Fall Guys – How to get the Infallible Trophy | Game Rant

Fall Guys is extremely interesting because at its core it isn’t a hard game. Almost anyone can pick up a controller, have a lot of fun, and do pretty well at its various levels, but things like the Infallible trophy are reserved for the upper echelons of players. This trophy takes immense skill and possibly even more luck to attain, but there’s a trick that can help make the process smoother.

In order to earn the Infallible trophy, players must win five episodes of Fall Guys in a row. That means beating out 60 other players five times in succession without any disqualifications in between. Many players struggle to get even one crown, but five in a row may seem impossible to some.

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Thankfully, there’s a trick to make earning this trophy a little more bearable, but it still won’t be easy. In order for this to work, players will need to be at a skill level where they can reliably win Fall Guys crowns at a decent rate, otherwise this will take a very long time to complete.

Essentially, the trophy counter for consecutive wins only resets if the player is disqualified and earns Kudos from the round. This loophole can be exploited to earn Fall Guys‘ toughest trophy much easier. If the player quits out of a match before getting disqualified, they will simply return to the title screen and not earn any Kudos. This means that their win streak is still in effect and they can continue to try and reach five consecutive wins.

There is some debate about the ethics of this approach, as it clearly isn’t how the developers intended the trophy to be earned. Many view it as an exploit or consider it cheating, but that is really up to each player to decide. Winning five crowns in Fall Guys is hard enough as is, and players will still need to be sure they quit before being disqualified, so it isn’t as if the method will be easy even still. Of course, earning the trophy how it was intended will certainly provide more pride to players, so individuals will have to make their own judgement.

After earning Infallible, the rest of the trophies in Fall Guys should be relatively easy to unlock. Some of them will take a lot of time, such as Golden Guy, which requires players to win 20 episodes, but perseverance will see all of these unlock eventually.

Fall Guys is available now on PC and PS4.

MORE: Fall Guys Season 2 Should Avoid One Type of Game Mode


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