The Witcher 3: Every Monster Nest Type, Ranked By Difficulty

What would The Witcher 3 be without its fair share of monsters? The game offers plenty of things to do, from playing Gwent to chatting with Geralt’s friends, seducing beautiful sorceresses and other women, or just plain traveling through the vast world and seeing everything it has to offer. However, the main attraction for many players is the possibility to take on many various beasts. Some of them live in the forest, others in caves, and some call the sky their home.

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No beast should be underestimated. Each beast requires a different style of fighting for Geralt to be able to defeat it. And some of them even have monster nests Geralt has to destroy to prevent more from hatching. Some monster nests are then harder to access than others.

10 Drowners

As their name suggests, drowners tend to keep near water. Geralt can often find them on beaches or on small isles. They like to travel in larger groups. Luckily, they’re fairly stupid. They’re fast but won’t do as much damage as other monsters on this list. Drowners’ nests are also near waters and while they are fairly common, destroying them isn’t too difficult. Geralt should only beware of additional drowners appearing near the nest after its destruction. A stronger version of the drowner is the drowned dead, so if Geralt comes across him and the drowners, he should try to finish the drowned dead as fast as possible.

9 Nekkers

Nekkers are strong and dangerous but not as much as other monsters on this list. They’re fairly fast but not that clever. Geralt can stay ahead of them by using signs or by evading them. Their nests can be found in forests or near waters. Stray nekkers also sometimes wander elsewhere but they prefer to stay in a larger group. Especially when their nest is nearby. Each nekker group tends to have a nekker warrior who’s stronger than the rest of them.

8 Ghouls

Ghouls are ugly and nasty creatures who can also be quite dangerous. The reason for it is that they form packs. They’re fairly fast and can swarm at Geralt. That can make it difficult to defeat them, especially at a higher difficulty level. As for their nests, they can be destroyed fairly easily. However, the player should be careful since a new ghoul can appear after the destruction and attack Geralt. Luckily, he should be the last one. The same is true for alghouls whose strengths are similar but have slightly different appearances (as Vesemir taught Ciri early in the game).

7 Rotfiends

On one hand, rotfiends aren’t as dangerous as ghouls. For one, they’re not as common. They still appear in the game, but in less frequency. That said, rotfiends have one trait that makes them strong – they explode when hurt. And if Geralt is near the explosion, it will significantly lower his vitality. It’s, therefore, best to strike them down quickly and step back until they explode.

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They also like to move in bigger numbers, especially near their nests. A subspecies of the rotfiend is the devourer who’s a nasty beast, but there’s usually only one of these in any group of rotfiends so it’s still relatively easy to kill it.

6 Sirens

Sirens are mostly seen in Skellige. Despite the old tales, while they have the face of a woman, they won’t chat with Geralt. Instead, they’ll just try to kill him. It’s easy to kill them on dry land but harder to do so when Geralt travels on a boat. And that’s when they like to attack. Geralt can bring them down from the sky by using Igni against them. However, he should be careful not to destroy his boat instead. Luckily, their nests are fairly rare, as long as Geralt doesn’t inspect every area in Skellige. A stronger and meaner type of siren is called Ekhidna, but Geralt will usually only come across them a few times in the game. Again, it usually happens in Skellige.

5 Harpies

Harpies may seem easy to kill but the truth is the opposite. They create larger flocks and like to attack Geralt together. Some signs will mostly be useful against them. To kill them, Geralt has to knock them down from the sky. Or he has to wait until they land on the ground and go after him. Their nests are often on high rocks which also means Geralt can fall down and die if he’s not careful enough. Harpies are also similar to erynias and erynia’s eyes (a useful ingredient) can be found in the nests or near them.

4 Kikimores

Kikimores are on par with endregas. There’s not that many of them in the game but those that are there bring some serious work for Geralt. Kikimores like to reside in caves (especially in Toussaint).

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Considering the limited space of caves, Geralt can have a hard time staying out of their reach. There are three different types of kikimores. The most dangerous one is the kikimore queen. In their case, destroying the nest is the easy part. The hard part is getting rid of all the kikimores surrounding the nest.

3 Endregas

Endregas might be relatively small (the opposite of wyverns) but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. They move fast and their best weapon is the fact they’re poisonous. They can easily swarm Geralt and kill him if he doesn’t stay out of the way. They also like to be in a larger group. There are two types of endregas: endrega workers and endrega warriors who are much bigger and meaner. Their nests aren’t as common but every player should be careful when he decides to destroy them because endregas like to attack swiftly and with no mercy.

2 Wyverns

Other flying beasts are wyverns. These are even stronger and more dangerous than harpies, and they don’t even need to travel in such great numbers. One or two harpies, let alone more, is enough to endanger Geralt. Once again, he has to get them down to the ground before he can kill them. Aard should help with this. And since their nests also tend to be higher up, Geralt should be careful so that the wyvern doesn’t make him fall. Royal wyverns are then even stronger than the ordinary ones, but luckily they aren’t as common.

1 Archespores

Archespores lurk in the beautiful nature in Toussaint. They can move fast, are huge, and change their positions quickly by getting back underground and sprouting in a different place. Geralt can find their nests in vineyards and even a graveyard. He should stay out of their way. The main reason why they’re so dangerous is that they throw venom at Geralt and can also cause explosions that will sap away his health fast.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 10 Pro Tips For Winning Fistfights


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