader and his Inquisitors are seeking to destroy any surviving Jedi.

Another thing to note about Jedi: Fallen Order is that none of the characters have appeared or been acknowledged in later time periods of the Star Wars universe. This begs the question, what happens to Cal, Cere, Greeves, and the others post-Fallen Order? It’s possible that they weren’t mentioned in other canon Star Wars stories because of their newness as characters but it’s also possible that something happened in their stories to prohibit them from appearing in other time periods such as the Rebellion. With that in mind, there are still a number of time periods that Jedi Fallen Order 2 could take place in.

Jedi Fallen Order 2 could pick up right where the first game left off and follow the Mantis crew on their next adventure. The time before the destruction of the first Death Star is a time where the Empire is at the height of its power, so Cal would still be on the run in order to keep his status as a Jedi secret. It’s also possible that the Inquisitors would still play a part in the next game. Trilla’s last words to Cal before being struck down by Vader were “avenge us,” and whether or not Cal takes these words to heart could form a big part of Fallen Order 2, following Cal as he seeks to stop to stop the Inquisitors. The Inquisitors are said to have died out by the Battle of Yavin, so there’s a fair chunk of time before that which could be spent exploring what happened to them.

While it hasn’t been shown in other Star Wars canon, it is possible that Cal and Cere were part of building up the rebellion in the early days. It’s hard to see any reason that Cal wouldn’t jump at the chance to oppose the Empire, unless of course something has happened to him prior to this. A New Hope implies that no other Jedi were part of the rebellion until Luke and Obi-Wan appeared, which would potentially rule Cal out, unless he was keeping his force-sensitivity a secret. Small crews such as the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels were integral to the early days of the rebellion, and it’s possible that Jedi Fall Order 2 could explore these early days, with Cal working alongside the Rebels to help build up their forces.

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Jumping ahead a few decades, it is possible Jedi Fallen Order 2 could follow a slightly older Cal during the Rebellion years following the Battle of Yavin. It’s not hard to imagine that with the discovery of new Jedi, such as Luke Skywalker and Ezra Bridgers, that there would be other force-sensitive children emerging around this time. Possibly the next game installment would follow Cal as he comes across a padawan of his own and teaches them the ways the Empire has worked hard to eradicate. But, if Cal and Cere were to join the rebels, this would be the perfect time period for the Mantis to undergo daring missions for the rebellion. They could even be part of a crew similar to Rogue One, taking on tasks that no other team will.

For Jedi: Fallen Order 2 to take place after the fall of the Empire, there’s a few different scenarios that could happen. Again, Cal and the others haven’t been canonically part of any of the on screen events of the original trilogy, but this doesn’t mean they weren’t involved in other events around this time. Following the Battle of Endor and the fall of the Empire, there was said to be an era of peace. But, as the Star Wars sequel trilogy confirms, this peace didn’t last forever as the First Order rose from the ruins of the Empire. At this point in the timeline, Cal would be well into middle-age, meaning it might be time to focus on a new protagonist. Although potentially Cal could still appear as a mentor like his master, Jaro Tapal, did. But this could be an opportunity for the game to step away from Cal entirely and focus on a new generation of Jedi.

It was established in The Force Awakens that Luke Skywalker attempted to rebuild the Jedi Order after the Battle of Endor and worked on creating his own Jedi Temple. This is skated over in the films but could be a potential gap in the timeline to explore in Fallen Order 2. Seeing as the theme of the first game was about a Jedi reconnecting with the /force, following a student of Luke’s in the second game would still provide that window for players of learning the ways of a Jedi. This would also give the chance to see Ben Solo, aka Kylo Ren’s, turn from light side to dark side as he was one of Luke’s first students. This gives opportunity for Jedi Fallen Order 2 to expand its lore of the Force even further, by offering players a choice between the light and dark sides.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2 is rumored to be in development.

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