Whether it was through its work on the Halo franchise or in more recent years with Destiny 2, Bungie has never shied away from hiding Easter eggs in its games. Players have continually been on the hunt for secrets with each new release which include a lot of real world references like the hidden NASA emblem to other video game nods such as a World of Warcraft raid boss reference in the Menagerie or the callback to Grunt Birthday Party. Recently, fans have discovered another classic Bungie link hiding in plain sight inside Destiny 2.
With only a few weeks left in the currently extended Season of Arrivals, fans have been working to earn the Forerunner Seal before it gets sunset permanently when Destiny 2: Beyond Light launches in November. The symbol itself has an interesting look to it, looking like a round maze of sorts. Interestingly enough, fans have discovered a link to this seal to a classic myth involving a Labyrinth under the Palace of Knossos on Crete.
The icon itself is identical to the labyrinth which held a minotaur on the island of Crete. According to the myth, the minotaur was named Asterion, held in the Labyrinth of Daedalus and eventually slayed the hero Theseus. However, the connections don’t stop there. A few days ago, Bungie officially revealed the upcoming map of Europa, the latest destination set to be introduced inside of Beyond Light. While the location is full of Hellenic references, one managed to stand out from the rest. The eastern location of Europa is coincidentally named Asterion Abyss, an area clearly named after the famous Minotaur, as well as one of the Kings of Crete who was married to Europa.

As fans add all these links and connections up, their inclusions don’t seem to be random. In fact, it’s recently been discovered that all of this could be a big callback to a classic Bungie title. Bungie’s current CCO Jason Jones originally partnered with co-founder Alex Seropian in 1992 to create a game called Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete. With this game being one of Bungie’s earliest titles before the studio became known for legendary franchises like Halo and Destiny, many fans see the seal connection as a nod to the studio’s history.
Considering that Europa is heavily influenced with Hellenic names and references like the boatman Charon, fans should be prepared for a wealth of hidden secrets and Easter eggs waiting for them on the icy moon. In fact, fans have already begun to try and decipher what many feel are hidden messages in trailers, theorizing that the Darkness race of enemies called The Veil could finally be making an appearance.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available on November 10 for PC, PS4, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. The PS5 version should be available November 12 for PS5.
Source: Reddit

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