Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Goes to Extreme Lengths to Protect Horse

One of the most important parts of any player’s loadout in Red Dead Redemption 2 is their horse, seeing as how it will likely be what transports them across the map and carries their equipment. So it’s no wonder that one player would be willing to go to extreme lengths in order to protect their horse when riding through Red Dead‘s open world.

Shared to Reddit by user u/richlando, the player finds themselves in an awkward situation in Saint Denis and a surprising number of NPCs get between them and their horse. The resulting conflict goes a few steps beyond what most missions and encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2 would ordinarily expect of the player in order to make out with the horse alive and well.

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According to richlando, after donating to the Quincy Harris Memorial Hall in Saint Denis, a missed button press led to the player strangling a lawman while attempting to mount their horse. Unfortunately, this caught the attention of every other police officer in the area, which being in the largest city in Red Dead Redemption 2, meant that there was no shortage of enemies. The result of the carnage is a massive collection of NPC corpses leading a trail outside of the city, all in the effort to finally get back up on the horse and ride off with a massive bounty to show for it.

Some players may not find it necessary to go to such extremes, especially for Red Dead Redemption 2‘s recently nerfed horses, but this was clearly a worthy effort to richlando. Considering the dense littering of bodies left in the wake of this botched mounting attempt, there was likely a point where the player had simply gone too far and there was no more turning back. These types of unplanned encounters are a huge part of what makes Rockstar’s open worlds so rewarding to explore, although it isn’t likely that fighting off this many lawmen is the initial plan when it happens.

It’s true that not every player would be willing to eliminate such a huge number of lawmen for something as trivial as making sure that their horse stays safe. Of course, considering how many opportunities their are in Red Dead Redemption 2 to bond with horses, there is bound to be at least one player who chooses to put it all on the line like this. Granted, some players would likely start a fight like this for the challenge on its own, just looking to see how long they can last against an army of enemies.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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