10 Longest PS3 JRPGs (& How Long They Take To Beat) | Game Rant

The PlayStation 3 definitely had a rocky start from the get-go due to a poor launch campaign and a high price of entry. However, over time, one can’t deny that this console definitely picked up ground due to the sheer number of quality titles present on this prestigious platform. It remains one of the more revolutionary consoles in the industry due to its push for Blu-Ray technology, which has pretty much become the norm in modern gaming systems.

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One thing that Sony should be lauded for is its unwavering support for JRPGs, which have still managed to stay relevant on the platform to this day. The PlayStation 3 was no exception to this rule, featuring a bevy of amazing JRPGs with tight combat, brilliant visuals, amazing stories, memorable characters… and massive runtimes that would keep fans occupied for months on end.

Keeping the final point in mind, here are ten of the longest RPGs to ever grace the PlayStation 3.

10 White Knight Chronicles — 70 Hours

One of the more unique games on this list, White Knight Chronicles is definitely a game that any JRPG connoisseur should definitely check out.

The game might not have had the best critical reception, but it fills a niche that most games generally don’t. So, any fan of JRPGs might definitely find themselves right at home with this brilliant title, which will definitely keep them occupied for at least 70 hours, if not more.

9 Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell Of Ar Ciel — 73.5 Hours

The winner of the most convoluted title on this list, Ar Tonelico Qoga is easily an RPG that anyone can sink hours upon hours without even realizing when the time just flew by.

It’s easily one of the most overlooked JRPGs on the system, and a must-play for anyone who wishes to check out some truly underrated games on this platform.

8 Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch — 74.5 Hours

Arguably the most beautiful game on this list, Ni No Kuni is easily one of the easiest recommendations one can make while recommending good JRPGs.

The first game gave off a Studio Ghibli-esque vibe with its art style, enthralling people with the sheer polish present in the title. Ni No Kuni quickly became a must-play for PS3 console owners, and the sequel made everything bigger, better, and more enjoyable.

Whether the second game is longer than the first is definitely up for debate, since both games have massive playtimes.

7 Final Fantasy XIII — 83.5 Hours

The idea of playing Final Fantasy XIII might not be that appealing for anyone who’s heard about the reception surrounding this title, but there’s no denying the fact that the game is a fairly solid JRPG with a massive runtime.

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Fans who decide to give this game the benefit of the doubt will be treated to one of the most spectacular-looking JRPGs around, fueled by a tight combat system that is definitely more involved than any other Final Fantasy title up to that point.

6 Tales Of Xillia 2 — 85 Hours

The Tales series has become an unsung hero in the JRPG community, with their latest title — Tales Of Berseria — being the one instance when the series finally received some much-needed recognition for what was a brilliant game.

However, veterans of the series will also point at the Tales Of Xillia duology when it comes to talking about great Tales games. The second one stands out in comparison to the former due to its massive runtime, which will surely satiate any JRPG fan’s hunger.

5 Resonance Of Fate — 85.5 Hours

One of the weirder and more underrated JRPGs on this list, Resonance Of Fate is a stylish game that makes the act of running and gunning one of the most entertaining acts in the game that pretty much never gets old.

However, it’s also one of the more challenging games on this list, and a major part of this 80+ hour runtime will be spent looking at a slew of Game Over screens.

4 Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten — 130 Hours

It was pretty much inevitable that a list talking about some of the longest JRPGs of all time would inevitably mention the Disgaea series, which is notorious for padding out their runtime with ridiculous challenges that take hours upon hours to finish.

Even after a playthrough that stretches well over a 100 hours, players will be nowhere near completing some of the hardest challenges in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, which are truly crafted for the most psychotic JRPG player ever.

3 Persona 5 — 142 Hours

The wait for Persona 5 was truly excruciating, with multiple delays preventing fans from getting their hands on the newest chapter in the series. However, this extended wait was more than worth it, since Persona 5 ended up being one of the greatest JRPGs ever made.

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Words cannot explain what makes the 100 or so hours in Persona 5 one of the most worthwhile time periods spent on any video game, and players — especially JRPG fans — need to try this game out sooner than later to understand what makes this title tick.

2 White Knight Chronicles II — 150 Hours

While the first White Knight Chronicles game might’ve been fairly long in its own right, it’s the sequel that truly pushes the boundaries when it comes to sporting a ridiculous runtime.

The time mentioned might be 150 hours, but it must be said that fans who wish to accomplish all the challenges present in the game will definitely be nowhere near completing these hurdles.

Speaking of which…

1 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice — 200 Hours

Any JRPG veteran would’ve pretty much guessed that a Disgaea game would top this list, and Disgaea 3 definitely doesn’t disappoint when it comes to sporting a massive amount of content that would keep fans busy for ages.

There’s talk of players spending more than 500 hours on this title to achieve everything the game has to offer — a ridiculous runtime, which pretty much justifies the placement of this game as the longest JRPG ever featured on the PS3.

NEXT: 10 JRPGs That Can Be Beaten Surprisingly Fast


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