The Elder Scrolls as a series has maintains an incredible level of popularity ever since Elder Scrolls: Arena released in 1994. The series contains five core titles, all with a glut of extra content, as well as the Elder Scrolls: Online offering and its myriad of expansions. One of the most popular games in the series is the fifth installment, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Since Skyrim’s release, modders have created a seemingly endless amount of extra content and modifications to the core game. Some of this content is so sophisticated that an entirely new game is created. Some mods just add that extra bit of flavor that turn a 9/10 game into a 10/10 game. These mods continue to immerse a player in the lore and campaign setting of the core game making play feel new every time. These ten weapon mods are great additions that will add more flavor to the world of Tamriel.
Dawnguard Arsenal
In the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim, players are asked to join the Dawnguard, an elite group of vampire hunters, to fight off a vampire menace. Of course players also have the option of joining the vampires and eventually becoming one, but this mod leans towards the former option.
The original vampire hunting weapons in Dawnguard’s DLC felt incomplete because there wasn’t a full arsenal of Skyrim’s usual weapon list. In addition, the Sun spells weren’t very well-rounded. This mod has a full Dawnguard weapon list, Sun spells are on par with the main Destruction spells, and named members of the Dawnguard now carry these weapons as well.
9 CL’s Ebony Weapons

The ebony weapons in vanilla Skyrim leave a lot to be desired. This is mostly because they look like flat black weapons under normal circumstances. In past Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion and Morrowind, the Ebony weapons had gold detailing. In Skyrim this is traded off for a more muted darker detailing that is difficult to make out.
CL’s Ebony Weapons mod offers up some brand new textures and brings back the gold colored extra details. This is a welcome change for fans of the previous games that miss the more intricate design.
8 DX Faction Crossbows SE

Mods don’t get much more lore-friendly than DX Faction Crossbows. This clean and simple mod not only bolsters the presence of crossbows in Skyrim, but pairs the weapon up with designs exclusive to the game’s already baked in factions.
In addition to the Dawnguard crossbow, The Nightingales, Dark Brotherhood, Imperial Legion, and Stormcloaks all have their own unique crossbows. These weapons aren’t just special obtainable items. Crossbows are 100% craftable for those players that enjoy smithing.
7 Kthonia’s Unique Weapon Pack

Kthonia’s Unique Weapon Pack mod adds three weapons that look like special arms carried by the Dragonborn. The mod includes special designs for a sword and bow. There is also a completely original weapon known as the Dwemer Lightning Fork.
Obtaining these weapons will require the Dragonborn DLC as they can only be found in Solstheim. This isn’t a big issue for the majority of players since all DLC is included in the Special Edition release.
6 Ice Blade of the Monarch

The Ice Blade of the Monarch mod is a bit of a misnomer. There are actually three special items to be found, not just one. The Ice Blade itself is capable of summoning a powerful Ice Monarch and carries a frost enchantment as well. In addition, the mod also boasts two named items. A dagger known as Krahvalok, and an ebony staff titled Apotheosis.
These items aren’t just placed randomly in chests. The mod includes a special series of quests involved to incorporate the items into the lore of The Elder Scrolls series.
5 Royal Armory

Many characters in Skyrim carry pretty basic weaponry. Named items are usually left to be found as a result of finishing a quest and finding a loaded chest. It seems a bit odd that Skyrim’s royalty doesn’t carry their own named items.
The Royalty Armory is lore friendly because it boosts said lore with special items to be found on characters like Ulfric Stormcloak. This mod adds weapons worthy of the characters who carry them.
4 Automatic Crossbows

This mod earns it’s lore-friendly status because it adds a quest line involving the Thalmor building weapons using Dwemer schematics. The Thalmor plan to bring back the fearsome automatic crossbow!
In addition to a great new series of quests, the mod offers three automatic Dwemer crossbows. Players are able to make the item themselves with the the Dwarven smithing perk. These items are even cooler since they can be used by NPCs as well.
3 Lore Weapon Expansion

Lore weapons might be the most lore friendly weapon mod available as that’s exactly what the mod brings to the game. The designs earn their lore friendly status by using designs seen in previous titles. In addition, the mod introduces a number of completely original designs based on the game’s written lore.
There is quite a large number of items here compared to other mods. As is the case with most standard weapons in the game, different materials only become available as character’s progress in level.
2 Sword of the Ancient Tongues

The Sword of the Ancient Tongues is a lore-friendly weapon acquired with the mod of the same name. The blade doesn’t come with a special series of quests but it can be created by the Dragonborn. Creating this blade requires the Daedric smithing perk, as well as silver, steel, and ebony ingots.
Once made, the blade carries the Seal of Akatosh and the Dovahzul inscription: “Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, to keep evil forever at bay…”.
The power of the blade is dependent on the character’s level.
1 Immersive Weapons

The Immersive Weapon mod is easily the best lore-friendly weapons mod out there. What it lacks in additional quests and story beats, it more than makes up for with an impressive list of 230 additional weapons. The mod is intended to be constantly evolving with additional items added over time. This lengthy list of weapons are placed in the game based on levels and spread across different vendors throughout Skyrim. All weapons are even craftable and enchantable when appropriate.
Immersive Weapons is a simple mod that will add a lot of variety to new campaigns.

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