The PlayStation 5 showcase revealed numerous additional details regarding Sony’s upcoming console and launch titles. However, there were many details surrounding the PS5 and its ever growing library of games that were not revealed during the event and were instead delegated to PlayStation’s various websites. Some of the additional information mentioned on the websites includes the prices for separate pieces of PlayStation 5 paraphernalia.
Both the price and release date of the PlayStation 5 have been a point of contention among members of the gaming community for the better part of several months. The fact that there’s no other additional information left to reveal is certainly an elating thought for many, but one thing that most members may not have considered is the price of additional controllers and accessories sold separately from the PS5.
The price of an additional DualSense controller is $69.99. A PULSE 3D wireless headset is $99.99. An HD Camera with dual 1080p lenses will cost $59.99. The PS5’s Media Remote will cost $29.99 and finally, a DualSense charging station will cost $29.99. Other than the DualSense controller, none of these other accessories come included in the PlayStation 5 box.
Some fans might find the increase in price of the controller from PS4 to PS5 a bit infuriating, but in a sense, it falls in line with the increase in price of next-gen gaming technology. In fact, some games like NBA 2K21 are going to be more expensive comparatively, given how much newer and grander the technology is getting.
As irritating as it may be for next gen console, game, and hardware prices to soar, it makes a lot of sense. As software continues to evolve and get better, it’s becoming more difficult to develop hardware that optimizes all of it. This is why within the last couple of years, many game file sizes have risen to be consistently over 100 GB worth of storage space, leading next gen consoles to have major storage issues, given how much content there is to install on the console itself.
It’s clear that this generation of gaming consoles will definitely see an increase in expenses. It seems likely that most games will stay priced at $59.99, but there will be some PS5 games priced at $70 instead. Again, so long as technology is able to keep up with itself, hopefully prices will slowly decrease as time goes on, but for now, that is how much the controllers and accessories for the PS5 cost. Now, fans just have to patiently wait for the console’s release.
The PlayStation 5 is set to launch on November 12th, 2020.
Source: PlayStation Blog
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