15 Action RPGs To Play If You Like BioShock | Game Rant

When one talks about some of the greatest gaming franchises ever made, then it goes without saying that BioShock would be an inevitable part of the conversation. The first BioShock was an insanely entertaining romp through one of the most interesting video game cities in the form of Rapture, and BioShock 2 was pretty much more of the same with a fresh coat of paint — which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it was the release of BioShock: Infinite which arguably cemented the series’ reputation as one of the greatest trilogies in gaming history.

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Watching the story of BioShock evolve over the course of these three games is a brilliant journey that any gamer should undertake… although it might be understandable if said gamers are confused about what game they could try out which would feel as brilliant as this amazing trilogy. To answer this question, here are the best action RPGs that have similarly spectacular aspects to those found in Bioshock.

Updated December 30th, 2020, by Reyadh Rahaman: Some of the gameplay elements that players love about the BioShock series are the unique powers one can wield, the interesting weapons to fell foes with, as well as the ability to traverse terrain, whether through sea or sky, while enjoying the scenery and lore. There are a few other action RPGs out there that share some of these exciting elements that BioShock fans should definitely check out if they crave more of such adventures.

15 DOOM Eternal

The scenery in DOOM Eternal may be more gruesome than gorgeous, a contrast from Bioshock‘s imagery, but the gameplay is equally exhilarating. Using various power-ups and awesome weapons, players can go on a demon-slaying rampage full of satisfying executions.

Like in BioShock, gamers take control of a mighty fighter in a first-person perspective that makes them feel like they are part of the vivid, engaging world. There are nooks and crannies to explore for cool surprises and hot loot, making every second of wandering each level well spent.

14 Horizon Zero Dawn

A beautiful landscape with a variety of terrain, fascinating foes in the form of giant, animalistic robots, and a unique twist on open-world combat mechanics are the most noticeable things players enjoy about Horizon Zero Dawn on the surface, however, there is even more to this game that BioShock fans will enjoy.

The story tells of the decline of humanity during an age when technology should have made things better, although it instead pushed civilization backward. Similar parallels can be seen with Rapture in the first BioShock, in that people suffer from their advancements instead of prospering. In Horizon, players can find many bits of lore scattered throughout the world that are genuinely interesting and fill in a picture of the events that lead to the world’s current state.

13 Mad Max

Post-apocalyptic settings need to have traits that make them stand out in a genre filled with generic wastelands and zombies. Mad Max is one franchise that puts the pedal to the metal when it comes to innovation in a progressively stale area of gaming. In this world, vehicles are gods and drivers are the prophets heralding their own brands of domination or freedom; choices not unlike those the player would need to make in some parts of the BioShock series in regards to morality.

In a desert full of deranged threats, the player must fight gunfire with gunfire, oftentimes blasting enemies away with their own weapons. In an immersive manner, players are equipped with similar vehicles and skills of adversaries, making the gameplay and setting feel cohesive and unified. After a short time destroying enemies and driving across the cracked pavement, players will feel like a true road warrior just like how using plasmids make them feel like an undersea powerhouse in Bioshock and BioShock 2.

12 Batman: Arkham City

If one enjoys the dynamic and alluring urban settings of Rapture and Columbia, they will greatly appreciate exploring the intricate layout in Batman: Arkham City. There is a lot to see and do among the grimy streets, for there are bad guys everywhere. There are also boons to exploring in the form of secrets and riddles that further pull the player into an immersive and well-written world.

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Being able to knock criminals and hideous mutants around as the world’s best detective is also incredibly satisfying and makes one truly feel like a hero cleaning the roads of filth. There’s a ton of cool gadgets and powers that gamers can utilize in their fight against crime and chaos.

11 Divinity: Original Sin 2

The synergy of powers is something not seen too often in action RPGs, despite it being a great feature that adds intricacy to any combat system. In BioShock, players can mix and match various plasmids, tonics, and weapons to form insanely powerful offensive strategies.

Those looking for such deep and flexible strategy-crafting capabilities should look into Divinity: Original Sin 2 as it very much encourages such gameplay. Combining the abilities of certain characters for huge buffs or following up elemental spells with others to compound terrain effects are but some of what one can do in battle. Outside of combat, there are lots of places to explore and secrets to uncover in a vivid world.

10 Deus Ex

Deus Ex is considered by many to be one of the most revolutionary games of all time, mainly since it’s one of the first few games to make such an interactable world with genuine consequences for a player’s actions.

Any person who loves the atmospheric storytelling of BioShock will definitely find a ton of things to like about Deus Ex. While the game might not have aged all that well, the timeless gameplay and some mods will definitely make things easier for a newcomer.

9 System Shock 2

Speaking of revolutionary immersive sims, it would be impossible to not talk about the renowned title that is System Shock 2. The game might mostly be known for its infamous AI antagonist, but System Shock 2 is more than just SHODAN.

The tight gameplay, brilliant level design, and the oppressive atmosphere are what BioShock players will feel right at home with.

8 Thief II: The Metal Age

The Thief series is considered a must-play by pretty much anyone who’s into the immersive sim genre. Throwing you in the middle of a mysterious world in Garrett’s shoes, players are tasked with weaving around houses anonymously in order to steal as much treasure as possible.

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The first game is a pretty decent title in its own right, but it’s Thief II: The Metal Age where the series truly comes into its own. While the last game in the series might’ve bombed quite badly, there’s no reason to think that the franchise is completely obsolete — Garrett can always make a comeback.

7 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series is an underrated gem within the gaming community, with the small-yet-vocal fanbase spewing endless rhetoric about the genius of this franchise.

Shadow Of Chernobyl is definitely the best starting point, allowing players to witness the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise excel at its creative peak before becoming more technically excellent at the cost of some charm.

6 Vampire: the Masquerade — Bloodlines

Speaking of underrated gems, it goes without saying that Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines is an obvious mention when talking about action RPGs similar to BioShock. The game is truly one-of-a-kind and even some gameplay jank won’t be enough to harm what is objectively a great game… up until the very end when the studio ran out of time and money.

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However, Bloodlines is still a great game regardless, and there’s a reason why fans are so hyped for the upcoming sequel… even though it might not look all that promising.

5 Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 is easily one of Ubisoft‘s best games, featuring what might be one of the most legendary antagonists in gaming history.

Any person who likes their fair share of fantastic first-person combat along with some wondrous exploration would do themselves a favor by playing this legendary title.

4 Dead Space

Dead Space is easily one of the scarier and more atmospheric games on this list, putting it right up BioShock‘s alley. Playing as Isaac Clarke in the first game is truly one of the more horrifying adventures in gaming, and is perhaps the scariest adventure one can embark on in all three games.

Later games sacrifice the oppressive atmosphere for better action, making the first Dead Space truer to the ethos of the BioShock series.

3 Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas is easily one of the best roleplaying experiences that one can expose themselves to. Even after all the development problems over at Obsidian Entertainment, they still managed to release one of the most solid and complete role-playing experiences anyone could play… albeit one that was riddled with bugs upon launch.

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However, with a few patches and mods, not only does New Vegas become much more playable, but it also turns into a thrill ride that showcases what the role-playing genre is capable of.

2 Dishonored 2

It was only a given that Arkane Studios would be making their appearance in a list about action RPGs similar to BioShock, and it’s perhaps not even surprising that this is not the first time they’ll appear on this list.

The first Dishonored game was pretty great in its own right and Dishonored 2 decided to make everything bigger, better, and more entertaining. The tight gameplay and amazing level design would be enough to qualify this game as one of the best immersive sims ever made.

1 Prey

The second Arkane Studios game on this list is a reboot of a franchise that completely revitalized the series in the best way possible. Prey is easily one of the most well-designed and atmospheric games on this list by a wide margin.

One simply can’t help but get flashbacks of Rapture as they journey through the Talos I Space Station, which is as eerily beautiful as the underwater city. It’s simply a brilliant game and shows Arkane Studios at its very finest.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In The Original BioShock


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