The Timeline of All Darksiders Games Explained | Game Rant

Darksiders is a franchise that started in 2010 and was originally published by THQ and then later as THQ Nordic. In total, there are 4 games discounting the remasters published by THQ Nordic for the first two Darksiders games. The four games tell an overarching story, and each of them focuses specifically on each of the four horsemen.

Darksiders centers its focus on War who can be seen on the cover swinging his sword, Chaos Eater, while riding his horse Ruin. Darksiders 2 features War’s brother Death whose main armament consists of an array of scythe-type weapons, and Fury makes her debut in Darksiders 3 as she takes on the 7 Deadly Sins with her signature whip. Finally, Strife, alongside his brother War, is featured as the main characters of Darksiders Genesis, but how do all of these games fit together?

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The most recent game of the series is actually where the earliest events in the timeline take place. In Darksiders Genesis, Strife and his fellow horsemen have already completed their task of the destruction of their own people, the Nephilim. This prompts the Charred Council to task War and Strife with a new mission to find out what the big boss Lucifer has planned, as they suspect he will attempt to shift the balance of power between Heaven and Hell. In their pursuit of Lucifer, War and Strife help the demon Samael and his associate Vulgrim with the destruction of the lords of Hell in order to gain access to Lucifer’s whereabouts.

This turns out to be a trick and they learn that by killing the demons, they have helped Lucifer in corrupting mankind with sin. Once they learn of this, the Charred Council decree that 7 seals are to be made as a peace treaty between Heaven and Hell to keep the balance and that Earth be recognized as a third kingdom to be protected under the Council. When these seals are broken, the Endwar between Heaven and Hell will begin, and the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse will be sent to make both sides suffer their wrath.

The opening moments of Darksiders are the next in line in this story. Darksiders kicks off with War traveling to present-day Earth only to find that the Endwar has begun without the 7th seal being broken. War finds the commander of Heaven’s forces, Abaddon, in combat and demands to know why the Endwar has started before the 7th seal has been broken. Distracted by War’s accusation, Abaddon is killed by the demon commander Straga who then turns to face War.

War battles Straga until War’s powers suddenly vanish and he is killed by Straga. The Charred Council then bring War back to life only to imprison him for the crime of inciting the Endwar prematurely with his presence, which destroyed humanity and left Hell as conquerors of the Earth. War manages to cut a deal with the Charred Council to find the real culprit, but he must go without his powers and with a Watcher who will make sure he gets the job done.

Right between War cutting his deal and the destruction of Earth, the events of Darksiders 3 take place. Fury learns of her brother’s imprisonment by the Charred Council when she is summoned by them to be sent alongside a Watcher to round up the 7 Deadly Sins who are running amok on Earth. In her pursuit of this objective, she learns from the Hollow King that he used to be a part of the Council and that they seek the destruction of the Horsemen.

She gains further proof of this when she confronts Envy, who happened to be her Watcher all along, who also explains that the Charred Council set up the Horsemen from the beginning and that they blamed War for starting the Endwar, all the while knowing who the real culprit was. Fury eventually defeats Envy in the Charred Council sanctum and uses the talisman she was given to absorb the 7 Sins to destroy the sanctum with the Council still inside. Afterwards, she returns to Earth to protect the remnants of humanity as they flee from Earth.

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Basically at the same time as the events of Darksiders 3, Death is searching for a way to undo the destruction of humanity to clear War’s name in Darksiders 2. He begins his search by venturing to the Crowfather’s sanctum in the Icy Veil. The Crowfather tells Death to go to the Tree of Life to resurrect humanity, but Death kills the Crowfather when he refuses to send him there with a portal. In his death throes, the Crowfather embeds the fragments of the amulet containing the souls of the Nephilim into Death and sends him to the Forge Lands where the Tree of Life resides. Death then helps the Makers uncorrupt the Forge Lands to enter the Tree of Life and learns that the source of the corruption is the Nephilim Absalom, who was killed by Death during the Nephilim war.

Midway through Darksiders 2, the Tree sends Death to the Land of the Dead where he meets the Lord of Bones who tells Death about the Well of Souls within the Tree of Life and how it can resurrect humanity. To get to the Well of Souls, Death has to obtain two parts to a key located in Heaven and Hell. After purging more corruption and obtaining the fragments, Death assembles the key and enters the Tree of Life to confront Absalom and destroy him. Once the battle is won, Death discovers that the only way to resurrect humanity is to give up the souls of the Nephilim, his people. Determined to set his brother free, Death jumps into the Well of Souls with the intent of restoring humanity to Earth.

Back in the first game, War is sent back to Earth by the Charred Council, only now it’s a century after he had last been to Earth. War learns that The Destroyer is responsible for leading the armies of Hell to destroy all of humanity and decides to seek him out. With the help of Samael, War gains access to the Black Tower which is the lair of The Destroyer. Inside the Black Tower, War finds the angel Azrael who tells War that he, Abaddon, and the maker Ulthane conspired to bring the Endwar early by destroying 6 of the seals, but not the 7th which would summon the Horsemen. War then defeats Straga and Azrael takes War to the Tree of Knowledge which tells him that the Council set him up and that The Destroyer is Abaddon who has possession of the 7th seal. War also finds out that his Watcher will betray him with a sword called the Armageddon Blade which coincidentally can also be used to kill The Destroyer.

War collects the fragments of the Armageddon Blade and gets Ulthane to reforge it for his final showdown with The Destroyer. Before facing the destroyer, Uriel, an angel who served with Abaddon and wants revenge, challenges War to a death oath that can only be broken when one of them dies. War convinces her that The Destroyer is Abaddon and they go together to face him. After killing The Destroyer, War’s vision is fulfilled when his Watcher betrays him and he is stabbed with the Armageddon Blade as a means to end the death oath with Uriel. Uriel takes the opportunity to also destroy the 7th seal that the Watcher claimed from Abaddon which rejuvenates War as his ties with the Council are severed and his powers are restored. The game ends with the other 3 Horsemen returning to Earth in time to fight in the real Endwar.

The story leaves of with the 4 Horsemen reunited and the Endwar beginning with no Council to stop them. Now that the story has been left on such a massive cliffhanger, fans are chomping at the bit to see what becomes of the Horsemen in the next Darksiders game.

Darksiders Genesis is out now for PC and Stadia, with the PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions launching on February 14, 2020.

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