6 Civilization 6 Leaders Who Would Be Great Additions, But Will Never Likely Appear

At the beginning of every game of Civilization 6, players choose both a nation and  a leader to control. Some nations have multiple leaders to pick from, which can radically change how they play. A good example is Greece, who can either be lead by the war-like Gorgo or the cultured Pericles. This system means that Firaxis can be flexible with new leaders and doesn’t have to avoid a famous figure simply because they’re from a nation that’s already in Civilization 6.

With the whole of human history to pick from, Firaxis also has plenty of options for new leaders. There are hundreds of great and notable leaders that have yet to make it into a Civilization title, but not all stand a chance. Even some of the most legendary figures in history can have reasons that Firaxis might hesitate to include them, whether they’ve been involved in a high-profile controversy, are in some way insensitive, or would simply not fit with the other leaders already in the game. Here’s our list of 6 historical figures who would make great additions to Civilization 6, but will most likely never appear in the game.

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Although she was never an official head of state, Eva Duarte de Peron remains one of the most influential female politicians of the 20th century. Rising from poverty to the First Lady of Argentina and Spiritual Leader of the Nation, Eva Peron used her natural charisma and intelligence to champion her husband’s political cause, along with her own. Immortalized in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Evita, Eva Peron has remained in the cultural consciousness for decades following her death at the age of 33.

As a Civilization 6 leader, Eva Peron would most likely focus on Diplomacy and Production. Eva’s passion and charisma won her the love of her people, and her famous Rainbow Tour could perhaps find its way into the game as a City Project. As for Production, Eva’s primary supporters were low-income workers and union groups, making her one of the loudest voices for the working class on the continent.

Despite all this, it’s unlikely that we’ll ever see Eva Peron in Civ 6. Accusations of fascism and authoritarianism linger around her and her husband, accusations that are not without justification. When picking leaders from the 20th century, Firaxis has to be extra careful to make sure that its choices aren’t controversial. While there aren’t many people in 2020 who feel strongly about Genghis Khan’s sacking of Kiev, opinions on issues like the rise of fascism are rather more relevant.

Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, is one of the most famous kings of the Early Middle Ages. During his lifetime, he reunited the majority of western and central Europe and was the first Emperor to rule from the west since the fall of Rome. Charlemagne has been called the Father of Europe, a title referring as much to his many children as his unification of the continent.

As a Civilization 6 leader, Charlemagne could either focus on Domination, Culture. or Science. His spurring of the Carolingian Renaissance, a surge of intellectual and cultural growth in Europe, is more than enough to qualify him for the latter two. However, it was his many military campaigns that actually lead to the unification of western Europe, paving the way for his intellectual achievements.

Despite his near-mythical status, Charlemagne has only been a full leader in one previous Civilization title. In Civ 4, he leads the Holy Roman Empire and has bonuses to war and religion. However, the reason he is unlikely to appear in Civilization 6 is that he’s in the game already, albeit in a non-playable role. He is the leader of the Franks in the Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! special Scenario.

Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de Robespierre was a French lawyer and statesman. One of the most influential figures behind the French Revolution, Robespierre campaigned for direct democracy and the abolition of Slavery. His legacy was assured by the revolution’s success, the execution of King Louis, and the Terror that followed.

As a Civilization 6 leader, Robespierre would most likely focus on Diplomacy or Religion. Robespierre’s ability to spread his ideology to others is legendary and would probably fit as some kind of bonus to City State Envoys. At the same time, he was the founder of the Cult of the Supreme Being, the religion that would have replaced Catholicism in France had it not been for Robespierre’s fall.

It was the circumstances of this fall that make it unlikely that we’ll see Robespierre in Civilization 6. The Terror, the period of bloodshed and anarchy that followed the French Revolution, is often blamed on Robespierre’s well-intentioned fanaticism. It was his disregard for the lives that were lost to build his “ideal” republic that eventually lead to his arrest and execution.

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One of the most famous English kings, Richard the First packed a lot into his ten-year reign, building a near-legendary reputation as both a brilliant strategist and fearsome warrior. Leading his first army at the age of 16, he spent most of his reign either crusading in the holy land or defending his French holdings.

As a Civilization 6 leader, there’s no doubt that Richard would be focused on Domination, possibly combined with Religion. Richard’s prowess as both a general and a warrior was fairly unusual for the time and helped to solidify his reputation. As for Religion, although Richard himself was far from pious, he remains one of the most iconic figures of the Crusades. These religious wars could be represented in the game as a special Casus Belli, combining both Military and Religious Units.

There are a couple different reasons why it’s unlikely Richard will appear as a new leader in Civilization 6. The first is the one-note nature of his rule. Although he’s remembered as a famous king of England, it’s estimated that he spent less than 6 months in the country in his entire life. The other is that he doesn’t fit well with the English civilization already in the game, having no particular affinity with sea-faring or culture.

Cao Cao, courtesy name Mengde, was a Chinese warlord and statesman from the Three Kingdoms period of ancient China. He rose to power during the final years of the Han dynasty, before carving out his own nation following their collapse. Through guile and tactical prowess, he laid the foundations for what would ultimately become the Jin dynasty. Though he never ruled a united China, he was posthumously honored as Emperor Wu of Wei.

As a Civilization 6 leader, Cao Cao would represent a more militaristic China. His achievements on the battlefield speak for themselves, but he also has a reputation for cunning and espionage. This could manifest in the game as a combination of Domination and Spies, allowing Cao Cao to manipulate his friends as well as his enemies.

While he may seem a perfect fit, it’s possible that Firaxis are too unsure about the real nature of Cao Cao to include him. Despite being one of the most prominent figures of the age, historians are still highly divided on the truth behind the legends. Some show him as a great and benevolent leader, while others, such as the semi-fictional Romance of the Three Kingdoms, portray him as a cruel tyrant.

Emperor Meiji, known as Meiji the Great, was the 122nd Emperor of Japan. Reigning from 1867 to 1912, he oversaw the transformation of The Empire of Japan from an isolated feudal state into an industrialized world power. Having restored the power of the Emperor during the Meiji Restoration, his reforms brought about sweeping social and cultural changes.

As a Civilization 6 leader, Meiji would mostly likely focus on some combination of Culture, Science and Production. The default Japanese civilization is one of the most versatile in the game, leaving plenty of room for bonuses related to the Meiji restoration and the reforms that followed it. These could focus on the scientific advancements of the time, the cultural changes as Japan entered the world stage, or the increased productivity caused by the nation’s rapid industrialization.

Of all the leaders on this list, Emperor Meiji is probably the most likely to actually appear in the game at some point. There are some reasons he might not however, most notably the fact that he lacks focus as a leader. While most of Civilization 6‘s leaders are famed for one thing, the Meiji reforms were so sweeping that it would be difficult to do them justice without diluting their legacy.

There are many more civilizations and leaders coming to Civilization 6 through DLC, with eleven more planned over the course of the New Frontier Expansion Pass. While many players will be excited to see new leaders take the stage, it’s also likely that Firaxis will look to past titles for inspiration. There are many popular figures from previous Civilization games who have yet to make it to the latest title, but may be arriving soon.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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