The 10 Hardest Boss Fights In Mega Man History, Ranked

Trailing all the way back to the late ’80s, Mega Man has been busy releasing over 50 games. Giving fans a huge array of boss’s to compete with, the main series has held the toughest battles. Depending on what playstyle is chosen, most bosses can cause some issues. Only a few lurk at the top of the pack who challenge most players who decide to take on the challenge.

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It’s when the dial is turned up that these characters shine, forcing players to take more than a few runs at it. Frustrating beyond belief? Yes, but that’s what makes a great boss battle. These bosses are remembered through the decades as some of the hardest obstacles to overcome and for good reason.

10 Shadow Man

Shadow Man sends many players into fits. Not only are his patterns unpredictable but the shady enemy’s weakness is also one of the hardest weapons in the game to use. Even if players can get a gauge on his erratic movements, the combination of dodging his ram attacks and the giant shurikens catches most players off guard.

Using the Top Spin is inaccurate at best, especially when Shadow Man is bouncing around. It’s more of a shotgun offence than a sniper, even differing in the damage category on most hits. Making it a game of dodging the turbulent attacks and crossing fingers for a hit.

9 Twin Devil

The real challenge in this fight is keeping track of so many moving parts. Twin Devil is an understatement when they break into 12 separate globs that players have to keep track of one by one. Fortunately, they don’t move simultaneously to give Mega Man some chance.

Another annoyance is that the only way to damage them is to hit the electronic eye as it moves between globs. Mega Man’s special weapon should be the Black Hole Bomb, a player’s best chance at catching the eye while it switches. Using the directional pad, the projectile should be guided to do incredible damage any chance they get.

8 Quick Man

With lightweight boomerangs as a special weapon, it’s not only the initial attack players have to worry about. Once the first volley is dodged, it’s a waiting game for the return. Quick Man also makes a mad dash for the player as soon as he shoots, wasting no time with a burst of hits all at once.

Before the barrage starts, he does the courtesy of giving a 3 jump warning. The second jump unleashes the boomerangs, giving players some time to strategize. Making things more difficult, the enemy is actually glitched, meaning he’ll only jump twice before the speedy charge. Time Stopper and Crash Bomber are Mega Man’s best friends in this fight, taking some of the speed away and granting some time to deal out damage.

7 Elec Man

Much like his companion elite bosses, Elec Man is the original speedster. Bouncing around the room at lightning speed makes it hard to predict his movements and positioning. This is especially dangerous seeing as his Thunder Beam takes out a third of Mega Man’s health and has a giant area of effect.

The best tactic for general combat and the weapon he’s most weak to don’t exactly line up either. With Rolling Cutter being short-range and taking too long to return, it makes for a bad interrupter or knockback tool– leaving players to pick between big damage or a slow chip away plan, all while dodging that game-ending blast.

6 Bright Man

While most bosses are the ones in need of a knockback, Bright Man will be the one stunning Mega Man and stopping him in his tracks. Leaving players wide open to his attacks, this has to be avoided at all cost– mobility is key.

If players dodge the stun, Mega Man stun Bright Man with the Mega Buster. This puts him in the same vulnerable position and wide open to his weakness, Rain Flush. If it’s timed correctly, Rain Flush can take Bright Man out with relative ease and take away his stunning weapon.

5 Yellow Devil

The Thunder Beam that was once such a pest now becomes a huge ally, being the Yellow Devil’s only weakness. Trying to land it is a whole different story, having to predict its highly complicated attack pattern. Mainly its huge split into 19 parts, all moving in a specific pattern.

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The weakness, like any other devil, is the red-eye. Mega Man only gets a shot at it when Yellow Devil is returned to its original form. While it’s disassembling, Mega Man has to dodge the pieces and change sides, otherwise, they’ll be stuck stood directly beside the giant.

4 Wily Machine 1

The final boss of Mega Man 1, the Wily Machine has 2 different forms to worry about. When the player takes out the red gun (its only weak spot) things get a little more chaotic. Revealing Dr. Wily as the operator, the damaged weapon starts spouting out large spirals of energy. Dodging becomes difficult, leaving the Mega Buster to chip away at the machine.

Form 2 throws up a general defence, leaving only a few weapons capable of damage. Confident players can use the Rolling Cutter and time a 3 hit move, although this takes very good timing. Otherwise, it’s a stick and move battle, avoiding those errant beams while wearing away at the machine’s armour.

3 Pharaoh Man

A very jumpy and erratic opponent, Pharaoh Man has to be stopped for the best chance at victory. From Pharaoh Shots to jumping directly at Mega Man, his primary attacks are avoided with some reflexes and pattern recognition. The Pharaoh Wave however is either jumped over or slid under, completely dependent on whether they’re above or below Mega Man.

More of a test of endurance than damage, defeating Pharaoh Man is a lengthy process. Having to activate Flash Stopper at least 5 times and delivering 6 shots max in each pause. As long as players manage to avoid the wave and chip away, the fight should overcome it.

2 Wood Man

While his defences are fairly low, Wood Man’s attacks are very hard to dodge– setting leafy traps in the ceiling, then throwing his shield and making them dislodge. The combination makes avoiding damage very difficult, limiting Mega Man to a very specific point on the field.

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If the player does manage to avoid the madness, attack options are varied. With basically any weapon bypassing his shield if close enough, Wood Man leaves himself wide open. Especially if the player uses Atomic Fire, taking the boss out in 1 or 2 hits at full charge.

1 Block Devil

Maybe the least intimidating prefix to the word devil, the Block Devil is actually a formidable foe. Taking the blocks from the walls and floor to form his body, his vulnerable eye will shoot plasma balls at Mega Man. This is relatively easy to predict and can be dodged with constant movement. The thing to watch out for is when the eye appears below the floor and send those blocks to slam into Mega Man, forcing the player to memorize the blocks used.

An assortment of weapons are effective but the Thunder Wool and Rebound Striker get the job done fastest. The eye can be hit even when below the floor with the Screw Crusher, which opens up attacks to the eye for almost the entire fight.

NEXT: Mega Man X: Every Heart Tank Location & How To Get Them 


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