Everything We Love About Kamala Khan In Marvel’s Avengers

By now, most players that were looking forward to Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics’ collaborative title, Marvel’s Avengers, have probably finished the game. Even for those that haven’t reached the game’s brilliant conclusion, it’s probably common knowledge now that Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, is the real star of the show.

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There’s a lot to like about the depiction of Kamala Khan in Marvel’s Avengers. From the way players are introduced to her to the critical role she plays throughout the game’s campaign, her character is easily one of the best aspects of the highly-anticipated game. While she was never necessarily an entirely unknown hero in the Marvel Universe, her role in the game has pushed her to a new level of popularity that’s long overdue.

10 Origin

While the game’s characters obviously draw most of their design and details from their comic book counterparts, it was made clear that they would stand on their own as new interpretations of their own universe. For Kamala Khan, that became even more abundantly clear.

Kamala’s comic book origin stayed fairly accurate in the game. A Pakistani-American from Jersey City, New Jersey, her most notable difference in the game was the way she acquired her powers and the way she eventually became an Avenger. However, those few changes turned out to be great ones. Acquiring her powers via the A-Day disaster and showing her encounters with the Avengers the same day was a perfect way to introduce players to the character.

9 Powers

Although players may have not seen the exact moment Kamala discovered her powers or even the moments she learned to use them, the handling of her polymorph abilities was still brilliantly portrayed.

One of the best aspects of her abilities is the range in which she utilizes them. From enlarging her fists and feet for harder punches and kicks to embiggening her entire body to cause more damage, there is very little that she can’t do with her powers. On top of that, the game did a great job of showing Kamala’s struggle with becoming comfortable with her powers and embracing her new life as an Inhuman.


Marvel’s Avengers is filled with incredible quotes, most coming from the core Avengers members. A good deal of the game’s very best quotes, however, come from none other than Kamala Khan.

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With sayings like, “Good isn’t a thing you are, it’s a thing you do,” or “Your differences are your greatest superpower,” Kamala Khan clearly possesses wisdom beyond her years as Thor so kindly points out.

7 Leadership

One of the best qualities of Kamala Khan in the comics is her ability to lead. As an Avenger, and eventually, as one of the founding members of the Champions, Kamala has historically been known for her strong leadership tendencies.

Well, she was an equally great leader in Marvel’s Avengers. What was so impressive, however, was that she was leading a broken team of Avengers despite being significantly younger than all of them. Her strength as a leader is one of the best aspects of her character and gives the game creators something to build on if they’re to use her in future games.

6 Playability

Some of the most prominent criticisms of the game surround the playability of the Avengers, regarding how each character feels when controlled by the players. While there are certainly cases to be made for the feel of characters like Iron Man and Thor, Kamala is actually one of the best playable characters the game has to offer.

Her combat and movement feel great and she surprisingly is one of the quicker characters when it comes to getting from point A to point B. The one questionable aspect of Kamala’s playability is her extended-arm swinging and grabbing on to ledges. Otherwise, she’s easily one of the more enjoyable Avengers to play as.

5 Relatability

As most of the people playing Marvel’s Avengers probably are, Kamala is a fan at heart. Her fandom is shown from the get-go and shines throughout the majority of the A-Day sequence. Just walking around the different Avengers exhibits, collecting comics, and meeting the heroes is just about every Marvel fan’s dream.

Thanks to that, it makes Kamala one of the most relatable protagonists of any comic book-based video game. She’s the most compelling character in the entire game and her constant flashes of fandom make her even more enjoyable for longtime Marvel fans.

4 Cosmetics

All of the different costumes for each playable Avenger are undoubtedly one of the most appealing elements of the game. While most just wanted the best from their primary looks, there’s definitely a massive contingent that was after the many other designs that come with each character.

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In the case of Kamala Khan, her costume design was pretty great. Her opening look isn’t anything to get overly excited about, although it’s solid considering it’s meant to be her look as a fangirl. Her classic costume looks fantastic, and her “Stark-Tech” gear follows suit. Other than those, the different fangirl adaptions that each feature the color schemes and symbols of the other Avengers are brilliant alternatives. Lastly, there are some excellent colorful twists that players can unlock for her classic costume.

3 Relationship With Bruce Banner

By far one of the best aspects of Kamala’s character, and the game as a whole, is the relationship she forms with fellow Avenger Bruce Banner. Her and the Hulk get off to a rocky start, but as the game progresses, she and Banner develop an endearing and sometimes hilarious friendship.

The two offer up some of the most human moments in the game, and it’s hard not to notice the true care they develop for one another. On top of that, the ways Bruce helps Kamala become comfortable with her new abilities and the way she helps him realize the true hero he is made their relationship one of the game’s best.

2 Overall Role

Through the early looks at Marvel’s Avengers, Kamala’s true role was one of the game’s best-kept secrets. At its core, the game is a Kamala Khan story more than an Avengers one, and very early on players realize that she is the one true protagonist.

For the most part, the game got better by setting Kamala in the spotlight. It allowed them to create a much more compelling Avengers story in the process. Having her single-handedly bring the Avengers back together was truly genius and gave the story solid direction. Hopefully, this isn’t the last time we see Kamala Khan at the forefront of an Avengers game.

1 Potential For Future Games

Speaking of Kamala Khan’s future in video games, it’s hard to believe that Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics will stop here. Now that they’ve set up such an expansive universe under the Marvel blanket, there are so many new directions they could take their next game.

As they continue to add heroes to the Avengers roster via the numerous DLCs they’ve already announced, the potential for future games will continue to grow. Kamala herself adds plenty of potential for future games as well. It’d be interesting to one day see a Kamala-led Champions roster feature in their own video game, but that might be looking too far ahead. Regardless, Marvel’s Avengers should be far from the last time we see Kamala Khan make a prominent appearance in a Marvel video game.

NEXT: Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Marvel Games To Play If You Love The Square Enix Title


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