The Witcher: The 5 Worst Things That Happened To Geralt (& The 5 Worst He Ever Did)

Geralt of Rivia is currently one of the most popular characters in pop culture. With the Witcher getting its own Netflix series, he has virtually become a household name. However, the character has a much longer history spanning a litany of literary works, and of course, games.

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Throughout his adventures, Geralt of Rivia has committed deeds both good and bad. He has left virtually everyone he has met with a special impression, either that of a hero or that of a villain. This complex character has had terrible things happen to him in his quests, though he has also shown the ability to commit equally atrocious acts to others in the pursuit of his goals.

10 Has Happened To Him: Abandoned By Visenna

The moment Geralt’s life began he was already dealt a pretty bad hand. His mother, the sorceress Visenna, almost immediately abandoned Geralt and left him with the witcher School of the Wolf at Kaer Morhen.

This act would not only deprive Geralt of a mother figure, but it would also take away his agency and choice, destining him to an unavoidable fate as a witcher. Fortunately, Geralt would eventually turn out to be a better parent than his mother.

9 Has Done: Murdered Countless People

While most of the people that Geralt has killed left him with no choice, Geralt is no stranger to killing when such an act could have been avoided. Geralt’s first instance of avoidable bloodshed was ruthlessly murdering a Kaedweni soldier following the betrayal of the Cat School.

This soldier did not need to die, and Geralt only killed him as an act of vengeance in the name of his fellow witchers. Not to mention that Geralt’s personality seems to draw him toward situations where violence is the best solution.

8 Has Happened To Him: Put Through The Witcher Trials

Witchers not only have a longer life span, but they are also faster, more agile, stronger, and all-around better fighters than typical humans. They also have the ability to use very basic magic in the form of signs.

The method witchers acquire these abilities is through brutal trials, primarily the Trial of the Grasses (among others), and mutagens that provide these engineered monster hunters with superhuman abilities. This process is extremely deadly, and for those that survive, traumatizing.

7 Has Done: Allowed Yennefer To Perform The Trial Of The Grasses On Uma

While most of the blame should be rightfully placed upon Yennefer in this instance, Geralt nonetheless allowed and even assisted her in performing the most perilous witcher trial on Uma.

This transgression becomes even more severe when considering the fact that a good part of Geralt believed that Uma could have potentially been his adoptive daughter, Ciri, suffering from a curse.

6 Has Happened To Him: Banished From Blaviken Despite Saving The Townsfolk

Witchers have superhuman abilities, in addition to this, they have frightening features, the combination of these two makes for frequent misunderstandings between the monster hunters and the common folk. It is not uncommon for witchers to be misinterpreted as the villain when in reality, they are the hero.

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A prime example of this is how Geralt received his nickname the Butcher of Blaviken. While saving a town from being taken hostage by bandits, Geralt had no choice but to kill these thugs in armed combat. After witnessing a man killing multiple assailants with inhuman speed and precision, the townsfolk naturally came to the false conclusion that Geralt was the monster.

5 Has Done: Routinely Placing Ciri In Positions Of Danger

Geralt is certainly a better parent than his mother was, though he will not be winning any “dad of the year” awards anytime soon. While Ciri is certainly capable on her own, this does not mean Geralt should be putting herself in so many situations where she is in direct danger.

Throughout the Witcher 3, it is even implied (dependent on player choices) that Geralt even encourages her to pursue the life of a witcher, something no healthy parent should wish for their child.

4 Has Happened To Him: Repeatedly Taken Advantage Of By Women

Despite his apparent intelligence, Geralt seems to be quite easy to manipulate. This fact is especially true for women, and even more so for those with a flair for magic. From Renfri, to Keira Metz, and even more serious love interests such as Yennefer and Triss.

Geralt is constantly being tricked into situations he would rather avoid. This pattern of behavior has become so habitual that it’s shocking how Geralt’s friends have yet to stage an intervention.

3 Has Done: Avoided Romantic Commitment

While Geralt seems to develop feelings for more than one special lady throughout the games, his readiness to commit can vary based on player decisions. Even if one chooses to shoot the straight path, Geralt still finds himself in far too many steamy situations.

Case in point, during the Hearts of Stone DLC, Geralt has the option to have an affair with Shani, completely consequence-free as it relates to his main love interest.

2 Has Happened To Him: Lost His Memory

Due to temporarily being a rider in the Wild Hunt, Geralt had lost his memory for a period of time. This was a difficult period of time for him, one that led to even more infidelity with Triss refusing to inform Geralt of his initial love interest.

Romance aside, Geralt was in a world of hurt, searching for his loved ones, being chased by Eredin and his riders, and had no memory. This could be the worst ordeal Geralt has endured, even surpassing the witcher Trials.

1 Has Done: Rode With The Wild Hunt

For a brief period in 1270 Geralt counted himself among the riders of the Wild Hunt. While he did this to save his romantic partner, Yennefer, this does not excuse the atrocities most likely committed by Geralt as a Rider.

The games do not go into any detail regarding this period in Geralt’s life, though it can be readily assumed Geralt partook in the slaughter and enslavement of countless innocents.

NEXT: 10 Times Witcher 3 Referenced Your Favorite Movies, Series, & Books


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