The Witcher 3: 10 Powers Too OP For Physics | Game Rant

Fans of CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher series know how awesome it would feel to become the eponymous Witcher. After all, Geralt continuously shows his skill and prowess in hunting monsters with his vast arsenal of weapons, tools, and even magical abilities. Moreover, players get a taste of Geralt’s flexibility as a fighter thanks to The Witcher 3‘s dynamic combat system. As such, wouldn’t it be awesome to have even just some of Geralt’s abilities in real life?

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Unfortunately, all things do come with a price. And as it turns out, accessing a Witcher’s abilities in the real world might make anyone too dangerous. Moreover, people tapping into Geralt’s skillset might also break physics. Just how dangerous would a Witcher’s powers be?

10 Conjunction Of The Spheres

The Conjunction of the Spheres describes a cataclysmic event involving the collision of parallel universes. Moreover, this event sent both creatures and Magic itself to The Witcher‘s setting.

Since The Witcher confirms the existence of parallel universes, fans may assume that the String Theory should be true to some fashion in The Witcher‘s world. As such, there could be around as many as 10 Dimensions, all of which affecting spacetime in different ways. Albeit not a kind of power itself, the Conjunction does build upon the very power magically-attuned people tap into.

9 Magic And Dimensions

Since Magic involves “tapping” into Chaos to produce a spellcaster’s desired effect, then Magic is manipulating the interactions of dimensions that describe The Witcher‘s Multiverse. In short, Magic brings forth the desired effect from another dimension through the manipulation of probability.

Going back to String Theory’s 10 Dimensions, the Theory assumes that the world has six other dimensions outside the conventional four (3 space + 1 time). For instance, some dimensions contain parallel universes (5th) and the possibility of manipulating them (6th). Meanwhile, higher dimensions also describe (7th) and manipulate (8th) universes with different laws of physics. Lastly, the highest-possible dimensions grant access to all alternate multiverses at once (9th), with the 10th Dimension describing everything imaginable. If applied in the real world, then Magic would result in the manipulation of events through these dimensions.

8 Chaos And Probability

Magic in The Witcher describes a manifestation of Chaos, a primordial force that exists in all of creation. Through Chaos, Magic can physically manipulate the reality around them (-kinesis) or observe it in some way (-mancy). If transformed into the real world, Chaos seems to serve as a manifestation of probability, which makes creative sense.

In quantum physics, probability describes the way any system — usually a particle — behaves at any given time. Unfortunately, systems usually can’t be described unless they’re observed — which is why Shrodinger’s Cat is both dead and alive until people open the box. Moreover, scientists describe the cat as being in “superposition,” or being in multiple states at once. Chaos in The Witcher seems to be superposition manipulated via probability. As such, this phenomenon explains why spellcasters, if left unchecked, end up insane and extremely dangerous. After all, without proper study, an untrained mage can end up dishing out spells they can’t control.

7 Spells And Time Travel

Sci-fi fans categorize an event as a form of “time travel” if it leads to the manipulation of any course of events. People become “time travelers” if they change history. However, if someone “magically” conjures a sword from an armory in a parallel universe, didn’t the sword also “time travel”?

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Ergo, wouldn’t the bolt of lightning from the spell Alzur’s Thunder just be the legendary Alzur forcing a bolt of lightning from another point in history (or universe) to time travel towards his foes? Would this mean Yennefer’s invisibility amulet on Geralt work because of some probability tinkering?

6 Dimensions Versus Luck

Thanks to Witcher Signs, a Witcher with proper training can produce the most minimal magical effects of elements around them. Interestingly, the above points can help Geralt produce the effects of Signs in a variety of ways, all of which seem very implausible with normal physics. This first hypothesis assumes that Magic literally produces effects from different dimensions. In this case, Magic may tap into the 5th Dimension to conjure effects otherwise impossible with “normal” physics. Thanks to Magic, Geralt taps into the 6th Dimension to find a universe where a telekinetic blast can come out of thin air and bring it to his world through the Aard Sign.

Alternatively, Magic simply forces probability to grant the caster incredible luck — a favorable outcome. In this case, Geralt’s Magic manipulates probability to such an extent that it forces an outcome where the Agni gesture “somehow” unleashes a telekinetic blast.

5 Aard And Quen: Bounce, Bounce!

As mentioned, Witcher Signs manifest the basic forms of magical effects for most fast-paced use. However, it seems some Signs may have crazy effects once combined with one another. For instance, the Aard Sign allows a Witcher to manipulate kinetic energy to unleash a telekinetic in front or around the caster. Moreover, Quen generates an active shield that shatters once hit with a significantly-powerful attack.

Theoretically, Geralt can propel himself to different directions when casting Aard on certain angles. In fact, he may be able to leap incredible distances with a powerful-enough Aard on the ground. Moreover, casting Quen while landing may be enough to cushion a high fall. In fact, such a fall might give Geralt enough time to cast another Aard, and then a Quen — effectively making him a Witcher in a force field.

4 Yrden: The Best Tinfoil Hat

Thanks to the Yrden Sign, hostile forces towards Geralt can be halted on their tracks. This Sign not only makes a slowing area but its upgraded versions actually damage enemies and revealed incorporeal ones. Interestingly, since The Witcher demonstrates most creatures as from “outside” their original universe, then wouldn’t Yrden be a ward against extraterrestrials?

In essence, Yrden existing inside The Witcher universe may prove not just the existence of creatures from various parallel universes. However, this may prove that other creatures outside The Witcher‘s world — in that same universe — may also exist.

3 Axii: Minds Are Magic

With the Axii Sign, Witchers like Geralt become capable of swaying conversations to their favor by making themselves more favorable to people they want to affect. Yes, this Sign is somehow a form of brainwashing. Interestingly enough, the existence of such a Sign does pose some questions regarding the nature of minds in The Witcher.

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Remember, only those with an affinity to magic can cast spells. As such, not everyone can become a Source and tap into Chaos. However, if an Axii can “charm” a person enough to turn on a friend for a short while, would this mean Axii can transport an entire consciousness from a dimension where Person A is mad at, instead of friendly, at Person B?

2 Dimeritium Items

Albeit not a power, the existence of Dimeritium in The Witcher does spark some intrigue towards its origin. This mysterious blue alloy can somehow suppress Magic. Of course, given the theories above, a mage can simply use Magic to “will” the Dimeritium out of existence — to be destroyed or crumble into pieces. However, it’s interesting if Magic itself doesn’t affect Dimeritium at all.

Going by the premise that Magic serves as a manifestation of probability in action, then would this mean Dimeritium cannot be influenced by time-altering effects? If so, where exactly did Dimeritium come from? Moreover, just how powerful could someone be if they can somehow manipulate Dimeritium?

1 The Second Conjunction

Albeit not a power itself, both the novels and the games seem to intentionally avoid sharing any specific details on the Conjunction. Moreover, in Wild Hunt, it appears the Conjunction can happen numerously, with unknown causes. As such, it won’t be impossible for a powerful Source to cause a Conjunction to happen — intentionally, or otherwise.

For instance, one could say that a Source can cause a Conjunction by manipulating the 6th Dimension on a grand scale. Whereas most spellcasters only take “fragments” within the 6th Dimension to cast spells, a Source can manipulate entire universes should they have enough control of their power.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: The 5 Strongest Monsters (& 5 Weakest)


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