HeroQuest Board Game Receives Over $1 Million in Crowdfunding

Many fans are clearly excited for the upcoming game HeroQuest, as the game has been fully funded on Hasbro’s Kickstarter-esq site, Pulse, in less than a day. This makes it one of the fastest crowdfunding successes since a Nintendo Magazine was fully funded in less than an hour earlier this week.

HeroQuest is an upcoming action/rpg board game that promises players “high adventure in a world of magic.” Players can choose between one of four playable races, and then take on monsters, demons, and the dangerous world around them. The fantasy setting should be familiar to fans of other RPGs, especially those who play Dungeons and Dragons.  

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HeroQuest went live on Pulse on September 22nd with two pledge levels. For $100 fans can get the base game, or for $150 they can get the base game, two expansions, and some additional exclusive figurines. As of today, the game had already surpassed its funding goal of $1 million. And with 44 days left on the campaign, it has the potential to raise similar amounts of money to the Kickstarter success The Wonderful 101.

It’s interesting to note that while the game is being crowdfunded, it will be published by Hasbro. Hasbro is a multi-billion dollar corporation, with one of the largest shares of the board game market. There’s absolutely no reason that Hasbro would need to use the Kickstarter model. However, crowdfunding a game is a great way to avoid risk, as it lets Hasbro gauge interest in the game before starting development in full.

MORE: How Shovel Knight Grew from Kickstarter Project to a Massive Hit

Source: Pulse


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