The Sims: 10 Features We Need In Real Life ASAP | Game Rant

Fans of The Sims know just how much fun it gets to set up a virtual home for a virtual family. After all, as Sims games progress, players can become increasingly creative with their ideal homes and ideal lives. As such, expansions and other updates throughout The Sims 2The Sims 3, and The Sims 4 all bring a unique flavor for players to enjoy. Moreover, these features allow players to make ordinary apartments, humble cottages, or even massive mansions.

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However, wouldn’t it be awesome if players actually got to use some of The Sims features in real life? After all, life may turn out extra convenient with an extra menu here or some features there. Thing is, just which features in The Sims would make life more awesome?

10 Fast Forward

Days sometimes end up too boring or uneventful because of things such as school and overtime. Wouldn’t it be awesome to just fast forward past those hours and end up when it’s the most fun? In The Sims, players can fast forward past some tasks and “resume” normal time once all the boring things are over and done with.

In the game, this helps players fulfill both basic Sim needs and still have room to do fun things. However, in the real world, a fast forward mechanic becomes real neat for people who want to skip doing eight hours of work or school.

9 Everything Is A Statistic

People tend to be complicated because the human mind is perhaps the most difficult thing to study across all scientific fields. As such, physicians and psychologists take time to identify medical conditions and psychological evaluations. Thankfully, in The Sims, almost everything about a Sim appears as a statistic or a measurable value. As such, Sims easily show their various needs, moods, and emotions in easy-to-access interfaces.

Players can also get a better idea of how their Sims act, thanks to well-defined traits, aspirations, and even whims. Lastly, memories get neatly stored in an accessible interface. These qualities make interacting with other Sims much easier. In real life, these values could be a handy way for people to understand each other, but most importantly, to understand themselves and their various needs.

8 Know Life’s Purpose

Philosophers, drinking sessions, and meditative exercises often have a hard time finding out the purpose of one’s life. Wouldn’t it be neat if people just knew what their purpose in life is, so they can work towards it? In The Sims, aspirations help determine a Sim’s overall goal throughout their lifetime. However, what’s awesome is that the game shows the steps to attaining these aspirations, and even how to gain more within their lifetime.

In the real world, aspirations can become a handy way to let others know their true calling or special skillsets. Moreover, this feature will eliminate hassling things such as quarter-life crises or mid-life crises, and people can instead proceed to make a change in the world in exactly the way they’re meant to. No more sad memes about life’s purpose, just wholesome ones!

7 Mastery Is In Repetition

Sims can interact with many objects and trigger special actions. These include lifting with exercise equipment, cleaning with brooms, or even painting with easels. Interestingly, just the act of doing these things will earn Sims some skill points. Moreover, doing these things over and over again will eventually help Sims gain “mastery” over these Skills. That’s pretty neat!

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In the real world, people could become Da Vincis just by repeating the same task over and over again. Granted, some might say that this feature already exists in real life – called “practice.” However, unlike in The Sims, people need to stop being lazy first before they get to practice!

6 Never Shop Again

Look, a lot of people love shopping. However, sometimes shopping just fails to entertain. After all, hours of going back and forth from stalls to get the best price for the best clothes can get tiring pretty easily. Moreover, haggling for a bargain in thrift stores and fitting a grocery list on a budget can become hassling if done for the ninth time. Sure, the convenience of online shopping makes the entire shopping process online – but people have to worry about delivery fees, unpacking, and setting up their new furniture.

In The Sims, Buy Mode eliminates all of the hassles in shopping for anything. Thanks to Buy Mode, players get a neat interface where they can buy almost anything without having to explore an entire mall. Moreover, products of their choice instantly appear in their designated spots! Talk about convenience!

5 Just Pause

Sometimes, people just need a break. After all, things can become easily panicky when people suddenly get reminded that they forgot to buy something or set something up at home. In The Sims, players can remove all of that panic with its nifty Edit Mode. This mode puts the entire household on pause, as it allows players to modify their house without interrupting anything their Sims are doing.

In today’s fast-paced life where deadlines are everything, that handy pause button becomes a necessity. Or maybe someone just needs to squeeze in some levels in an MMO before they go back to studying.

4 Zero Unemployment, Art Pays

Given today’s global economy, not everyone can get a stable paying job. Unfortunately, this situation sucks – bills can’t pay themselves, and people need to feed their families. Moreover, creative-oriented jobs such as writers and artists tend to have a harder time finding work due to differing industry demands.

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In The Sims, work barely becomes a problem. A Sim can get work by simply reading the newspaper or going online via a computer. In fact, an artistically-inclined Sim can produce pieces of artwork that they can sell for increasing prices the more they practice. Granted, this perhaps serves as the game’s way to get rid of work taking too much of a Sim’s time. However, people in the real world could use a fix that lets them work however they want.

3 Ridiculously Fast Lives

Some stages in life can be extremely hassling, stressful, and downright frustrating. For instance, toddlers may have wanted to become adults so they can partake in “adult conversations.” Meanwhile, teens and adults might want to zoom past college to just get a job and live life as they see fit.

In The Sims, ridiculously-fast lives of Sims skip the many months or years that humans usually endure growing out of puberty or even being in school. After all, the game has set Short, Normal, and Long lifespans that last around 50, 95, and 365 in-game days each. It could be extremely convenient if humans had that much control over their lifespan.

2 Create The Perfect Sim

The very essence of Create-a-Sim assumes that players take on the role of an all-powerful creator tasked to create Sims in their own image. However, in earlier titles, when Sims do the WooHoo, the babies they create end up with random appearances and traits. In recent entries, players who help their toddlers grow up “properly” may end up picking various traits as they grow towards adulthood.

Alright, so the ability to “customize” a person’s attitude or trait would spark an entire debate on the ethics of eugenics and genetic manipulation. However, the idea of being able to “change” people and turn them into inherently nicer beings does seem appealing in this day and age.

1 Become A Supernatural

In The Sims, creatures other than Sims or pets actually exist in their canon. While many of them appear in the earlier titles as special “guests,” they become a common occurrence in modern releases. As such, these special Sims or pets, categorized as “occult,” “creatures” or a “Life State,” take on appearances and abilities that resemble real-world myths, legends, and stories.

As such, The Sims 4 and other expansions introduces vampires, aliens, ghosts, mermaids, spellcasters, or even servos. In fact, other Sims can become werewolves, fairies, witches, or even genies. Just imagine the sheer amount of awesome people you could become if these options became available in real life. And on the plus side, these creatures don’t require any monster hunters or vampire slayers to keep watch!

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