Call Of Duty: Warzone Player Uses Mine To Take Out Helicopter

Call of Duty: Warzone is one of the most popular battle royale modes due to its free-to-play status and quality mechanics. With so many people playing Warzone, players are bound to get some impressive kills, such as a recent moment where a player brought down a helicopter with only a Proximity Mine and a single pistol shot.

Warzone players bringing down helicopters in interesting ways is not new territory, as a player recently took out one of the flying vehicles with a recon drone. While that clip was impressive and required plenty of luck to pull off, this newest kill took a bit more skill and precision. Reddit user therealkhayzaa posted a clip of the moment, and it shows him taking out the helicopter at just the right moment.

RELATED: Warzone Fan Gets Strange Helicopter Kill After Blades Get Stuck

Therealkhayzaa was about to be roadkilled by an enemy in one of the helicopters that were recently re-added to Warzone before thinking fast and tossing a mine on the ground. As soon as he does, a helicopter rises over one of the prison’s guard towers. As it approaches the seemingly defenseless player and the mine they have sneakily placed on the floor, one would expect the mine to explode as the helicopter approaches. It does not, however, and therealkhayzaa needs to think fast to adapt to the situation.

Therealkhayzaa detonates the mine under the helicopter, destroying the chopper and the player inside it instantly. The explosive radius on the mine, one of the lesser-used pieces of equipment in Warzone, turned out to be enough to take the enemy out and send them to the Gulag. He even calls the moment a “700 IQ play” during the clip, and upon seeing it, it is hard to disagree. The brief clip is wildly exciting, showing the fun that can be had and the unique plays that can be made within Call of Duty: Warzone.

Seeing clips like this that show why the game is fun is refreshing, considering that the cheating problem is becoming increasingly prevalent in the Warzone mode. For example, an entire squad activated aimbots and wall hacks yesterday live on stream. Warzone players watched the lame display, commenting on how bad the players are to need hacks to win. They did it anyway, though, and the stream of hackers should be a clear message to Infinity Ward to keep working to stop the problem so awesome plays like this helicopter takedown can keep happening.

It will be exciting to see what kind of wild moments occur within the Black Ops Cold War version of Warzone. While the next CoD’s Warzone map supposedly will not be too different, the Cold War era weaponry and vehicles should still make for some neat new encounters like the mine kill on this helicopter.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: YouTuber Teaches Dog To Play Call of Duty: Warzone


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