When a live action Monster Hunter movie was revealed, many fans thought it was too good to be true, and as it happens, they may have been right. Though the spectacle of seeing a Diablos in live action on the big screen will certainly be enjoyable, a new synopsis for the movie is giving fans cause for concern.
The basic plot of the upcoming Monster Hunter movie has been known for a while now, but this new synopsis provides some further details. It was already clear that Milla Jovovich’s character, Artemis, would be transferred into the world of Monster Hunter from the real world, but now fans know a bit more about what this means for the character.
Ultimately, it seems that no one truly expected this to be a masterpiece of storytelling, and to be fair, the Monster Hunter games typically don’t focus on storytelling either. The focus is much more on combat and gameplay, so it isn’t too terrible a crime for the movie to focus on combat and cinematography.
Some of the more notable parts of the new synopsis include the fact that apparently modern weapons are ineffective against monsters. This is odd considering an actual gun should theoretically be far more effective than a giant sword or bowgun, but it makes sense that this had to be the case so that the movie could happen. On the other hand, Monster Hunter once crossed over with Metal Gear Solid, and Snake made it very apparent that it’s possible to take down a Rathalos with modern weaponry.
GaijinHunter also points out the oddity of the plot’s focus on surviving against the monsters since the games are always about hunting the monsters instead. It’s unclear just how much survival will play a role in this movie, but it does seem odd nonetheless. In the comments, fans are pointing out that it’s very likely that this Monster Hunter movie won’t make a ton of sense, but it will probably still be worth seeing for the sake of the special effects and CGI monsters on screen.
Regardless of how one feels about this synopsis, fans shouldn’t go in expecting a cinematic triumph of any kind. Keeping expectations low here will allow fans to enjoy the movie that much more once it releases, as they won’t be bogged down if the movie doesn’t end up being amazing. It does deserve to be given a chance like any other film, though that may take a while as the Monster Hunter movie was delayed considerably.
The Monster Hunter movie releases April 23rd, 2021.

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