League of Legends: The 10 Strongest Champions According To The Lore

There are dozens of MOBA games to choose from, but there are several games that stand above the rest in terms of popularity and gameplay, like Overwatch and Smite. But even they pale in comparison to League of Legendswhich has been around for over a decade. League has remained popular because it allows players to select from a wide range of characters, all of whom have unique abilities and backstories.

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When Riot created the game, they also created the world of Runeterra, which has lore spanning thousands of years, and every single champion has left their mark within it. Every champion is strong, otherwise they would not be on Summoner’s Rift, but from a lore perspective there are a few who are more powerful than any human could ever imagine.

10 Galio

The world of Runeterra is filled with powerful mages, but Galio is the only champion who counters every single one of them. Galio is basically a colossus who measures over 100 feet tall, and his body is made entirely out of petricite, an anti-magic stone which is resistant to all forms of magic.

The major issue with Galio however is the fact that he spends most of his time as a statue, because he only comes to life when there is an enemy mage fighting against the forces of Demacia.

9 Xerath

The ancient empire of Shurima was home to several champions, including Azir and Xerath, both of whom possess untold power. Xerath started out as a mere mortal who wanted to acquire as much magical power as possible in order to learn the secrets of the universe.

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After completing the necessary ritual, Xerath became an ascendant being made up entirely of arcane energy, a transformation which bestowed upon him infinite power and immortality. The only way to stop Xerath is to seal him away, but even that will not work forever because he will eventually break through it with his magic.

8 Soraka

Soraka is an easy champion for beginners to use, but she also happens to be one of best supports in the game. In League of Legends lore the Celestials are the most powerful race, and Soraka is one of them.

She may use her powers for healing, but that is just a simple manifestation of her power. She originally descended from the Celestial Realm in order to repair the damage done to Runeterra by the mortals, but after discovering that they were also capable of great kindness, she decided to help them unlock their untold potential.

7 Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser is a spirit who is anchored to a physical object, which in this case is his massive suit of armor. When Mordekaiser first died, he managed to defy the Death Realm and mold it in his image, which is why he can summon and control an army of dead soldiers as a Necromancer.

It is believed that Morde is the strongest specter in Runeterra, and the only way to stop him is by separating him from his armor. This will send him back to the afterlife, but that will be a temporary fix because he will eventually bring himself back to the world of the living.

6 Ryze

Ryze may technically be human, but he has lived for hundreds of years, and is most likely the strongest mortal mage in all of Runeterra. The purple mage has spent much of his life searching for the World Runes-stones of untold power, which means that he is basically League’s skinnier and non-evil version of Thanos.

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While gathering the Runes, Ryze has had to fight extremely powerful mages, all of whom he’s beaten, and has managed to resist the corrupting nature of those same Runes. He also has the ability to teleport, which is considered to be an extremely rare and powerful form of magic.

5 Aatrox

If played properly, Aatrox is one of the strongest Top laners in the game, and if the lore can be believed, he will be the end of all of Runeterra. Aatrox is a Darkin, a corrupted Ascendant (a human who was altered by celestial magic) who was sealed within his weapon, and is now forced to take over the bodies of others in order to move.

Even before his corruption, Aatrox was the strongest of the Ascendant, and he is now on a mission to end all life on Runeterra in order to hopefully bring an end to his own cursed existence.

4 Zoe

This annoying little mage may look like a little girl, but she is over 1,000 years old. When she was a child, the Aspect of Twilight bestowed its power on her, and in doing so greatly reduced her aging, to the point that she’s immortal.

Thanks to these powers, Zoe is capable of moving through dimensions, ignoring the laws of gravity, and manipulating spacetime itself. She is so strong that she can call someone like Aurelion Sol a “space doggie” and not be afraid of angering him.

3 Kindred

Wherever there is life, there is also death, and in Runeterra, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb grants a quick and painless release, while Wolf chases after those who try to outrun their ends, and these ends are usually violent in nature.

Even the Celestials will eventually run out of time, and when that happens Kindred will be there to greet them, and if they try to fight back, it will be to no avail. Some champions may be able to cheat or circumvent death, but no one is capable of killing death.

2 Bard

Zoe may be strong because she was blessed by the Aspect of Twilight, but she is not as powerful as the Aspect himself. Bard may not look intimidating, but he is one the strongest characters in all of League, as he only appears on Runeterra whenever balance needs to be restored.

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Bard can travel through dimensions and manipulate time and space just like Zoe, but to a much higher degree, According to his lore, Bard influences events at a cosmic level, which essentially makes him the equivalent of a God.

1 Aurelion Sol

As far as the lore is concerned, Aurelion Sol is by far the strongest and oldest known character in the League of Legends universe. It is said that Sol came to life immediately after League’s version of The Big Bang, and has been shaping the universe ever since.

Sol is in fact a God, as he is capable of creating and destroying stars with a simple flick of his wrist, which means that he could wipe Runeterra from existence whenever he wants, but only after he is no longer bound to Mount Targon.

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