The Witcher 3: 10 Things You Didn’t Know Attract Trouble

The world of The Witcher 3 contains a lot of beauty but also dangers. It will hardly come as a surprise that Geralt can get into a lot of trouble during his travels. From Velen to Toussaint, there are challenges awaiting him wherever he decides to go.

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Some of the problems Geralt faces are caused entirely by his own behavior. Sometimes it takes just one bad choice to attract trouble. And if Geralt makes multiple bad choices, then he has to learn how to deal with the consequences. However, not every opportunity to get into trouble is as obvious as it might seem.

10 Looting In Public

Throughout the game, Geralt has the possibility to loot many things. From rather useless trinkets to expensive jewels, or food, that can restore his vitality. He can merrily go into a person’s home and take whatever he wants. The NPCs won’t say anything to him. However, if Geralt decides to loot in front of guards, he’ll get in trouble. The guards will either fight him or take away part of his money.

9 Pushing Yennefer’s Buttons

At one point in the game, the player has the chance to decide whether they want Geralt to end up with Triss or Yennefer (or neither). If Geralt chooses Triss, he can then later go to Kaer Morhen and push Yennefer’s buttons. To make her angry, Geralt just needs to say he won’t grovel during their conversation about Triss. That will cause Yennefer to transport him over a lake. Geralt will fall into the lake and a long journey back to Kaer Morhen than awaits him.

8 Romancing Both Yennefer And Triss

Speaking of romances, if the player decides to pursue romance both with Yennefer and with Triss, in the end, Geralt will end up alone. Geralt has the choice to end up with Triss during the quest Now or Never. If he tells her he loves her, she won’t leave with the other mages. During The Last Wish, he can say to Yennefer his feelings also hadn’t changed and they’ll be together from now on. However, if he tries to do both, both women will figure it out and leave him in a rather embarrassing way (for Geralt, not for them).

7 Being A Bad Dad To Ciri

Ciri might not be Geralt’s biological daughter (after all, witchers can’t have children) but she might as well be. Geralt certainly sees Ciri as his daughter. He would do anything for her or slaughter anyone who hurts her.

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However, he’s also the one who can cause her downfall. If Geralt isn’t supportive enough of Ciri, she’ll die when she goes to fight the White Frost. All he needs to do is to encourage her freedom and independence throughout the game for Ciri to succeed.

6 Letting Dettlaff Kill Syanna

Dettlaff is the main bad guy in the DLC Blood and Wine, but to be fair to him it’s not entirely his fault. It later turns out Syanna, Anna Henrietta’s sister, manipulated him into committing murders for her. Still, it’d be a mistake to let Dettlaff kill Syanna in retribution. If Geralt chooses to do this, he’ll end up in prison and his good friend Dandelion will have to rush to his rescue. Even though it’s usually the other way around.

5 Fighting Stronger Enemies

This one seems like a given but many players still aren’t careful enough and Geralt faces trouble as consequences. If Geralt’s current level is much lower than the one of the enemies he’s facing, he should leave the fight for later. At least if he can. He most likely won’t be able to take the enemy on and will only waste precious time trying to do it. Especially if the player is playing on the Blood and Broken Bones difficulty level or even on the Death March.

4 Charging Too Much Coin

Geralt can focus on either following the main storyline – finding Ciri and helping her defeat the Wild Hunt – or he can take on as many contracts as possible. The contracts for side quests are available on notice boards.

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Geralt then can usually haggle for higher pay. But if he gets too greedy, the person who issued the contract will take it back and Geralt will be out of a job and his coin.

3 Taking A Walk In The Mountains

The world of The Witcher 3 is beautiful and there are many areas worth discovering. Some of them are obvious, some hidden. However, if Geralt decides to explore the Skellige Isles, he should be even more careful than usual. The local mountains have a lot of charms but they’re also covered in snow and if Geralt falls from any of the mountains or peaks, he’ll die. Bonus tip: when he’s due to meet Philippa Eilhart in the elven ruins in Skellige, it’s better to travel on the water than on foot.

2 Letting Keira Metz Die

Keira Metz is a sorceress Geralt meets in Velen and the first romantic interest he can have in the game. Keira has three possible destinies. Either Geralt kills her, lets her go to Radovid (which causes her death), or convinces Keira to go to Kaer Morhen. Keira’s death then attracts trouble not for Geralt, but for his fellow witcher Lambert whose life Keira saves during the battle at Kaer Morhen. Keira and Lambert then get together.

1 Punching The Air

Finally, Geralt can cause trouble simply by punching the air. That’s especially true in Novigrad where there are a lot of guards, but it can happen elsewhere as well. All Geralt needs to do to cause problems is to find a place with guards nearby and punch the air or use any of his signs. This will upset the guards and they might even attack him. So if the player wants to create chaos, this is a good way to do it.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 10 Obscure Creatures You Didn’t Know Existed In The Game


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