Pokemon GO Developer Gives All Employees Week-Long Break

While this year may not have been the best to get out and explore the world, Pokemon GO has still done very well. With new additions to the game such as Mega Evolution, the mobile app has been bringing a new and updated experienced for its users, and many players are happy with some of the recent changes to the app.

Even though the Pokemon GO and other Niantic apps have been gaining popularity, the company is making sure that its employees will be able to keep producing top quality content like they have been. To ensure this level of work in the future, Niantic has decided to give all of its employees a week off to help their mental health.

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Niantic posted on its website about this decision on September 2. The company congratulated its teams for doing such great jobs working on the various games that Niantic brings to players. However, the company also recognizes that this year has caused a lot of stress and uncertainty. In order to keep up the work that the employees have been exhibiting, the company feels that giving its workers some time off to recharge and take the time to officially adjust to working remotely. Starting on September 7, all Niantic employees will be given a week of time off of work. While every employee may been given this paid time off of work, not all will be taking it next week. Niantic will have a limited number of staff available to support Pokemon GO players as well as those who play other apps developed by the company.

Even though these Niantic employees will still be working next week, the company assured its fans that they will still get paid time off later this year. While these employees will still be there for players, the company is letting players know that there will be less activity from its staff with its events, such as the September Pokemon GO special events, as well as its community channels. After the end of next week, things should go back to business as normal.

Niantic has proved many new improvements to Pokemon GO over this summer by giving fans special Pokemon GO Community Days and special monthly events that players can look forward to. The employees who have paved the way for these advancements have more than earned this well-deserved break, and when they get back to work, they’ll be even more energized to bring fans new updates to the mobile games.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

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Source: Niantic


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