Undertaker Explains How He Would Wrestle a Fall Guys Character

It was not long ago that Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout was king of the gaming world. The game’s popularity has dropped off somewhat, but not too much. New screenshots of Fall Guys Season 2 have been released, making it clear there’s still more to come.

For many, one of the best parts of Fall Guys is the appeal of its characters: the Fall Guys beans themselves. From their design to their penchant for dressing up in costumes, they’re a model for future character designers. This was on the minds of some when they posed a certain question to the Undertaker.

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Fall Guys has a good relationship with its fan community, and that fan community is involved with others. In fact, it’s the Fall Guys community that’s naming the next big obstacle in the game. Counted among the Fall Guys fans is Gaming Bible, an organization that reached out to the Undertaker to figure out how he would take on a Fall Guy bean. If anyone is qualified to answer the question of how to wrestle one, it’s probably the Undertaker, himself a now-retired WWE legend. While a simple statement would have done, the Undertaker actually gave an answer in video form.

No doubt adding to the lore of Fall Guys with his insight, the Undertaker shared his insight on battling the beany boys. He stated that his battle plan would simply be to keep the bean’s momentum going in one direction and never stop. Because the Fall Guys beans are notoriously hard to control once they’re staggering, the Undertaker reasons, enough force could cause them to stagger right off a cliff. Thus his plan is: keep them off-balanced and continuously shoved while fighting in a high place.

It seems like a simple but effective plan, and players have already proved that shoving is effective in game. In fact, with all the fan creations and suggestions, it’s amazing Fall Guys wrestling has not become a thing yet. Maybe it will be included in one of the many Fall Guys fan comics in the near future, or maybe it will become a game mode one day.

It’s not like Fall Guys isn’t already interacting with professional sports and other entertainment, after all. The LA Chargers played Fall Guys in its new stadium recently, and they are not the only high profile people to play the game publically. It’s safe to say there’s still more silliness to explore with Fall Guys in the near future.

Fall Guys is available on PC and PS4.

MORE: Fall Guys – How to get the Infallible Trophy


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