Call of Duty: Warzone Player Has Unfortunate Run-In With Train Midfight

With Call of Duty: Warzone players getting better and better at mastering the core mechanics of the game, making it to the final circle has become increasingly difficult. One Warzone player seemed to be doing everything right in the last battle of the game but forgot one of the most important aspects of CoD: map awareness.

While some players pull off amazing plays like taking down a Warzone helicopter with a drone, others are on the wrong side of the engagement. Reddit user moveintokashmir posted a clip of his squadmate’s death in the closing moments of the match, and it could not be any funnier. While the player seems to be doing everything right in the gunfight, with smart positioning and checking different angles, something can be seen approaching from the player’s left side.

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The thing approaching is Warzone’s train, the loot-filled mode of transportation that travels Verdansk. As players have proven in the past, Warzone’s train cannot be stopped, and movintokashmir’s squad mate learns that the hard way. The player is positioned directly on the train tracks during the gunfight, laying prone behind a small piece of cover. As the train looms closer, movintokashmir opens the map seconds before the train crashes into his teammate.

There are no surprises here, as the train flattens the Warzone player instantly and loses him the gunfight. It would be hard for the train victim to get angry at the moment, as dying in such a way is equally shocking and funny. The death only becomes more entertaining to watch due to it occurring in the final circle, and the moment is far funnier than the usual deaths that occur at the end of Warzone games. Hopefully, the train returns in Black Ops Cold War’s version of Warzone so moments like this can continue to happen.

Deaths like this where one player is clearly at fault are far fairer than some other recent deaths in Warzone, which have seen players use glitches to their advantage. One such glitch saw a player discovering they were both invincible and invulnerable in Warzone, essentially making them immortal for the rest of the game. Beyond that the much-used Stadium bug has also returned, allowing players to get a few cheap kills. With some serious problems causing death in Warzone, it is nice to see someone die simply because they were not paying attention.

Call of Duty: Warzone is a deadly place, with even Warzone players’ own heartbeat sensors causing their demise. Next time CoD fans hop into the free-to-play battle royale, they should remember this clip and avoid positioning themselves in the train’s path.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

MORE: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha Unlocks Modern Warfare and Warzone Calling Card


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