Mega Man X3: A Step By Step Guide To Getting The Z-Saber

Mega Man X3 is one of the rarest in the X series, due to its limited release in both North America and Europe. Limited supply raises demand and price, increasing interest in the scattered release. Players will have to navigate their way through”Mavericks” and maniacal scientists is no easy task and Mega Man will need all the help he can get to put an end to it. X3 offers the holy grail of damage dealers, Zero’s Z-saber is the most powerful equipment in the game. Nothing good comes for free though, players looking for the fight ender will have to pay a heavy price.

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Not only is the path to the saber a serious left turn off the main path but the consequences change the entire landscape of the game. Players that have some serious skills and don’t feel the need for upgraded tools might choose to forego the weapon altogether, passing on the chance to wield the weapon until the next installation. For those that can’t resist, it’s always best to plan out the path before going stumbling around in the dark. Not to mention getting to the saber requires a very unique set of circumstances that would take an eternity without being in the know, most would agree that the effort is worth it.

5 Getting To The Boss Door

Before players even travel to the area, Vile MK-II must be defeated in order to set the stage. Players can find a teleporter in either Blizzard Buffalo, Crush Crawfish, or Volt Catfish’s stage. Mega Man will be teleported into Vile’s abandoned warehouse and forced to fight.

It’s not just the win that’s important but how it’s won, players will have to use both the Ray Splasher and Spinning Blade to take him out completely. Otherwise, he’ll run from the defeat and be waiting in Doppler Stage B, locking the path to the Z-Saber.

Once Vile is taken care of players will have to fight through the first stage of Doctor Doppler’s Laboratory before facing Volt Kurageil in Stage B. Once defeated, Zero has to walk through the first door in the stage to reach the Mosquitus fight.

4 Mosquitus

Mosquitus is a bug boss that has a major weakness, hopefully, players have their hands on the Tornado Fang. With a charged hit from the weapon it only takes one hit to put the robot down, keeping the fight quick and clean.

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Otherwise, players will have to chip away at the bug slowly, avoiding its spiked tail and dive-bomb attacks. Even when it’s avoided, it will cause the surrounding tanks to explode with either gas, flames or acid that have to be dodged.

3 Injuries & X

Mosquitus isn’t quite done yet though, grabbing ahold of Zero and self-destructing and causing massive injuries. This is a sacrifice players make for the weapon as Zero will be disabled for the rest of the game.  Due to his weakened state, he will pass the Z-Saber off to X and teleport to Dr. Cain’s lab to repair, removing him from gameplay until the credits roll.

2 Bad Ending Caution

The key difference in the endings is whether Sigma is defeated or remains alive, forcing players to make a choice between a powerful weapon and a happy ending. If Zero is injured and X receives the Z-Saber, Dr.Doppler will defend Sigma from Mega Man’s attack and sacrifice himself in the process. Ultimately giving Sigma the anti-virus and allowing the villain to continue on his path, Mega Man will have to live to fight another day.

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If players forego the blade and battle their way through without the overpowered weapon, they get the luxury of a real victory without any interruptions. Zero, who’s fully functional, will use Dr.Doppler’s antivirus in combination with the Z-Saber to deal the final blow to Sigma and bring an end to the chaos. Releasing Sigma’s influence over Doppler and giving peace of mind to all involved.

1 Z-Saber Spoils

Once players hand off the saber from Zero to X, his charge shot will get the fourth level. Adding another level entirely, the Z-Saber carries the most damage dealing potential over any weapon in the game. Releasing an energy blast that deals multiple blows to whatever it hits, the effects can take out a boss in 2 hits. It’s just getting the 4 levels charged up beforehand that will present the most issues, holding the player in place and vulnerable to enemy attacks for a long period.

Combination slashes can also be performed and players can even cut through enemy blasts sometimes, making it both an offensive and defensive weapon. The downside of Zero not being able to assist for the rest of the game makes enemy battles a little more intensive though, making health a more valuable resource and defense ability becoming a much more important skill. Even with the best weapon in the game, X’s health isn’t infinite and some enemies will put that to the test.

NEXT: Mega Man X: Every Armor Location (& What They Do) 


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