Video games are a passion for many, and communities form when people get together online or in-person to share their passion. Sometimes those communities can share more than just their love of play, and hearts can open up and go much deeper. Players can end up sharing pieces of their real lives too, like stories of lost loved ones, such as five-year-old Sarah who tragically died of brain cancer, but was immortalized in MechWarrior Online. A similar beautiful memorial was recently found in Fallout 76, which caused a coming together of players in the community to share their own stories.
The Fallout franchise is no stranger to memorials for loved ones lost. Fallout 4 featured a fan’s brother named Evan turned into a kind NPC in its Nuka-World DLC. Fallout 76 has a massive immersive world that allows players to build and do whatever they want, which includes touching memorials to those who have passed.
A Redditor by the name of whatshertoast shared a screenshot of a beautiful memorial they discovered by Foxylilium for their mother whom they lost. The beautiful memorial features a careful gathering of cacti, flowers, and other beautiful plants, as well as an acoustic guitar set next to chair, waiting to be played.
The comments on the post are full of others sharing their well-wishes for Foxylilium and expressing their desire to visit the memorial to pay their respects. Many in the comments also shared their heartbreaking stories of those they have lost, like QuietPig who identified with the frog in the memorial. QuietPig reminisces on their childhood of collecting frogs and frog things with their mother, and how Fallout 76’s swamp full of frogs allowed them to continue their hobby after their mother’s passing.
There have been plenty of loving memorials in video games over the years, like when Star Wars fans came together in Star Wars: The Old Republic to pay tribute to Carrie Fisher after her passing in 2016. Carrie Fisher’s Leia was an important inspiration to an entire generation of young girls and women, helping them see themselves as a sci-fi hero.
More recently, players have been visiting the new Black Panther statue in Fortnite to pay respect to Chadwick Boseman. Chadwick Boseman was loved for his portrayal of Black Panther, a symbol to millions of fans the world over.
Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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