There’s a lot to love about Wasteland 3. The gameplay is impactful and has a lot of elements to delve into. It rewards a diverse group of characters to grow attached to. And, of course, Wasteland 3 has cyborg chickens.
In all seriousness, most aspects of Wasteland 3 have been met with approval by players. While the games’ ridiculous tone can at times conflict with the serious decisions required, the setting and gameplay are well realized. Players must create a specialized group to handle dialogue and combat, as well as environmental challenges. There’s a lot to do, and understanding exactly how it all works will definitely help players progress.
Unfortunately, the problem with understanding how all of Wasteland 3 works is that it doesn’t all work. There are currently some pretty serious issues with the game. While the devs have stated that they are working on ironing out the kinks, they have also provided some workarounds for more serious problems. Below are a list of some of the biggest problems and their workarounds (if they exist).
Easily the biggest problem in Wasteland 3 is its co-op. This is one of the game’s major features, so it’s disappointing to say the least that it doesn’t work properly. One huge issue is quest and character progression randomly resetting during the mode. The current workaround is to disable auto-saving, which is risky in and of itself. According to the devs, they are working for a fix on this one that should roll out soon. Another problem is players getting stuck at 33% while loading into co-op. The previous auto-save disabling (on host and client systems) seems to help, as does loading the zone in single player, then switching to co-op.
Some players have been unable to save manually. Considering how much choices matter in Wasteland 3, this is a huge problem. This particular issue is caused by an antivirus program which blocks the game by mistake, so all players have to do is allow/whitelist the game in their antivirus. For anyone using BitDefender, Protection -> Safe Files is the way to go.
For players who pre-ordered Wasteland 3 for PC, some bonus items were promised. These are currently missing on the Microsoft Store and players cannot claim them. While this is similar to the missing VC in NBA 2K21, in that case players can submit a ticket explaining the mix up. In the case of Wasteland 3, there is currently no workaround or way to get the items.
Sometimes in Wasteland 3, after talking to a doctor and then transitioning to another scene, the character who spoke to them will have their pre-healed HP, as if they had never visited the doctor. All other party members will stay healed. The workaround involves switching to another character, talking to the doctor again (to re-heal the whole party a second time), and then moving on. Don’t jump right to hacking, as Wasteland 3 has a nasty surprise for hackers.
Wasteland 3 is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
MORE: Wasteland 3: Best Builds
Source: Shacknews
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