15 Action RPGs To Play If You Like The Mass Effect Series

When one talks about some of the greatest western role-playing games ever made, it goes without saying that the Mass Effect series would definitely be a major part of this conversation. While the series might’ve ended on a frustratingly low note, there’s no denying the fact that BioWare had created a rich, deep, and intricate sci-fi world that had enraptured fans from all over the globe.

RELATED: 5 Ways Mass Effect Proved To Be Overrated (& 5 It’s Underrated)

With rumors of a remaster being so prevalent now, it’s definitely the best time to finally get back to the glory days and relive the masterful journey of Commander Shepard all over again. However, the wait can prove to be quite excruciating, so here are games similar to Mass Effect that gamers can choose to play instead before this sci-fi epic finally makes its much-awaited return to the modern gaming market.

Updated December 27th, 2020 by Thomas Bowen: Not every rumor turns out to be true. Given the huge popularity of the Mass Effect trilogy and the impact that their design has had on modern gaming, however, the announcement of the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition came as little surprise to many. There’s still no firm release date just yet beyond ‘early 2021’, but we do know that it’s being worked on by the original development team and will include full remakes of the original trilogy. While series fans will no doubt be counting down the days until it arrives though, their time might be better spent checking out some of these fantastic action RPGs while they wait. Who knows; it might end up being one of the best choices they ever make. 

15 Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

It might be starting to show its age a little now, but Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines still has more than enough about it to keep players engaged and entertained. It’s an exceedingly well-scripted game with an interesting cast who each have their own distinct personalities and motivations. Like the game’s visuals, the combat leaves a little to be desired when compared to modern titles, but those who are able to look past these minor blemishes will find a lot to love here.

When it comes to games with meaningful choices, few offer as many as this one. Most of these choices fall squarely into that morally gray wasteland that lies between good and evil and so, as a result, the game lacks a traditional morality system. That doesn’t make decisions any less important though and there’s nothing stopping players from making up their own minds about whether their choices are right or wrong.

14 Final Fantasy VII Remake

Although the choices that players make in Final Fantasy VII Remake are a lot less meaningful than those found in Mass Effect, the action RPG elements are every bit as strong. The game offers an interesting reimagining of a classic story and has a great cast of characters that are every bit as likable as Shepard and his many comrades.

For all of the tweaks and changes made by the team behind the remake, it’s perhaps the extra work that was put into fleshing out the characters that shines brightest. It may have been out of necessity, but Jessie, Biggs and Wedge in particular are infinitely more interesting than they were in the original game. When combined with the refined combat mechanics, it makes for a fantastic game.

13 Anachronox

Admittedly, the combat mechanics found in Anachronox are a lot closer to JRPG than action RPG, but it definitely deserves a mention on account of its brilliant storytelling and fascinating characters. It’s smart, it’s funny and – best of all – it’s wonderfully unique. It’s certainly not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but what it does, it tends to do exceedingly well.

RELATED: 10 Story-Heavy Games To Play If You Love The Mass Effect Trilogy

The game does have its shortcomings, however, particularly when it comes to settings and general exploration. Much of the story unfolds in dull and desolate environments which can at times distract from the amazing writing although this is but a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things. It’s hard not to like what Anachronox has to offer even in spite of its flaws and now dated visuals.

12 Jade Empire

Much of the systems and mechanics found in the Mass Effect games can actually be traced back to one of Bioware’s earlier titles. Jade Empire was the studio’s first original role-playing IP and built upon much of the excellent work done developing the Knights of the Old Republic games.

The game features a fully fleshed out morality system based on the one used in KotOR and dialogue choices that are tied to the character’s moral alignment. It still looks okay, has a fantastic combat system and features one of the best RPG storylines of its era. It perhaps falls a little short of those Mass Effect levels of excellence that the studio would later go on to achieve, but it really isn’t too far behind.

11 Alpha Protocol

Although BioWare did a fantastic job of making it feel as though every choice mattered throughout the Mass Effect trilogy, the team could definitely learn a thing or two from the studio behind Alpha Protocol. Pretty much everything that the player does prompts some kind of reaction and although they might not all be life and death, they’re noticeable enough to make players think twice about every choice that they make.

The game certainly had its fair share of flaws at the time of its release and time really hasn’t done it any favors in this respect. The graphics are still below par, many of the characters are still weak and the story remains nothing to write home about. Nonetheless, the near endless amount of minor choices that the player can make throughout the game quickly add up to make a major difference when it comes to both their sense of agency and their enjoyment. Those who like Mass Effect should love what Alpha Protocol has to offer.

10 Dragon Age: Origins

It would be impossible to talk about games similar to Mass Effect without mentioning another series that blossomed along with BioWare’s sci-fi epic. Out of all the Dragon Age games, one can argue that Origins stays true to the core of the Mass Effect franchise… before BioWare lost its edge as a reputed gaming studio.

While the combat might be a bit too tactical for some, there’s no denying that Dragon Age: Origins has everything required to satisfy the most hardcore role-playing fanatics around.

9 Prey

Arkane Studios is one of the few modern developers that is pushing forth the idea of immersive sims to this very day — a subgenre of gaming that most people thought was dying… before Cyberpunk 2077 destroyed that notion in resounding fashion.

For people who wish to play a sci-fi immersive sim, one can’t really go wrong with Prey. Arkane Studios’ level design and gameplay are at their very best in this amazing title, which weaves a surprisingly engrossing tale for those who are interested.

8 Fallout: New Vegas

Out of all the games in the Fallout series, it seems that New Vegas strikes the perfect balance between old-school decision-making and new-age gameplay practices… although to be fair, one really needs to mod this game to make the most of this experience.

RELATED: Fallout: New Vegas – 10 Mods That Make It Feel Like A Brand New Game

People who are willing to go the extra mile for this title will be able to enjoy one of the greatest role-playing experiences around, where it genuinely feels like everything that the player does — whether it be a major story decision or something as simple as a minor stat boost — matters in the grand scheme of things.

7 The Surge 2

While The Surge 2 might feature none of the dialogue choices or story events that have become a defining aspect of the Mass Effect series, one thing that it definitely excels in is nailing a bleak, sci-fi setting where the player truly feels like they’ve been dealt the worst hand possible.

Great combat and some memorable boss fights make The Surge 2 a must-buy for anyone who’s massively invested in the sci-fi genre.

6 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Another BioWare game makes this list, this time in the form of another proper sci-fi game that allows players to roam around different planets as well. One simply can’t talk enough about how revolutionary Knights Of The Old Republic was upon its release, adding an excellently crafted chapter to the Star Wars canon that most people still look back fondly at to this day.

There are several aspects of this title that can be praised extensively… but the story is the reason most people should play Knights Of The Old Republic. Some delectable twists and turns, coupled with one of the most shocking plot twists in video gaming history, have led to this game becoming a role-playing classic.

5 The Technomancer

For the most part, Spiders was nothing more than your run-of-the-mill AA video game developer that focused on western role-playing experiences that were too janky to be properly enjoyed.

However, given all that, one can’t help but praise The Technomancer for having some truly ingenious open-world design, which makes each one of its locales feel as unique and mysterious as things can get in a sci-fi game.

This title also paved the way for a Spiders game that would finally help the studio fulfill its potential…

4 Greedfall

Greedfall‘s release was quite well-timed, coming out the same year as the disastrous launch of BioWare’s Anthem. Fans who were lamenting the loss of one of the greatest western role-playing game developers would finally have their sorrows quelled somewhat by Spiders, who were trying their level best to bring back the glory days of western RPGs.

Greedfall was a significantly better title than anything that Spiders had released up to that point, and the perfect game for anyone who loved the deep intricacies and the consequence-heavy nature of Mass Effect‘s plot.

3 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

It would be impossible to talk about great action role-playing experiences without mentioning the masterpiece that is The Witcher 3.

While the high fantasy genre might be as distanced from sci-fi as one can get, the sheer fidelity and excellence of the narrative in The Witcher 3 itself qualifies the game as a good recommendation for anyone who loves the Mass Effect series.

2 BioShock

The loss of Irrational Games is truly one of the biggest blows to the gaming industry, and one need only experience the BioShock series once to understand why this is the case. While any BioShock title can fit the bill, the original is definitely what people should start out with.

RELATED: BioShock: Every Plasmid, Ranked Worst To Best

So, would you kindly play this title as soon as possible to enjoy one of the greatest video games ever made?

1 Deus Ex

It would be impossible to talk about story-driven role-playing experiences without mentioning the masterpiece that is Deus Ex. While the game might definitely look dated by today’s standards, there’s no denying that the gameplay and story of this title still hold up as some of the fresher experiences that the video game industry has to offer.

From the incredible level design to a mind-boggling tale of conspiracy theories and corporate espionage — Deus Ex still holds up as one of the greatest video games ever made.

NEXT: 5 Things From Andromeda We Want In Mass Effect 5 (& 5 We Don’t)


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