Avowed: Who are the Wilders? | Game Rant

Avowed is Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming first-person fantasy RPG. The game is set in the world of Eora from the studio’s Pillars of Eternity series, which divides its sentient races into two main camps.

One camp is the Kith, considered by themselves to be the civilized races of the world. This includes humans, dwarves, orlans, aumaua, and their godlike descendants. The Kith are not the only inhabitants of Eora, however. The Wilders are the races considered uncivilized by the Kith, and not only will they very likely appear in Avowed, but there are hints in the Pillars of Eternity lore that the difference between the Kith and the Wilders may not be as great as the former would like to believe.

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Standing at around 10-12 feet tall, wearing furs and carrying clubs, at first glance the Ogres of Eora might strike an observer as a typical incarnation of the fantasy beasts. The Ogres of Avowed are not the typical meat-heads found in other fantasy settings, however. Pillars of Eternity describes the race as such: “Ogres are as intelligent (often more so) than “civilized” races, but their overwhelming hostility towards even their own species keeps their numbers low.”

Eora’s Ogres are also matriarchal, often only working together when under the command of a larger Ogre Matron. When they do work together, their combined intelligence and strength makes them extremely difficult for the Kith to overcome, making their disposition towards infighting fortunate for many of the races of Avowed.

Trolls are around twice the height of humans, covered in fungal growths that have formed a symbiotic relationship with their bodies to provide both camouflage and even enzymes used to sustain the Trolls when food is scarce. In-game sources on the Living Lands, said to be the primary setting of Avowed, describe an explorer walking into a forest clearing only to realize that the trees around them are not trees but trolls waiting in ambush.

Pillars of Eternity included both Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls, though their descriptions are the same, implying that while Ice Trolls have adapted for more extreme climates, they are still have this relationship with the fungi that grows on their bodies rather than having a completely different biological make up. Trolls are most commonly found in forests, but are also often found in caves with sufficient fungal colonies to provide them with food and camouflage.

The Lagufaeth are four-armed amphibians. They are naturally communal, and while small and easily dispatched as individuals will often attack in packs. While they aren’t very good at forging weapons, the Lagufaeth have an affinity for magic, and they are considered to be particularly dangerous ambushers, as their thick skins enables them to hide in snowfall or under ice for extended periods of time to surprise their prey. It will be interesting to see how Obsidian handles these dynamic enemy tactics in Avowed.

The Skuldr are large cave-dwelling mammals that rely on hearing to find their prey. They resemble humanoid bats, and have large protrusions and hairs on their ears that allow them to navigate by detecting airflow. They are communal, and communicate via clicks which can also be used for bat-like echolocation.

Their level of intelligence is unclear due to their unorthodox methods of communication, but based on their community structures and the intelligence of the other Wilder races, it’s likely that the Skuldr aren’t merely animals. Some people in Eora have begun trying to explore communication through souls, so it is possible that the player might have an opportunity to speak with some of the Wilder races like the Skuldr who aren’t able to speak to them directly.

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The Vithrack are rare spider-like humanoids that weave hives from silk. They are one of the most intelligent races in the world of Eora, and can communicate psychically with one another. They were once sought by Animancers, who use machines to try and learn about and transfer souls. These Animancers found that the Vithrack were able to connect directly to the souls of other races, but not without harrowing and dangerous consequences.

Like Ogres, the Vithrack’s own habits are all that keeps them from sweeping the world of Eora. The species has low birth rates that have prevented it from becoming a major threat, and their own hostility to outsiders has prevented them from forming alliances, though they are often extremely generous towards their own kind due to their psychic link.

The Xaurip are short reptilian humanoids, about the same height as the orlans of Eora. Similar to Kobolds in Dungeons and Dragons, they worship dragons and build their communities around dragons’ lairs, often wandering as tribes until they find a dragon to dedicate themselves to, though they are often then eaten as sacrifices. They adorn themselves with the bones of their fallen enemies, and like many other Wilders, they are considered uncivilized not due to a lack of intelligence but their hostility towards outsiders.

The treatment of the Wilders in Pillars of Eternity is fascinatingly nuanced and works to show that the delineation between the Kith and their godlike descendants and the Wilders is one largely of perspective rather than biology. Players will likely meet some of the members of these races in Avowed as both hostile enemies, and, occasionally, communities that may be able to be reasoned with if the player understands their perspective.

The Vithrack and their ability to communicate via souls could be particularly interesting, especially if the protagonist of Avowed is a Watcher like in Pillars of Eternity and is able to see souls as a result. It is possible that this could be used to help engender greater empathy towards the Wilder races, allowing their voices to be heard in-game and portraying their perspective directly. Many fans will likely be excited to see how the relationship between the Kith and the Wilder is handled and developed in Avowed, especially in the frontier of the Living Lands.

Avowed is in development for PC and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Avowed Needs to Avoid this Problem from Dragon Age


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