World of Warcraft Shadowlands – Watch Afterlives: Revendreth Now

Over the past four weeks, World of Warcraft has released short animated stories offering a closer look at the conflicts and leadership of each Covenant that appears in Shadowlands. Last week’s episode featured a heartbreaking look at life Ardenweald. The fourth and final Afterlives short arrived this week and put the spotlight on perhaps the darkest Covenant option presented yet: Revendreth.

As the name may have given away, there’s definitely a strong vampiric theme to Revendreth and its characters and some players have even draw some comparison to the Dungeons and Dragons Ravenloft campaign setting. This Afterlives short provides a dark view of the current struggles in Revendreth as Sire Denathrius tries to offer a seemingly deceptive message to the citizens of Revendreth while the cinematic contrasts his words with a closer look of what is really happening in the World of Warcraft Shadowlands location.

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Revendreth seems to operate entirely on Anima and the citizens draw the life source out of the tortured souls who make their way to this afterlife. Souls like Garrosh Hellscream are still being tortured to draw out their anima, but there is a mysterious drought of new souls and the resource is growing rare. Denathrius claims to set up rations and control the remaining anima with the nest intentions, but the narrative makes it clear that the rich and powerful are still drunk on the remaining anima while the poorer citizens starve to death without it.

Now that all four episodes have been released, hopefully players have a slightly better idea of which Covenant their main might align with during the Shadowlands campaign. Each option definitely has its own problems and there is no clear good versus evil choice to be made. There seemed to be a running theme of questionable leadership from episode to episode, so it should be interesting to see how these characters are presented in-game and if their choices begin to make more sense as players interact with other NPCs in the Covenant and learn more about what is going on in each of these new areas/factions.

That said, players shouldn’t feel like they need to rush to a decision. Characters will interact with each of the factions and have a chance to test out their special Covenant abilities all before they finally decide to align with a Covenant a bit further into the Shadowlands experience. Some players may make the decision based on role-play reasons, while others may just go with the one that has the abilities they like the most or has a setting that they think will be cool to hang out in more so than the others. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to Covenant choice in WoW.

Be sure to check back in the coming weeks as more details about Shadowlands emerge. Until then, For the Horde!

World of Warcraft is available now for PC. At this point, World of Warcraft Shadowlands releases on October 26 or 27 (depending on time zone) for PC.

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