The city of Riften has been called all sorts of things by fans, who often reference it as the worst place in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Granted, when first stepping into this misty southeastern town, the player is greeted by some very unsavory people who are less than friendly towards them.
It doesn’t help that everyone seems to have a bone to pick in Riften, and that the whole place is controlled not by the Jarl and her guards, but rather by the Black-Briar family and the Thieves Guild. It’s a tough world in Riften, one that to this day has brought about a few questions that remained mysteries among fans.
10 Why Do People Hate The Thieves Guild?

It might seem obvious that a faction working on the basis of extortion, thievery, and corrupt deals would get so much hate from the people of Riften. It’s especially the case when the entire city is basically infamous for this faction alone.
That being said, just about every NPC in Riften, and Riften marketplace in particular, is just as opportunistic and cold-blooded as the members of the guild themselves. With that in mind, it’s a bit odd for them to hate the guild for what they do, as it’s the very same sort of attitude that every other Riftener has.
9 Why Doesn’t Maven Help The Guild?

Maven Black-Briar is among the most hated NPCs in Skyrim, which is no surprise given how cold and rude she is. As an ally, however, she’s worth more than money could ever buy, if one can deal with her insufferable attitude. She’s closely associated with factions like the Thieves Guild and even the Dark Brotherhood, pulling some serious strings when it comes to politics.
With that mind, why isn’t Maven the one helping the Thieves Guild rebuild in their moment of weakness? If she’s in need of their help, why can’t she help the Guild first to get back on their feet so they can in turn assist her in her private endeavors?
8 How Do People Like Mjoll Still Live In Riften?

Although Riften seems like a rather unpleasant place, there’s still a certain type of character that will find what they’re looking for in this city. Whether it’s easy money or just opportunities, Riften is the best place to be, if people can handle the lies and the thievery.
Someone like Mjoll, however, doesn’t seem fit for the city, and it’s a big question mark as to why she continues to stay around Riften given how much she despises the city. From hating Maven to loathing the Thieves Guild, she seems pretty ripe to leave… but doesn’t.
7 Why Do The Guards Do A Shake-Down?

When first entering Riften through its primary entryway, a guard will ask the Dragonborn to pay an entry fee. This is obviously different to other cities and will instantly irk the player, which leads to a confrontation. It also serves as a great prologue to what kind of a city they’ll find within.
However, logically, there’s no reason for a guard to be doing this. Wouldn’t a guard want a city to have more visitors, who pay for their stay and stimulate the economy? In that sense, letting the player in easily would make more sense. Alternatively, there’s something else players don’t know, a different reason for why they’re asked for money.
6 Why Do Guards Not Intervene In NPC Fights?

For a bloody fight between NPCs, all the player has to do is head over to Riften’s marketplace and drop a valuable item, such as a gemstone. It won’t take long at all for one NPC to pick it up and for a disagreement to turn into a full-on fight to the death.
One would think someone would step in and do something, but the Riften guards actually don’t do much about this event and let the characters fight it out. There has to be some sort of reason for this decision. Maybe something to do with corruption?
5 How Has No One Invaded The Ratway?

The Ratway is a dark and dangerous location right under Riften, which leads the player to Thieves Guild. Although there are already some outsiders hanging around these parts, it’s somewhat shocking that no other group has had the idea of coming down here.
Given that the Thieves Guild is weakened, it would be easy for anyone to just walk right in and take control of the Ratway. Yet the passageways remain mostly empty, and seem like a missed opportunity for any thief or other petty criminal looking for a hideout. Alternatively, it could be asked why the Jarl hasn’t done anything to purge the Ratway of troublemakers.
4 Why Is Nothing Being Done By Honorhall Orphanage?

Riften’s sore spot has to be Honorhall Orphanage, which is a location the player discovers during their quest to find and kill Grelod the Kind. Upon entering, it’s pretty obvious that Grelod is anything but kind when it comes to the children.
There’s some serious abuse and mistreatment going on in the orphanage, and everyone in Riften is aware of this. Why isn’t anything being done about it? Could it be that the Jarl doesn’t care or that Grelod is paying someone off?
3 Why Does The Jarl Give Maven So Much Power?

It’s quite ironic that the name of Riften’s Jarl is Laila Law-Giver, because upholding laws is actually the one thing that she doesn’t seem to ever do. In fact, her whole presence in Riften is akin to decoration; it becomes evident very quickly that she has almost zero power in her own city.
It’s said that Laila’s completely paid off by Maven, but how much would someone even have to pay to a Jarl to make them give up their own power? It just sounds a bit unlikely that Laila would only accept money. It could be that Maven has made a bigger threat to Laila, or that Laila’s just not that interested in politics to begin with.
2 Why Does The Jarl Side With Stormcloaks?

Upon first discussing politics with Laila, the Jarl of Riften, she mentions that she believes Ulfric’s intentions are not entirely innocent. It’s not all just about taking Skyrim back for the Nords and having control over his own territories; she actually believes he’s just hungry for the throne of High King.
With that in mind, why does she then ally herself with Ulfric if she expresses doubt over his convictions? It could be that she’s too scared to rebel against him, and that being so close to Windhelm makes her nervous. However, the Empire could easily support her if she asked for help.
1 Where Does Riften’s Port-Side Trade Came From?

Riften is a beautiful town, especially when modded and the game gets a more vibrant appearance. It’s next to a large lake, which then turns into a river and shifts into a waterfall. With that in mind, and looking at Riften’s docks, there’s one big question that comes to mind.
Where does Riften’s trade come from? Surely the trade isn’t just based around areas by the lake itself, since traveling by land is more convenient. This might just be something the developers didn’t fully think through when designing the map.

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