Dark Souls 2: The 5 Best Miracles In The Game (& 5 Worst)

Dark Souls 2 is a tough game, and it’s even tougher for players that came from the first or third in the series. The difference lies in the enemies’ tracking and the players’ movement. For example, rolling has fewer invincibility frames than it does in the other Darks Souls games, making it a lot harder to evade enemies.

Whether a player comes from another entry in the series or they haven’t touched a Souls game at all, chances are players will have a rough time. One way to make the game easier is by using miracles to attack enemies from afar or use miracles to heal. Not every miracle is created the same, so for players that need help journeying through the unforgiving land of Drangleic, here are miracles that should be used and ones that should be avoided.

10 Bad: Guidance

Of all the miracles in every Dark Souls game, Guidance has to be the worst. This miracle allows players to see more messages from other players. People playing offline won’t get any use from this miracle since it requires players to be online to load messages.

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Whether players see the messages or not doesn’t matter because they’re often hit or miss. A message could tell a player that there’s a treasure in a room when really there’s an ambush waiting to send those that follow back to the bonfire.

9 Great: Great Magic Barrier

Great Magic Barrier is a miracle widely used by players that use cleric builds. This miracle increases the player’s defense against fire, lightning, magic, and dark by 250. The buff lasts 90 seconds, and that’s more than enough time to finish some challenging encounters, whether those encounters be PVE or PVP.

Great Magic Barrier is a nuisance for players on the other side of it. Its only downside is that it has no resistance to physical attacks, poison, or bleed effects.

8 Bad: Unveil

Unveil is a miracle only useful in one situation, making it a waste of space if it’s in a players spell slot. This miracle reveals an invader’s location by summoning a red orb that flies in an invader’s general direction. Players won’t need this if they play offline.

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Online, most invaders will hunt the host. On occasion, some invaders like to hide themselves by turning into objects of the area using a silver talisman or chameleon to set an ambush. Players can counter this by summoning help or running to the nearest boss fog gate.

7 Great: Wrath of The Gods

Wrath of The Gods is the culmination of the miracle Force and Emit Force. Upon using this miracle, the player explodes with force. This miracle does a lot of damage because it scales with faith, and it makes most enemies fall over.

In PVE this miracle should be used to push pesky enemies off cliffs or simply for the damage. Players using this in PVP should use this if they’re facing more than one player, or they can use it to surprise a player by hiding around a corner. This move is too good to not have on a faith build.

6 Bad: Soul Appease

Soul Appease is a miracle that allows the players to cast an AoE attack that only does damage to hollow enemies. This miracle should only be carried for a single boss fight, and other than that it has limited uses due to its long cast time.

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The Royal Rat Vanguard, found in the Grave of Saints, is a boss that can be cheesed very easily with soul appease since the rats in the boss fight have pour tracking. This miracle can also work on slow hollows like the ones near The Crestfallen’s Retreat bonfire.

5 Great: Sacred Oath

Sacred Oath is a great spell because it buffs the users (and allies) physical attack damage by 50, and it increases physical damage resistance by 75. It can also be paired with another self-buff like Great Magic Barrier, making the user a tank. Couple those two miracles with heavy armor, like Havel’s, and players can even make bosses tremble.

Sacred Oath had to be a good spell because players only get it toward the end of the game after defeating Velstadt.

4 Bad: Force

Force is a miracle players will only get use out of in PVP. While players can use it in PVE to knock certain enemies off cliffs, it will have little function outside of PVP. Force is a worse version of Wrath of The Gods. It deals no damage and has a smaller AoE radius.

In PVP, force can be used to knock players off of high places. Players that plan on using it for that reason should know that force only pushes, and it doesn’t knock enemies over. This spell is only used in the early game, and even then, there are more useful miracles.

3 Great: Sunlight Spear

Sunlight Spear is the final evolution of Lightning Spear. It and its predecessors make many of the bosses easier for players that are good at keeping their distance. Sunlight Spear is one of the strongest projectiles in the game. With a Lightning Dragon Chime +5, a lightning clutch ring, and Sun Seal, players can deal up to 1,400 damage. In some cases, the best equipment with this miracle can one-shot a boss and a player.

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Environments with water are great for this miracle because once it hits water, it has an AoE effect. To get the miracle, players must get to rank 3 in the Heirs of The Sun covenant.

2 Bad: Caressing Prayer

Caressing Prayer is a miracle that cures the user and allies (in proximity) of  poison and toxic buildup. While the poison and toxic status effect is deadly, this spell still isn’t worth having, unless the player is traversing an area with poison pools, like Earthen Peak.

When players reach points that have a lot of poison, they should have a collection of Poison Moss. This item will do the same job as Caressing Prayer without sacrificing an attunement slot.

1 Great: Sunlight Blade

Sunlight blade is the final piece to any faith build. This spell wraps the users’ weapon in golden lightning, dealing lighting damage scaled by the users’ faith. Even on the base requirement, players will find this buff significantly boosting their DPS.

Players can find this miracle hidden in the Shrine of Amana between the second and first bonfire. Or, players can buy it from Straid of Olaphis. This miracle is widely used in PVP builds, but it’s also great for PVE. It’s especially useful in NG+ runs.

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