10 Things About Doom Eternal That Make No Sense | Game Rant

Doom Eternal is the latest game in the longstanding Doom franchise. It has been met with positive reviews. Providing players with an adrenaline-fueled, one of a kind, demon-packed adventure through Hell and back. The gameplay has been true to form of the Doom series, however that is not to say Eternal didn’t take some major risks.

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Never before has an installment in series history taken such an effort to create an elaborate plot. Eternal attempts to provide an actual in-depth story. With the varied characterizations, a complex plot, and in-game lore that connects every single game in the series, it is certainly much more to take in than the classic “space marine kill demon” plot Doom players had become acquainted with. While the story is interesting, and even welcome,  there are many things that fundamentally defy all logic and make no sense what-so-ever.

10 Doom Slayer’s Fortress Of Doom

With the entire nightmarish army of Hell attacking Earth, Doom Slayer definitely has his work cut out for him. Luckily he has a massive amount of resources to rely on, ranging from some of the most impressive weapons in video game history to extremely resilient armor.

But the Doom Slayer’s most impressive tool in the fight against Hell has to be his Fortress of Doom, though how he acquired this fortress is never at all explained to players. This is extremely bothersome when considering the fact that Samuel Hayden had more or less imprisoned Doom Slayer following the events of the last game. How did he escape? How did he acquire this war machine? Answering these questions could be a good set-up for a solid DLC.

9 The Fortress Of Doom’s Demon Prison

Speaking of the mysterious acquisition of the Fortress of Doom, the prison in the fortress may be even more insane and nonsensical. What compels a man to keep what is essentially a giant horde of murderous demons locked up on their ship?

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Not only is this maniacal, it poses a grave security concern. The fortress may have its fair share of security, however, anyone that has visited the prison arena knows that the amount of demons it holds is seemingly limitless. What is stopping these demons from escaping and reeking havoc on the ship?

8 How/When Are The Demons Captured?

At no point in the game is the player tasked with capturing demons for their Fortress of Doom prison. Which begs a question concerning how these demons get captured. When? Who captures them? For what purpose, besides meaningless slaughter?

The prison is an extremely fun gameplay mechanic that is helpful in honing the player’s skills. However, in terms of story, it presents many major plot holes and a litany of unanswered questions.

7 The Survivors Of Humanity

The in-game lore makes it very clear that exactly 60% of Earth’s population has been completely wiped out by the armies of Hell. This 60% was wiped out shortly after the invasion began, meaning that culling humans is not exactly a difficult task for the demon hordes.

Considering the monstrosities attacking Earth, this does not come as a surprise. The issue here, in fact, is how the other 40% managed to survive. It’s obvious there’s a resistance movement given the broadcasts, but where are they even located, barring the precious few encountered in embattled UAC facilities? When walking through Earth in the game, virtually every other locale the player visits has been terraformed into a spitting image of Hell. Those must be some incredibly resilient survivors.

6 Everything About The Armored Response Coalition

The entire concept of the Armored Response Coalition is hard to imagine in reality. There are a number of problems and barriers that would make coordinating, executing, and administering such an effort impossible.

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The prevailing issue is logistics. How can the remnants of humanity communicate with one another when virtually all of Earth’s major infrastructure has been destroyed? Coordinating such a global effort under the conditions of a demonic invasion would require literal divine intervention.

5 Who/What Is Doom Slayer?

Doom Eternal is such an excellent game that in the middle of playing it’s hard to think of anything else except the action at hand. When finally completing the game the player has some time to reflect and realizes that absurdity of certain story elements.

Eternal makes it vividly clear that this Doom Slayer is the exact same Doom Guy from the first installment in 1993. How is this even possible? While the re-release of Doom 64 addresses this to some degree, it’s an underwhelming tie-in, to say the least. The in-game timeline must be much more compact than the real world’s.

4 Everything About The Sentinels

The Night Sentinels have to be the most contradictory entities present in Doom Eternal. The demons of Hell have virtually annihilated all of their people, yet at every turn, the sentinels attempt to discourage Doom Slayer from fighting the demons and let humanity suffer the same fate.

When Doom Slayer does eliminate one of the Hell priests on Sentinel Prime, the only “thank you” he gets from them is an eternal banishment. Why would a people who have lost everything to the demons discourage those fighting them?

3 The Betrayer’s Apathy

The most confusing behavior of any sentinel however, goes to The Betrayer. Doom Slayer travels all the way to the bowels of Hell to retrieve the means to locate a certain Hell Priest from The Betrayer, and while he is helpful, even going so far as to give the Doom Slayer a very important weapon, he stays put and lets the world around him crumble.

The Betrayer could have fought alongside Doom Slayer, or at least physically assisted in some more meaningful way. This would have been the perfect opportunity for the Betrayer to fix his reputation amongst his people, and finally get vengeance on the Demons — especially considering the background lore involving his son.

2 Demon In-Fighting

This is not just an issue in Doom Eternal but actually many other installments. Despite all these years, the demons constantly fighting and killing each other when the player is not in sight has yet to be adequately explained.

The general argument is that the denizens of Hell are so chaotic that all they understand is violence, betrayal, and bloodshed. Though if this were actually true, Hell would implode within a week. Additionally, the demons seem to have the intellect to coordinate and strategize, hence their successful takeover of Earth.

1 The Original Doom On Doom Slayers Computer

Not to nitpick at a fun and endearing Easter egg, but the inclusion of the original Doom games creates major problems for the plot. As mentioned, Doom Eternal makes it evident that the Doom Slayer in the modern reboot is in fact the original Doom Guy we know and love.

How would a video game that is supposed to be canon physically exist in the Doom Eternal? Did someone make a videogame of his exploits? Is what is on the Doom Slayer’s computer actually a VR rendition of his traumatic past? We may never know, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a very fun secret all players should check out.

NEXT: Doom Eternal: 10 Mods That Players Need To Try Out


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