Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition Makes Vergil Playable, Is PS5 Launch Title

Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition will be released alongside the PS5 on launch day, and is set to feature a slew of upgrades and additions, including the hotly demanded Vergil.

Capcom’s Matt Walker detailed the upcoming launch title in a brief Playstation Blog post earlier today. The message confirmed that Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition (DMC5: SE) will feature new content, and substantial visual and functional improvements, most of which take advantage of the PS5’s next-gen hardware capabilities.

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The primary content additions seem to be the inclusion of Turbo Mode, a “Legendary Dark Knight” difficulty option, and a playable version of the katana-wielding Vergil. Vergil has existed as a playable character in previous versions of Devil May Cry, so fans of the series were particularly devastated when he was unplayable in DMC5. 

Thankfully, he’s being reintroduced with updated battle mechanics too. Although the details remain ambiguous, Walker confirmed that they have “added even more interesting twists to his gameplay in addition to the return of [his] Concentration Gauge.” On a practical note, Vergil will also eventually be available as paid DLC on the original DMC5.

Aside from Dante’s smooth-talking brother, Vergil, fans can expect to take on allegedly ridiculous numbers of enemies with the new Legendary Dark Knight difficulty. They will also be able to do so at 1.2x the normal play speed if they activate the added Turbo Mode, which simply cranks up the game’s speed.

With regard to visual/technical improvements, DMC5: SE promises to literally shine by taking advantage of the PS5’s ability to calculate light bounces. Thanks to this, the game will feature incredibly realistic lighting and shadows that are calculated in real time, instead of approximated and preset by designers. Players will be offered the choice of seeing these visual improvements by prioritizing resolution, otherwise, they can set the game to prioritize framerate.

Graphics aside, DMC5: SE will also include impressive audio improvements that employ the PS5’s capacity for 3D audio. The announcement promises spooky encounters with Hellbats, which players will now be able to locate off-camera simply by sound. Between all the technical touch-ups and graphic updates, this Special Edition is sure to feel even more stylish than the amazingly nonsensical original.

Given that it is a reboot, it’s pleasant to know that Capcom had their fanbase on its mind during development. Knowing that adding a playable Vergil, which was a constant demand of fans, was one of the first things on Walker’s mind going into the project, assures players that they’re being heard; though that should come as no surprise to veterans of the franchise. Features like Turbo Mode, style points, and insanely hard difficulty modes, are generally there sheerly for the enjoyment of devoted gamers.

Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition will be released digitally as a PS5 and Xbox Series X launch title.

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Source: Capcom


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