Apex Legends: All Jump Tower and Flight Range Locations

Apex Legends, EA’s answer to battle royale, is currently enjoying its 6th season. Changes are made fairly regularly to the game’s map and characters, and this seems to be ongoing. The creators even responded to fan requests for the removal of one King’s Canyon tree, hinting that it will happen next patch.

The Apex Legends community is pretty involved, not just in tree related complaints, but throughout the game’s ins and outs. Unlike Fortnite or PUBGApex Legends embraces elements of hero shooters by giving each character unique special abilities. Many of these are dedicated to mobility, as increased movement over other battle royales is also a big selling point Apex Legends. One innovative aspect of this is the addition of Jump Towers. In order to help players better use the Jump Towers at Worlds Edge, one innovative player created a map layout showing the radius of each Jump Tower on the map.

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The Jump Towers may look strange to anyone unfamiliar with Apex Legends, and they aren’t even real towers. They’re actually small platforms suspended from a balloon, accessed via zipline. Once up the line, players can temporarily redeploy their jetpacks. The distance covered isn’t as far as the initial jump, but it can allow a player to reposition quickly and efficiently, at the cost of the danger of exposure. While it’s not as foolproof as Loba hiding under the map, it still makes for a useful escape or the start of a flanking maneuver.

Each Jump Tower is represented by a red dot, surrounded by a pink circle that roughly outlines maximum jump distance from it. The result shows a good deal of overlap between the boundaries, and helps determine where players cannot reach easily. Unless players are willing to exploit Pathfinder’s long zipline trick, the Towers are the best way to get around, so the map provides invaluable info for anyone who can at least come close to memorizing it.

From the map, a few things become aparent. One is that starting from certain points, it is possible to travel almost exclusively by Tower Jumping. The Geysers and their jump boundaries can help extend Jump distance as well if used correctly. It’s important to keep in mind though that these radii may not be permanent. The devs of Apex Legends don’t just change things like Evo Shield values, they have adjusted the physical jump distance of the Towers before. It’s something to keep an eye on.

The biggest conclusion of course is that the middle of the map is special. While it has no nearby towers to make use of, it is also too far away for anyone to jump to immediately. This makes it the perfect area to set up a land focused defense using something like the Rampart/Gibralter shield glitch.

Apex Legends is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version in development.

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