Strange Overwatch D.Va Bug Sends Players To Spawn Without Mech

Blizzard’s beloved hero shooter Overwatch is in an interesting spot as of late. While the Blizzard team is focused mainly on creating content for Overwatch 2, fans are keeping the game alive through crazy Overwatch Workshop game modes. Blizzard will have to make another pass through the first game soon, however, as everyone’s favorite mech pilot D.Va is not working as intended.

Overwatch player DoctorAgentQ posted a clip to reddit showcasing an odd bug that occurs when D.Va gets knocked out of her mech. Baby D.Va (what players refer to the hero as when she’s been split from her mech) gets killed rather quickly, but rather than respawing with her mech as usual, she remains as Baby D.Va in the spawn area and cannot reactivate her mech suit.

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This is the second odd glitch D.Va players have come across in recent weeks, with the first making the hero’s defense matrix ineffective. This is arguably just as game-breaking and frustrating but manages to be decently funny at the same time. After all, seeing players stuck as a character with a pea shooter and 150 HP permanently when they try to play as a tank is easy to laugh at as long as it is happening to someone else.

While the popular support hero Moira’s recent changes were handled well by the Blizzard team, they will need to do something about the growing number of D.Va problems going forward. Both the bugs are legitimate issues that could ruin entire competitive matches if they happen in-game, so the sooner they get fixed the better. Still, the clip is worth watching just for the player’s reaction, as he seems genuinely shocked and had never seen a glitch like this happen before.

If this glitch does happen in-game, the best fix as of now seems to be another forced respawn by jumping off the map as opposed to letting the enemy team get a free kill and build up their ultimate charges. D.Va likely does not need a rework like Mei and Symmetra may be getting, but she certainly needs fixes in the near future. Overwatch is usually a stable game, so players can expect Blizzard to make the necessary corrections soon.

While a recent Overwatch patch nerfing Widowmaker and other heroes was released earlier this week, whatever update comes to the game next should be when D.Va players see the bugs fixed. The hero is usually in the spotlight for positive reasons, so hopefully no additional D.Va bugs are found for some time and Blizzard can get back to working on Overwatch 2.

Overwatch is available now on PC, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

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