Fake CS:GO Cheats Ruin Cheaters’ Games | Game Rant

Cheating is and probably always will be a massive problem in competitive games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Due to the anonymous nature of online interactions, some players tend to feel emboldened and use cheats to give themselves an edge over players that are simply enjoying the game how it was intended to be.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in particular has struggled with cheaters in the past, and yet the game still remains popular. One philanthropist vigilante named ScriptKid takes things into their own hands though, punishing cheaters by beating them at their own game.

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This doesn’t mean that ScriptKid used cheats of his own in order to hunt down cheaters, though that sort of thing has happened in the past, but instead they planted a fake cheat for CS:GO cheaters that acted as a trap. Rather than help them win matches by giving them unfair advantages, this cheat would make things much harder and a lot less fun for those that tried to use it.

ScriptKid’s fake cheating software appeared at the top of google searches for “Free CS:GO Cheats,” and they even paid money to make sure that would happen. The result is that many cheaters ended up downloading and installing this fake cheat only to have it ruin their next couple games. The cheat would do various things under certain conditions, including making cheaters discard their weapons, taking over control of the character and suiciding off a cliff, or simply preventing them from moving.

Other implementations of the cheat were a bit more of a troll, though, such as the change it made to sniper rifles, one of the best weapon classes in CS:GO. Whenever the cheater was aiming down sights, they would hear their sniper rifle make the firing noise but no bullets would be expended. This would no doubt be incredibly frustrating, and once discovered would require the cheater to use only hip fire when firing the sniper. The best part about this is that if cheaters had multiple programs installed, it might be difficult for them to tell which one was the fake at first. ScriptKid has now outed the cheat as a fake, but several videos like the one above show cheaters making complete fools of themselves.

Though players would likely unanimously agree that cheaters deserve this kind of justice, there is something to be said for how it affects the cheater’s team. Players don’t choose to be matched with cheaters and shouldn’t necessarily be punished for doing so. Regardless, odds are that most would agree it is a price worth paying.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is available now on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

MORE: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Breaks Dota 2 Concurrent Player Record

Source: TheGamer


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