It’s Star Wars Vs. Star Trek as Mark Hamill Stars in New Uber Eats ad

It’s one of the perpetual geek debates, raging for decades and  sure to last forever: which is better, Star Trek or Star Wars? Well, luckily Uber Eats decided to cook something fun out of it by taking two of the series’ most iconic actors and pitting them against each other in their new ad campaign to deliver a fantastic payoff.

Though mainly known for their lead roles in their respective franchises, both Mark Hamill and Sir Patrick Stewart have always stayed busy, with Hamill being one of the most popular voice actors around, largely in part for his Joker role; and Stewart becoming more familiar to younger audiences for his appearances in the X-Men movies, but also most recently for starring in  Star Trek: Picard.

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In the first commercial in the series both actors can be seen walking up to each other in a rather challenging manner, but instead sporting their respective lightsaber and phaser, Hamill brings a baseball bat to the fight, while Sir Patrick Stewart aptly dons a cricket paddle.

The pair are shown exclaiming their dinner choices for the evening and poking fun at each other with puns taken directly from Star Wars, as Stewart tells Hamill that “daddy’s not here to save him”, in a clear reference to the legendary Skywalker story arc, but ending after Hamill’s comeback sends them into an awkward fade out.

Other ads in the series show Hamill’s force powers fade for a second as his food delivery arrives in the middle of an air hockey match, as well as having him and Stewart play Connect Four while they wait for their orders. Both of these are 15 second commercials, funny enough by themselves, but the longer main ad is the big winner here.

Though some actors will go to great lengths to distance themselves from their most popular roles, both Hamill and Stewart have always been more than happy to indulge in a bit of fan service. They are now, and will always be, Luke and Jean-Luc to millions of fans, and they’re ok with that.

MORE: Star Trek Alum Will Be Directing Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episodes

Source: YouTube


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