Wargroove: The 10 Most Powerful Units, Ranked | Game Rant

Most of today’s gamers should remember the GameBoy Advance. Nowadays, it is pretty easy to find a decent GBA simulator for PC in order to relive those nostalgic digital battles. Some GBA games may even be worth more than one would think.

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The Advance Wars series is surely a good example. It was a turn-based tactical strategy game, featuring modern-age units and troops, such as tanks, fighters, warships. Now, Wargroove seems to be a “spiritual successor” of the popular AW series, although set in a more fantasy-like world. Let us look at the most powerful units available in the game.

10 Mages

The list starts with the Mages, who seem to be the weakest of the strong units available in the game. They cost 400 gold and they can be recruited from the Barracks. Depending on which faction you are playing, the Mages are called Alchemists, Warlocks, Thunderbears, or Shamans. Like most of the other ground units, Mages are capable of capturing buildings. They shine in terms of damage output, especially when placed in forest or mountain areas.

9 Turtles

The Turtles are another (next to the Dogs) pet-like unit. They are naval beasts, who cost the same amount of gold as Mages (400) but are recruited at a Port. They are more powerful than Mages as they outplay most other naval units with their strong attacks.

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One disadvantage Turtles have, however, is the fact that they cannot capture any facilities, such as Ports or water villages. Nevertheless, they are quite an OP unit! There must be something special about these armored animals as Wargroove is not the first game with a bunch of strong turtles, right?

8 Harpoon Ships

Why are the Harpoon Ships so good? Of course, they look fantastic, but what about their performance? Suffice it to say the Harpoon Ships act as the Turtles’ natural counter. They cost slightly more than Turtles (550 gold), and they also require a Port to be recruited. They don’t do too much damage to other ships though, but they easily make up for it with their ability to move and shoot in the same turn.

7 Cavalry

Going back to land, now it is time for the Cavalry. Strong, brave knights in shiny armor with their trusty swords, mounting their loyal horses… or whatever mounts they prefer, since wolves are also in the mix. Anyway, the Cavalry units are even stronger than Mages, and their strength lies in their durability. It is also reflected in their cost. They can be recruited from the Barracks for as much as 600 gold. However, durability is not their only advantage. They are also pretty “fast,” which means they can travel a lot of cells in a single turn.

6 Aeronauts

This unit’s name doesn’t actually tell much about it, apart from the fact they are”air-related”. Aeronauts are the game’s most basic flying units, the only exception being the much weaker Balloons. Although they are still “basic,” they can pose a solid threat to most of the weaker units available in Wargroove.

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They cost 600 gold and can be recruited from the Tower. Aeronauts move by flying, so they ignore the terrain penalty. This makes them a perfect choice for the quick, hit-and-run attacks on enemies.

5 Sky Riders

Staying in the Tower, the next unit on this list is the Sky Riders. Basically “flying Mages,” they are extraordinarily strong fighters. The Sky Riders also have a special skill called “Hex.” It is a powerful ability that instantly damages all the enemies in its range. Apart from the fact that this is an indirect attack, its range makes it possible for the Sky Riders to hit even the most difficult-to-reach targets. It is also a very good option to go for when attacking Giants and Commanders. The Sky Riders, depending on the faction played, can be Witches, Wraiths, Stormowls, or Swoopers.

4 Warships

The strongest naval units in the game are Warships. These ships are armed with guns and cannons and can deal a devastating amount of damage to their targets. Warships cost 900 gold, but they are definitely worth the price! Apart from their great damage output, their attack range is also impressive. Position them on a beach cell in order to score a critical hit, which will mean almost total annihilation of their target.

3 Trebuchets

Back in the Barracks again, it’s time to look at some of the siege machines. There are two types of them in Wargroove: the Ballista, and the Trebuchet. A trebuchet costs the same amount of gold as a Warship (900). It has some drawbacks associated with it, such as being dependent on the weather conditions, with bad weather lowering its chance for critical hits. However, this can sometimes be a great plus. For example, a favorable wind can even enhance the Trebuchet’s attack range.

2 Giants

Giants take the penultimate place on this list. They are the most expensive ground unit, costing 1200 gold, and are quite slow, too. Giants are a melee combat unit with tremendous strength. Although they cannot capture buildings, they can wreak havoc on enemy forces. Giants’ mobility is not as good as some lighter units, but they are still quite mobile, at least for their size. A Giant will score a critical hit whenever its health drops below 40%, which means that it doesn’t need to meet any special requirements regarding its position or surroundings when performing an attack.

1 Dragons

Coming to the end of the list, Dragons seem to be the most powerful unit available in Wargroove, apart from the Commanders themselves. Like other flying units they are recruited from the Tower. Dragons cost even more than Giants (1250 gold), and they have one significant advantage over Giants as well. Flight. Ignoring terrain penalties while raining fire on enemies is always a good battle plan! As if its basic damage isn’t enough, place this unit on a road cell to score a critical hit.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play If You Liked Fire Emblem


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