Marvel’s Avengers: 5 Best Iron Man Suits In The Game (& 5 Worst)

While Marvel’s Avengers does not allow customization through the gear system, there are skins to choose from with more to come in the future. It’s not the best selection of skins, but they are nicely detailed for each hero. One of the best characters to receive skins is none other than Iron Man.

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Was there ever any doubt that Iron Man’s suits would deliver? Marvel’s Avengers’ current character roster is mixed when it comes to skin variation but much to nobody’s surprise, the most effort went towards Iron Man. However, some are not perfect. So what are the best, and what are the worst, skins to choose from?

10 Worst: Overclock

This suit is not all that horrible, it’s mostly just bland. All it really does is take the Original Sin suit and swap the black for an out of place glossy, vibrant red. The red would have worked better if the suit featured a better secondary color.

Instead, the muted gold does not clash well. If the colors were more akin to a classic yellow and red Iron Man color scheme, it likely would have been a more appealing style. In the end, it’s just a lame attempt at a color swap.

9 Best: Anodized

A majority of the color variants for the Iconic skin are pretty good. However, none of them hold a candle to the Anodized suit; it not only has a few beautiful shades of dark blue that are almost black in some lighting, but it also features a finish more akin to a matte.

Aesthetically it is beautiful but it can also be thought of as a stealth suit for Tony Stark. Without a doubt, this is a perfect example of an effectively simplistic change: it accomplishes without needing to do too much. It’s a suit that could make other Marvel heroes jealous.

8 Worst: Intergalactic

The Intergalactic suit is another victim of just being forgettable. It’s a color swap of the Starboost armor and it’s one where the concept is more confusing than anything; rather than attempt to give the Starboost more classic colors, it gives the armor a gradient fade of red and gold from top to bottom.

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The idea might have seemed neat in concept but the end result is just sloppy. At least the base armor of Starboost is still nice to look at? Overall, just a mediocre skin that feels tacked on.

7 Best: Original Sin

Every hero in the game features at least one iconic look from the comics and Iron Man is no different. The Original Sin design for the character became famous for its darker design for Iron Man. It helps give the character an imposing look akin to an evil robot from a space-set horror game.

The muted gold also compliments this suit better than the Overclock skin due to the black primary color of the armor. Much like the comics, the suit sports red lights across the body including the famous arc reactor chest piece and it just does wonders for the design.

6 Worst: Emerald

An altered version of the Prototype armor that makes an…interesting choice when it comes to color. Bright green and silver are two colors that do not go together already but on this suit? They look even worse. It is meant to look as if Iron Man was a tribute to the original GameBoy.

Either way, it is just an ugly recoloring that definitely does not work. There are much better variants of the Prototype in the game. Speaking of…

5 Best: Epiphany

The flashy and super high tech designs are all well and good but it’s always impressive what Tony Stark can make with minimal materials. That is why this design works so well: it looks like something Stark created right after his escape from the cave all those years ago.

The Epiphany is another color swap of the Prototype skin. It is a clever throwback to the classic Iron Man from old comics. That skin is actually in this game as well but the more realistic visuals of the Epiphany make it even better.

4 Worst: Ion-Charged

This suit just hurts to look at.  Orange is already a difficult color to work with but to mute it and pair it with gunmetal grey? It just makes the whole color scheme seem so maddening to the eyes. It actually would have worked better if the colors were swapped with the grey as the primary color.

However, what players end up getting is an unappealing variant to the Iconic skin. Even the suits from Anthem looked better than this piece of Stark tech that will likely be long forgotten. Even Kamala Khan would not fangirl over this suit.

3 Best: Star Child

It was a difficult choice between this suit and the number one entry: they are both that good. With the Star Child armor, it’s easy to see why this one looks so nice. It has a sleek, golden paint going across with a perfect shade of black to compliment it.

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A smaller detail that is hard to see unless zoomed in is the gridded star pattern going across. It’s a small detail but it goes a long way in the best way possible. There are plenty of color swaps for the Star Child armor and this is the best one.

2 Worst: Vapor Trail

Unlike the Star Child which gives a just-right shade of gold and proper colors to contrast: this one just looks like someone splashed Iron Man with a can of gold paint. There are not nearly enough red components to offset the ugly gold and the parts that are red are barely noticeable.

With the slimmer figure and the duller gold paint coat, it makes him look less like Iron Man and more if C-3P0 from Star Wars decided to partake in some robot steroids. Granted, a flying laser-blasting C-3P0 sounds like fun but as an Iron Man suit, this one is just awful.

1 Best: Starboost

Remember Iron Man 3 teased and used the Starboost as a cheap cameo to sell toys? Well, Marvel’s Avengers takes that suit and actually uses it as an important part of the story. Without spoiling, Tony Stark needs to get into space and it results in one of the best Iron Man sequences in the game.

The design of the suit itself is a beautiful one. The glossy white finished, the added chest and shoulder plating, and mixes of gold and black make this one of the most eye-popping suits in the game. It has some great variants but the original Starboost is still the best.

NEXT: 10 Marvel Characters Who Need Their Own Video Game (Like Spider-Man Has)


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