A powerful Pokémon is a force to be reckoned with. Whether it is its ability to overcome type weaknesses, its capacity to overwhelm its opponent with great speed or powerful attacks, its newfound potential for learning new, more effective techniques. Having a strong, fully-evolved Pokémon in a trainer’s team is a great boon for them, and can greatly help them turn the tide of a losing battle in their favor. For that reason, the numerous, fully-evolved Pokémon Ash has befriended throughout the Pokémon anime run are held with great regard by fans of the franchise.
Still, and even among Ash’s elite Pokémon, Greninja manages to stand out for its unique ability to use a strong buff dubbed ‘Ash-Greninja’ that exemplifies the strong bond Ash has with his partner Pokémon. This places his Greninja in the same ballpark as the mighty Mega-Evolved Pokémon, introduced in the XY season, in terms of strength.
10 How Did Ash Get His Greninja?

From an early age, Froakie displayed a flair for fighting. The little frog would regularly leave the other Froakie to play while it trained by itself. This tendency later proved dangerous as it provoked its peers to attack it and its injuries placed it in the Pokémon hospital. Professor Sycamore grabbed Froakie after it healed and tried to offer it as a starter to aspiring trainers several times. However, the obstinate Pokémon always rebelled after they don’t prove themselves worthy to it. It only agreed to become Ash’s partner after he showed passion and compassion.
From here on, Froakie and its trainer went through trial after trial where their resolve was tested and bonds tightened. This culminated with Frogadier’s evolution to Greninja and the Pokémon’s use of the synergistic form mentioned earlier to defeat Bisharp. Greninja’s power, and its novel form, were the driving force behind getting Ash the 8 badges needed to qualify for the Kalos League and was the centerpiece in his strategy to get to the finals. Greninja also happens to be the strongest Water-type Pokémon Ash has ever caught.
9 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Grass-Type Pokémon?

Each of Ash’s Grass Pokémon had a unique quality going for it. Bulbasaur was super versatile, Bayleef utilized its weight as well its ability for distant attacks, Torterra was a bulky juggernaut, Leavanny could use Bug-type moves. But Sceptile managed to be the most memorable due to its high speed and effective, and cool, attacks that greatly helped Ash during the third season league. Its victory against Blazekin also highlights how effective Ash’s training was even against a higher-level Pokémon.
8 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Fire-Type Pokémon?

The competition in this category is fierce! Ash partnered with several spectacular Fire-type Pokémon throughout the series. Infernape was a ferocious Fighter/Fire hybrid that earned Ash his victory against Paul, his nemesis in the Sinnoh league. Incineroar evolved from Torracat after securing the victory for Ash against Kukui.
Charizard is one of the most popular Pokémon in the entire franchise, and one of the biggest contributors to Ash’s victory in the Orange league. In a direct confrontation, Charizard beat the other Pokémon because of its Flying-type, but it could be argued that Infernape has the most effective combination of moveset and stats. Once Mega-Evolution is taken into consideration, however, Charizard takes the lead by a wide margin.
7 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Electric-Type Pokémon?

This is where the mascot of the franchise, and the most popular Pokémon of all, makes its sparkling entry! Pikachu is the first Pokémon Ash got, and the one that stayed with him the longest. It has raked up the highest number of wins among all of Ash’s Pokémon and is, presumably, the trainer’s highest level Pokémon. Other Pokémon Ash owned could learn Electric-type moves, including Naganadel and other Dragon-type Pokémon, but they never used them as effectively and as reliably as the yellow electric rodent.
6 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Dragon-Type Pokémon?

Ash caught his first Dragon-type Pokémon as late as the fourth season, so the trainer is somewhat green when it comes to training these Pokémon, especially considering how difficult this type is to train. But along came the XY season and it showed that Ash is more than capable when dealing with this powerful type. Noivern and Goodra were both incredibly strong, and their relationship with Ash was tight and heartwarming. Goodra is a Psuedo-Legendary Pokémon and is one of the toughest high-defense dragons in the game.
Pokémon Journeys, the newest season, has Ash catching a rare Dragonite early on, so it is yet to be seen whether this Pokémon will prove itself worthy of the accolades its Dragon-type indicates.
5 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Flying-Type Pokémon?

Considering how popular Flying is as a secondary type, it is difficult to answer this question without using specific criteria. Pidgeot, Unfezant, Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Staraptor are all tough bird Pokémon, with Hawlucha being the standout due to its offensively competent Fighter-Flying combo as well as its unique design. The shiny Noctowl from the Second Generation is, so far, Ash’s only shiny Pokémon.
Looking beyond birds, however, most of these are overshadowed by their more powerful peers, with the newly introduced Dragonite having the most potential to become Ash’s strongest sky-roaming Pokémon.
4 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Fighter-Type Pokémon?

Going back to the previous category, it is easy to have two different outcomes depending on what criteria are applied when picking the strongest Fighting Pokémon. Primeape is Ash’s only pure Fighter-type Pokémon. By loosening the restrictions a little bit Hawlucha, Heracross, and Infernape become viable candidates due to their double type. Both Heracross and Infernape can fit the bill considering their sheer power, but with its extreme speed, type-advantage, and all the victories it won, Infernape proves itself worthy of the title.
3 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Metal-Type Pokémon?

Not only did Ash become the Champion of Alola in Sun and Moon, but he ended up catching his first Mythical Pokémon, too. And what a Pokémon it is! Melmetal’s physical attack and defense stats are through the roof, and its pure Steel-type can withstand the attacks of more than half the other types. In addition, it was announced that the Pokémon will be given a Gigantamax form in the upcoming Sword and Shield expansion, so the already ludicrously potent Pokémon will be given an even more titanic boost!
2 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Normal-Type Pokémon?

Due to its absence throughout most of the series, and its rare presence being relegated to gag character status, many fans forget how crucial Snorlax was in bringing Ash to where he is today. It was Ash’s secret weapon during multiple battles in the anime and helped him beat the odds on multiple occasions, especially during his match against Gary. Snorlax was also a notorious hurdle to overcome when fighting Ash at the end of the Gen-II games and by far his strongest Pokémon. Even in the newer iterations of the game, Snorlax remains a true heavyweight champion.
1 Which Is Ash’s Strongest Bug-Type Pokémon?

Ash didn’t own that many Bug-type Pokemon. However, the one he did more than proved themselves worthy of training. Heracross stands out here. It was the closest to being the team’s ace during the third season of the show and is a generally beloved Pokémon in the fanbase. Its Bug-Fighter type is unique and efficient, even if it fails against Flying Pokémon, and its stats lean towards the upper end with decent speed and strong physical attacks.

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