Titanfall 3: 5 Reasons We Want It To Happen (& 5 Why We Want EA To Focus On Apex Legends, Instead)

When Respawn shifted to the free-to-play battle royale model for Apex Legends instead of focusing on a direct sequel to Titanfall 2, fans were concerned. Although the Titanfall series had somewhat humble beginnings, the sequel quickly became a favorite for FPS lovers. Its multiplayer was fun, but its robust single-player offered an experience that gamers weren’t quick to forget.

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Apex Legends may have not been a true sequel, but it has added a lot of lore and gameplay features to the series. There are now rumors of a possible Titanfall 3 announcement coming soon, so it’s worth looking at the pros and cons of having Respawn shift focus away from Apex Legends.

10 Titanfall 3: Continue The Story

Titanfall 2 is set 5 years after the first game, where players take on the role of Militia Rifleman-turned-Pilot Jack Cooper. The game offers a fantastic story with interesting characters and bombastic moments of action.

However, the game ended on a cliffhanger after Copper’s Titan, BT, sacrificed himself to get Cooper to safety. In a post-credits scene, the game teases BT’s return to the series. Titanfall 3 could let players step back into Cooper’s shoes to discover if BT’s AI can still be recovered.

9 Apex Legends: New & Interesting Lore

When Apex Legends launched, it looked like an entirely new IP. According to Respawn, this was on purpose. However, as time as gone on, Respawn has delved deeper into the lore of the Titanfall universe, using Apex Legends as the player’s guide.

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Unlike other battle royales, Apex Legends leans heavily into its story and characters. The tone of Legends is much more vibrant, and its characters give players an interesting alternative viewpoint of the Titanfall universe. Legends does stand on its own, but there are secrets for Titanfall lovers to find.

8 Titanfall 3: Titans!

It’s hard to consider Apex Legends as a worthy successor to Titanfall when it doesn’t have what set the series apart from other FPS games in the first place: Titans. Fans have been begging Respawn to add Titans to Legends since the beginning, but it looks like there are still no plans to do so.

Titan gameplay was one of the things that made Titanfall so unique. The lack of Titans in Legends is what makes it feel so disconnected from the series in the first place. Titanfall 2‘s mesh of FPS and mech gameplay is still unmatched, and a sequel would offer unlimited potential to improve these mechanics.

7 Apex Legends: Grounded Gameplay

Due to the lack of Titans in Legends, however, the FPS mechanics have been even more refined than they were in Titanfall 2. In a lot of ways, Legends is just a better feeling FPS game. There’s a lot less verticality in Legends, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The gunplay in Apex Legends feels great. A sequel to Titanfall 2 would have to match the improved mechanics that Respawn implemented in the battle royale. Even then, it’s possible that the enhanced movement needed for Pilot gameplay would take away from the grounded action that Legends excels at.

6 Titanfall 3: We Need More Single Player FPS Games

The single-player FPS genre of games is still an underutilized one. It feels like there are two types of single-player FPS games, most easily represented by both Call of Duty and Doom. While Call of Duty tends to offer a single-player experience that plays it safe with its narrative and gameplay, games like Doom have a more arcade-like feel that’s focused on moment-to-moment gunplay.

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Titanfall worked so well because it felt like the best of both worlds. Titanfall 2 featured elements that felt similar to other FPS titles but with its own unique spin. The story was more complex than the typical military shooter. A sequel could flesh out an even bigger single-player campaign.

5 Apex Legends: A Breath Of Fresh Air For Battle Royale

Despite the love for Titanfall, Apex Legends offers a unique flavor to the battle royale genre that we’d hat to see lose support. Apex Legends stands far above other games in the genre with its gunplay, level design, and character system.

Even after the release of Call of Duty: Warzone, Legends still feels like the better FPS to play. The guns and characters offer more variety, and the game places a much larger role in cooperative play. If Respawn had to drop support for Legends, the battle royale genre would be losing one of its best.

4 Titanfall 3: Apex Legends Has Renewed Interest In The Series

Although Titanfall 2 is a beloved series for many gamers, the series never sold all that well. Titanfall 2 struggled to meet the goals that EA had set for it and much of the game’s later success came from word of mouth.

However, Apex Legends has seemed to reignite interest in the Titanfall series. As more players have learned where Legends got its start, many have gone back to try out the other games. Introducing a new sequel could capitalize on this reviewed interest in the IP.

3 Apex Legends: What The Failure Of A Titanfall Sequel Could Mean

On the other hand, the renewed interest in Titanfall may not last until a sequel. Titanfall was never a true financial success, so putting a lot of money and effort into a sequel could be seen as a gamble.

EA is also notorious for shutting down studios when their games underperform. If Respawn switched focus from Apex Legends back to Titanfall and it failed to meet expectations, it could be the end for the studio. However, EA has shown more of an interest in single-player focused content after Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order performed well, so it’s still a possibility.

2 Titanfall 3: New Hardware Potential

With new consoles coming this holiday, the potential for a next-gen Titanfall game is limitless. The new hardware could be the best thing to give Respawn the power to improve on the look and feel of the Titanfall universe.

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Titanfall 2‘s most interesting level dealt with a time-skipping mechanic that could be expanded with the SSD architecture on the PS5. New tech could mean bigger maps, more complex world geometry, and faster load times.

1 Apex Legends: The Game Is Still Going Strong

Apex Legends doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, which is great. Season 6 just launched with all new guns, characters, and a crafting system.

Legends is still going strong over a year after release, and players are interested to see what Respawn has planned for the game’s future. A Titanfall sequel would be amazing, but it may still be too early after the release of Legends for Respawn to shift focus.

NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Pro Tips For Playing As Loba


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