Skyrim: 10 Things You Missed In Markarth | Game Rant

Bethesda’s smash success, Skyrim, was so popular in part due to the size of its world and the depth of its characters and cities. It would be impossible for one player to find every secret and all the Easter eggs hidden around the world. With so many nooks and crannies across every region, many players have no idea where to start exploring.

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The city of Markarth is no exception to Bethesda’s plentiful secrets. With a vast array of citizens and a deep plethora of quests and mysteries, players could spend days discovering all of the opportunities this city has to offer.

10 Hagni Red-Arm’s Rancid Meat

Many players who enter Markarth will instantly see a commotion in the city market, and some players may talk with the NPCs around the shops and see what people are selling. Hagni Red-Arm is a nasty butcher Nord who seems to revel in the disgust the people of Markarth feel as he chops and prepares the meat out in the open with bloody sleeves. However, many players don’t know that Hagni’s entertainment from their disgust actually stems from his worship of the Daedric Prince Namira. Not only that, but Hagni is a cannibal serving the people of Markarth human flesh.

9 Endon’s Secret

The Silver-Blood mine is one of the most important locations in Markarth and many players might meet the city’s silversmith, Endon. They might meet his wife selling jewelry in the market or learn of his son, who left the city to join the Stormcloaks, but Endon’s real secret is an Easter egg hidden in his house.

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Inside Endon’s house hidden on the bottom section of a bookshelf is a reference to a classic arcade game. With a wheel of cheese, a line of garlic, and a bowl of glow dust, the shelf is a near-perfect recreation of the game Pac-Man.

8 Trouble In The Bedroom

Skyrim is full of simple delivery missions and side-quests that don’t leave players with much of a sense of satisfaction other than the small jingle of fresh gold in their pockets. But one mission in Markarth hides a little joke about the city’s steward.

Speaking with Bothela, the owner of the Hag’s Cure alchemical store will give the players a mission delivering a potion to Raerek, the Jarl’s steward. Examining the potion will reveal that the player is delivering a Stallion’s Potion, which increases stamina by 20 for 300 seconds. Raerek is very embarrassed when the player delivers the potion, indicating that it might be a solution for other difficulties.

7 Skyrim’s Only Teenager

Hroki is the daughter of Frabbi and Kleppr, the two Nords who own the Silver-Blood Inn. Hroki’s model in the game is that of an adult Nord woman, however, in the code, she is the only character with an adult model that is actually listed as a child. This makes sense as most of her dialogue consists of complaining about her parents and walking around the shopping stalls of the city. She also is one of the only characters in the game who wears the Tavern Clothes, making her outfit one of the rarest in the game. So why is she Skyrim’s only teenager? Perhaps it is the result of some dark and mysterious magical effect… or maybe she’s just a teenager.

6 Another Stormcloak Victim

The Thalmor High Elf Justiciar, Ondolemar, is kind of a jerk. As a Justiciar of the Thalmor, Ondolemar is in Markarth to root out any followers of Talos and make sure they aren’t practicing their religion, to put it mildly. Unfortunately for players who side with the Stormcloak rebellion, when they eventually take Markarth Ondolemar is nowhere to be found within the city, defending during the invasion. However, players who explore the city after the Stormcloaks have reclaimed all of Skyrim will be able to find the body of Ondolemar murdered in the Hall of the Dead. Looks like this Inquisitor gets what he deserves after all.

5 Man’s Best Friend?

The dog trainer, Banning offers players the opportunity to buy an improved canine companion, the war-pup, Vigilance. This dog is better than other dog companions because it has increased health and higher sneak capabilities compared to the other puppies in the game. Banning also has a delivery quest where players bring spiced meat to another dog trainer. Later, players can discover that Banning is another cannibal follower of Namira and that the reason his dogs are so much better than the others, is that he secretly feeds them human flesh.

4 The Beginning Of The War

Every player who starts up Skyrim knows about the war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials and the rebellion of Ulfric. What is less known to most players is that the inspiration for Ulfric’s war actually comes from a conflict that began in the city of Markarth.

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25 years prior to the events of Skyrim, the people of Markarth requested the help of Ulfric Stormcloak and his militia to fend off Forsworn invaders, and in payment Ulfric and his people would be allowed to continue worshiping Talos. However, the Empire imprisoned Ulfric and during this time his father passed away. Many fans believe that this is the true catalyst for his eventual rebellion.

3 Dwemer Reconstruction

Many players will instantly recognize that Markarth looks very different from any of the Nord settlements in the game. It actually bears far more resemblance to the Dwemer ruins buried all over Skyrim. This is because Markarth is founded above the abandoned Dwemer ruins of Nchuand-Zel. Examining the actual buildings and rooms of the city, it is clear that the citizens of Markarth didn’t so much as build the city, and in actuality settled into the Dwemer’s abandoned ruins. It’s no wonder then that with its Dwemer construction that Markarth is known as the strongest city in Skyrim.

2 The Jarl Might Not Be In Control

Examining Markarth, it’s clear that there are many powers at play within the city. Between the Silver-Bloods who are the most powerful family of the city, the Thalmor who seek to destroy any religious followers of Talos, and Calcemos and his well guarded Dwemer Museum, it’s clear that the Jarl might not be in power. In fact, the number of guards and mercenaries in the Museum completely outnumber the other guards in the city, indicating that Calcelmo might be the real power behind the Markarth throne.

1 An Unusable Arrow

Within a glass case of the Markarth Dwemer Museum is a unique dwarven arrow known as the dwarven sphere centurion arrow. However, players are unable to pick up this item. It is possible for a character to use the dwarven sphere centurion arrow, just not the Dragonborn. Players can command their followers to steal the arrow and although it won’t appear in their inventory, it will register as an equipped arrow that followers will shoot at enemies. Picking up the new-fallen arrows will unfortunately only add regular dwarven arrows to the player’s inventory.

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