Ocarina Of Time: A Step By Step Guide To The Happy Mask Side Quest

In Ocarina of Time, there are several little side quests that actually help players gain strength and special powers, and this is one of them. The creepy yet seemingly harmless Happy Mask Salesman from Majora’s Mask actually originated from Ocarina of Time’s happy mask side quest. He sets up shop in Hyrule’s Castle Town, and offers masks to rent for free. If players make a sale, they go back to the salesman to bring him his money. The trick is that only certain characters want each mask, so Link can’t just go around talking savvy to make a sale.

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In this guide, players will learn the quickest way to progress in the happy mask side quest. It’s time to put the sword down for a sec and get to trading!

5 The Keaton Mask

The first mask Link must sell is the Keaton Mask. First, players need to get the letter from Princess Zelda and give it to the guard in Kakariko Village. This guard is located at the entrance of the path to Death Mountain. After receiving the letter, the guard will mention wanting a cool mask to give to his son.

Then, proceed to Castle Town and enter the Happy Mask shop, which is located in Castle Town between the Temple of Time and the Hyrule Castle entrance. The shop is recognizable by its giant mask decor on the front of the building. In the original version of the game, it’s less detailed and only looks like a pair of eyes. However, it is even easier to see in the 3DS version.

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Now borrow the Keaton Mask, which is the yellow fox-like mask on the top left shelf. Then, take this mask back to the guard to get 15 rupees, 10 of which Link must give back to the Happy Mask Salesman. Keep the 5 rupees for profit.

4 The Skull Mask

Now, while still at the Happy Mask Shop, go ahead and borrow the Skull Mask. It’s time to go back to the Lost Woods and meet up with the Skull Kid. For players who have trouble remembering his location, check out this guide on the Lost Woods for clarification.

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For those who haven’t already, hop onto the tree stump and play Saria’s Song to become friends with the Skull Kid. Now, put on the mask and speak to him. He’ll jump off of his stump, walk over to Link, and buy the mask. This one is a major loss for Link, as the mask costs 20 rupees, but the cheapskate Skull Kid only pays 10. On the bright side, he does give Link a piece of heart for playing Saria’s Song, so maybe it evens out. Now go back to the Happy Mask salesman anyway and pay him the difference.

The Skull Mask is also helpful for the Forest Stage game in the Lost Woods. Link can use it to talk to some Deku Scrubs who will reward him with upgrades. This must be done early in the game, though, so use it while it’s still applicable.

3 The Spooky Mask

Now, go ahead and borrow the Spooky Mask. It looks just like a Re-dead’s face. As one would expect, the road to making this sale is a little less pleasant. Take the Spooky Mask to the mini-Dampe kid in Kakariko Village’s graveyard. He will think Link is Dampe at first, and he wants the mask because he’s Dampe’s biggest fan.

This little dude gives Link 30 rupees for the mask, which is its full price. This one’s a solid sale. Maybe the graveyard isn’t so scary after all. Take the money back to the Happy Mask Salesman once again to continue the side quest.

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Also, when playing the Forest Stage Game, keep in mind that the Deku Scrubs absolutely hate the spooky mask. They’ll get super angry and start shooting nuts at Link. This is sensible given that the mask imitates Re-deads, but still, it doesn’t feel too great!

2 The Bunny Hood

It’s time to borrow the Bunny Hood. This one goes to the Running Man, but only after beating Jabu-Jabu’s Belly. If players try to finish the quest beforehand, the Running Man will not spawn. To find him, exit Castle Town and follow the path to the right. This is the path that goes between the walls of Lon Lon Ranch and the Gerudo Valley entrance.

Link can only sell the Running Man the mask when the guy is sitting down on the path at night, taking a break from his never-ending marathon. Present him with the Bunny Hood to receive as much money as Link’s current wallet can hold. The mask costs 50 rupees, though, so those have to go back to the Happy Mask Salesman. It’s safe to say that Link has made up for his previous Skull Kid encounter. As a result, it’s a good idea to upgrade Link’s wallet before making it this far in the quest. Go back to the Happy Mask Salesman to complete the quest.

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It’s important to note that the Bunny Hood actually keeps away Stalchildren, which are the creepy skeletons that pop up throughout Hyrule Field during the night. This makes traversing without Epona much less frustrating.

1 The Mask of Truth (And Extra Masks)

As a reward for completing this quest, the Happy Mask Salesman lets Link borrow the Mask of Truth. This creepy yet cool looking mask allows Link to talk to gossip stones. These stones give Link tips on how to progress throughout the game. Now gossip stones have more uses than just telling time and turning into rockets!

The salesman also lets Link borrow three more masks, the Goron Mask, the Zora Mask, and the Gerudo Mask. These masks are just for fun, and will elicit funny reactions from NPCs throughout the land. The Goron and Zora masks reappear in Majora’s Mask, but their functions change greatly. No spoilers will be found here though, so hang tight and play through Majora’s Mask after beating Ocarina of Time to find out what these masks are eventually capable of.

NEXT: Breath Of The Wild: How To Shield Surf & 9 Other Tricks To Exploring Hyrule


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