Civilization 6’s New Byzantium Leader and Civ is a Force to Be Reckoned With

Civilization 6 developer Firaxis Games has pulled back the curtain on its next DLC pack, appropriately named the Byzantium and Gaul pack. Not only does it add these two new civilizations, but it also adds the Dramatic Ages game mode, two new wonders (the Statue of Zeus and Biosphere), and the Highlands map. Gaul is more surrounded in mystery now, but several things have been revealed about Byzantium, making it seem like this new civilization will shake up the current meta.

The Civilization 6 leader for Byzantium is Basil II, a leader adept at both religious and domination victories. Its his unique combos and abilities that make him stand out, so many may do well to check him out when he first drops.

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As a brief history lesson, Basil II was the senior Byzantine Empreror from January 976 to December 1025.  The early years of his rule were in civil war against two generals, which ended in death for one and submission of the other in 989. He then stabilized and expanded the empire, subjugating the First Bulgarian Empire, fought the Fatimid Caliphate, and also took on the Khazar Khagnate. His constant warfare was notable, likely why he is such a military-based Civ 6 leader, he managed to do great things at home too. He reduced the power of landowners, filled the country’s treasury, and left behind an empire that would flourish despite lackluster leadership.

He married one of his sisters to Vladimir I of Kiev, gaining military support and the Varangian Guard, but also christening the Kievan Rus, expanding its cultural and religion tradition. For many, Basil is a hero; for many others, he is a despised figure. Because of all this, his emphasis on religion and military dominance in Civilization 6 is not surprising.

Basil II’s history lends itself to a variety of elements of the game, including how this civ seeks to spread religion and dominate in the military. Of course, the most direct way this manifests in the game is through the Civ and leader abilities. For the Byzantines, this manifests as the Taxis civilization ability, which gives units +3 combat and religious strength for Holy City under Byzantium’s religion, including its own, and it also spreads religion to nearby cities upon defeating units. To top it all off, it also increases Great Prophet points, making Byzantine a religious force of nature in a standard Civ 6 game.

The civilization has two unique additions: the Dromon, which replaces the Quadrireme, and the Hippodrome, which replaces the Entertainment Complex. As a ranged naval unit, the Dromon cannot enter Ocean tiles until Cartography has been completed, has +10 strength against land and naval units. While this may seem rather basic, its unique district is rather powerful. The Hippodrome has a lower production cost than an Entertainment Complex, it grants +3 entertainment amenities, it spreads Zoo and Stadium amenities to cities up to 6 tiles away, and as a cherry on top, it gives the player a free Heavy Calvary when first constructed and for each building constructed thereafter (at absolutely no maintenance cost to boot).

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Basil’s leader bonus is called Porphyrogennetos, and while it can’t be pronounced, it means that Heavy and Light cavalry units deal full damage when attacking cities. Further, it grants Byzantium the Tagma unique unit once Divine Right has been researched. The Tagma replaces the Knight, ignores enemy zones of control, and grants +4 combat/religious strength to every unit nearby. It’s also worth adding that, when playing against Basil as an NPC, he will try to win a Religious Victory in Civ 6. He will like civs who share his religion and dislike those who do not.

When all of this comes together, it turns Byzantine into a complete unit in the game. Many argue that it is OP, and so it’ll be interesting to see how Basil and Byzantine shake up the meta. After all, while it has yet to be tested, its list of abilities sets up an undeniably powerful gameplay loop when seeking either a Religious Victory or Domination Victory in Civ 6. First, the Hippodrome ensures that his cities are kept happy while also giving him access to a ton of free Heavy Cavalry Units, which in turn, are buffed by the Basil’s abilities. They will automatically deal full damage when attacking cities, gaining power from both the Tagma units, as well as the Taxis ability.

On top of that sheer bruteness, the victories that Byzantium units leave in its wake spread its religion, making it even easier to convert other cities. Combine this with the increased flow of Great Prophet Points and religious buffs, and it’ll make Byzantium a clear leader in the Religious Victory metagame. What should be noted is how Byzantium effectively has two easy routes to victory: by being aggressive, Byzantium can lock in its religious victory with ease. Going to war in Byzantium just means a faster spread of religion on top of everything else. In other words, practically everything it does can help it earn a religious victory, but if for some reason it can’t (or the player just doesn’t want this victory type), it has a solid strategy for Domination Victories as well.

As such, it seems like Byzantium may genuinely be OP and that Firaxis is shooting for the stars with this Frontier Pass addition. It should be noted that, of course, not much about the civ has been apparent in-game. It does appear in the Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! scenario but in a limited vacuum. How it interacts once it adds to the game remains to be seen, but Civilization 6 players may want to keep an eye on it when facing it or try it for themselves if they enjoy these victory types.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Byzantine and Gaul will be available for Frontier Pass owners on September 24, 2020.

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