Warzone Fan Wins Round Due To Pure Luck With Precision Strike

The final circle in Call of Duty: Warzone can be one of the most stressful encounters in a player’s digital career. The pressure to win with victory so close can cause players to react in several different ways. Despite good tactics and better firepower, sometimes all it takes to win in Warzone is a bit of luck.

There have been tons of videos posted across the web showing lucky shots, knife throws, and more, but this is something else. Where there is luck based on angles, there is also luck based on timing alone. When this player looked death and failure in the eye, the last thing they expected was for their final move to pay the way it did.

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The video starts with the lucky player hiding in the final circle inside of a small stairwell. With the circle slowly closing, in they can tell that they are one of the last Warzone duo teams left alive. Peeking up the stairs, they carefully check their heartbeat sensor and realize that the enemy is coming up through a nearby door. Carefully, they sneak up and quickly call in a precision airstrike on the doorway before backing up and aiming out towards the roof. Suddenly, the last remaining duo team rounds the corner and beams down the cautious player. As they move in for the final kill, the precision airstrike kicks in, bombing the roof and eliminating the last Warzone squad, gifting the downed player victory over the match.

By all accounts, the Reddit user should have been dead immediately. The timing of the precision airstrike mixed with the perfect angle to hit the enemy and not the player made for an insane video that is timed almost too well. At the end, players can see the enemy’s body flying down the stairs which is just icing on the cake for this clip.

This video was quickly spread across Reddit as fans shared the close call clip with their friends. Fans agree that this entire situation is a show of pure luck mid-match rather than a defined and planned execution.

With so many ways to win in a Warzone match, fans were not expecting this. There are several players who advise taking precision airstrikes and cluster strikes into the final circle, but this was probably not what they intended. While normal fans use the aerial support to drive enemies from cover, this fan managed to instead bomb the cover itself and survive the aftermath of that decision.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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