The Witcher 3: 10 Pro Tips For Fighting Vampires | Game Rant

Vampires remain enigmatic creatures in horror media, including Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher Saga. Interestingly, Sapkowski’s work – which will later get adapted into games, courtesy of CD Projekt Red – sends Vampires outside its usual stereotypes. As such, Geralt’s skirmishes with Vampires in The Witcher 3 result in multiple endings. Moreover, players will soon find out that Vampires share different classifications, abilities, and even weaknesses that make them unique from one another.

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Additionally, hardcore fans will learn that Vampires don’t count as”transformed” or a part of the undead. Instead, Vampires come from a separate world after the Conjunction of the Spheres, a multiversal cataclysm that forced a clashing of the realms. Regardless of these facts, Geralt knows he has to exterminate Vampires who pose a threat. However, considering the many variables at play, just how should Geralt approach these battles in The Witcher 3?

10 Vampire Types, Common Traits

Vampires become irritating opponents in The Witcher 3 thanks to their varying types, which demand different forms of attention. After all, Geralt fights Garkain very differently compared to Katakan and Higher Vampires. However, as all Vampire types do fall under a common genus, they all share similar traits and characteristics.

For instance, it’s safe for players to assume that all Vampire types share a preference for nighttime combat. Moreover, most Vampires demonstrate remarkable speed and agility, in addition to healing abilities. More importantly, they have a penchant to hate fire.

Players who understand these basic traits can at least focus on the unique traits that separate various Vampire species, which depend on their particular objective.

9 Slay With The Right Gear

Thanks to Geralt’s Witcher training, he also specializes in using a variety of tools at his disposal. Moreover, players have the opportunity to implement various tools – potions, oils, and even bombs – to fight Vampires more efficiently. Players who expect to fight Vampires should immediately use Vampire Oils. Its base version gives a 10-percent Attack bonus against Vampires. However, its Enhanced and Superior variants give a 25-percent and 50-percent boost, respectively.

Likewise, players should be prepared with Black Blood potions. As Vampires tend to get in uncomfortably close range, Black Blood at least allows Geralt to return 15-percent Damage of their claw attacks. Moreover, using their Enhanced and Superior variants grants him 20-percent and 30-percent Damage returned, respectively.

8 Make Explosions

Bombs make efficient tools against Vampires, when used properly. Despite their short duration, some bombs provide just enough opportunity for Geralt to swoop in for the counter-offensive. For instance, Devil’s Puffball deals 100 Poison damage in a 10-second window. However, its Enhanced and Superior versions deal the same damage in 30 seconds and 33 seconds, respectively.

Meanwhile, Dancing Star Bombs can work against Vampires just as they work well against monster nests. The ordinary version of these bombs can deal 100 Fire damage in 4 seconds. However, its Enhanced and Superior versions deal 200 Fire damage for 7 seconds and 300 Fire damage deal 300 Fire damage in 13 seconds, respectively.

7 Sign With A Vengeance

Thanks to Geralt’s magical Witcher Signs, he can dish out various magical effects to grant him an advantage over his enemies. Moreover, despite the overwhelming nature of Vampires, certain Signs do work well against them. In general, Igni works insanely well against most Vampires given their weakness to fire. However, Geralt can eliminate them faster with its Igni Intensity upgrades.

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Alternatively, Geralt can rely on Quen to give him a defensive boost and a shield to tank damage from stronger Vampires. Moreover, Yrden can not only slow down Vampires but also decloak the types that turn invisible. In addition, a well-placed Aard can knock down Vampires and leave them open for attacks.

6 Mobility Is Second Nature

Vampires often possess variations of Strong Attacks that can stun or stagger Geralt when hit. These come in the form of leaping attacks or strong attacks that, if they connect, may leave Geralt open for fatal blows. As such, players should always keep their mobility in check when they fight Vampires.

In most cases, players should take note of Vampire attack patterns when fighting them. Moreover, dodging attacks also gives Geralt room to set up bombs, use his Signs, or even prepare to Parry and punish with a counter. When fighting Vampires, patience becomes a necessity.

5 Find A Way To Sustain

Most Vampires possess remarkable regeneration abilities. As such, Geralt can’t always rely on dodging maneuvers while fighting them. Players should consider altering their current strategy if they can’t sustain enough damage to Vampires they’re attacking. That’s because a Vampire’s regeneration ability can make most Vampires difficult to kill.

Ideally, regardless of the Vampire type, Geralt should focus on dealing damage-over-time (DOTs) against these opponents. That’s because DOTs actually disable Vampire regeneration while they last. As such, effects like Poison (Devil’s Puffball), Burn (Dancing Star), and Bleed (Black Blood) can ruin a Vampire’s day. As an added bonus, a well-placed Yrden or Axii may stun Vampires and let Geralt dish out harsh punishment.

4 Katakan: Go On The Offensive

Despite the imposing nature of the Katakan, players can actually defeat the Katakan if they go on the offensive – appropriately, at least. When fighting the Katakan, players should try as much as possible to prevent them from transforming. After all, their transformed versions allow them to teleport around the vicinity. As such, Moon Dust works to prevent this. Given the Katakan’s speed, Geralt should drink Black Blood to make sure the Katakan’s attacks get repelled back. Moreover, Geralt should go to the fight with light armor and a silver sword to boost his mobility and dodging, as well as to buff his damage.

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Moreover, Geralt should go on the offensive with fire-based attacks (Igni and other Bombs) whenever possible. A great maneuver is to invest in Quen, as activating its shield prior to a Katakan’s attack will stagger the Vampire. This timing gives Geralt room to pull off a combo before moving away.

3 Bruxa: Try The Stun Kills

Players who fight more powerful Vampires such as the Bruxa may actually be able to eliminate them with a well-timed Sign combination. For instance, an Yrden trap can not only slow down a Bruxa but also reveal them in its vicinity. When players notice the invisible Bruxa inside the Yrden trap, an Aard Sweep will knock them back but make their ascent much slower. In these situations, Geralt can get close to them and maybe even deal a one-hit kill.

However, players should take note that trying the Aard-kill without the Bruxa inside the Yrden trap will just have the Vampire make an evasive maneuver. As such, it’s important to make sure the Bruxa actually gets inside the Yrden trap first before pulling off the Aard-kill.

2 Higher Vampires: Patience Is Key

Unlike other Vampire types, Higher Vampires possess more advanced tactics and other benefits that make them rather irritating to fight. However, Geralt may gain the upper hand with the right tools. If possible, Geralt should fight them in daylight, with a Vampire Oil-infused silver sword, while spamming Igni.

First and foremost, Higher Vampires like to turn invisible, making Yrden an invaluable asset as this both slows them down and reveals their position. As with the Bruxa, an Aard or Axii may stun a Higher Vampire inside the Yrden, giving Geralt enough room to dish out combos.

Moreover, players should always keep their mobility in check. Higher Vampires tend to be extremely fast and attack quickly. As such, Black Blood will at least return attacks against them, and Quen can help Geralt absorb attacks.

For bosses in the game’s story like Dettlaff, more advanced tactics are needed as Geralt fights him in stages. However, the core principle remains mostly the same.

1 Fight In Daylight

Geralt fights most Vampires in quests and missions, meaning players get to dictate some parameters in combat. As previously mentioned, Vampire regeneration increases the time Geralt needs to take care of Vampires. However, players might find it easier to kill Vampires if they follow the Bestiary’s advice: fight them during the day.

Players noted that fighting Vampires in daylight will actually halve their regeneration process. As such, a daylight fight can immensely benefit Geralt and allow him to creatively use his strategies without worrying about pesky regeneration.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 10 Pro Tips For Taking On The Wild Hunt


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